Ultramagaking 1 point ago +1 / -0

More happenings: 48B to Ukraine, Brandon letting boys in girls bathrooms or else no funding, a few gun control false flags, complete media silence of Susanna trial and the 2,000 Mules documentary, total unawareness from normies about these meetings in Davos where these psychopaths blatantly just take turns talking about their agenda openly, the wheels of justice continuing to turn very, very, very slowly which is making many anons feel demoralized. I’ve seen too many “happenings” post over the last few years to not OD on hopium.

Ultramagaking 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah is it possible for people like that to remain anonymous and be used to redeploy all over the country for events as such to conglomerate and remain hidden in small towns? They can travel to false flags together. It’s really convenient if you think about it.

Ultramagaking 3 points ago +3 / -0

Easy, apparently no anons in that town of 15-16K. If so, we have at least one anon on here declaring they live there and have a sibling at the school saying that they do not know or have ever seen any of those kids before, but it never happens that way. It’s just like all the other staged shootings.

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Ultramagaking 1 point ago +2 / -1

Wait, so it’s drain the swamp, refill the swamp, and try to drain it all over in 2024? That sounds like political theatre if that’s the plan. Yeah, I’m feeling “fuck everything” and watch and worry about myself unless proven otherwise. Seems like they’re all cucks. It’d be nice to go live off the grid in peace and not have to deal with the gay NWO BS.

Ultramagaking 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not dooming, I’ve forgotten password on several accounts on GA.WIN. I’ve had early Covid twitter accounts get suspended, was on GAB, Parler, and Truth social. I’ve digested about as much information as possible over the years. In the end, I’m always stuck dwelling on the fact I’ll only be left with watching my own back amidst all of this BS. I feel like no psy-ops will work on me or else I’d be a docile sheep. Up vote or down vote that seemingly black pilled yet meaningless comment I made above (IDC), I’m just making a scene on the open forum that is the censored internet of 2022. GA.WIN just so happens to be the front door which also makes for a great exit whenever I’m ready to go off the grid of social media and the normie programmed reality and have discussions about the actual real world.

Ultramagaking 2 points ago +3 / -1

Based on this video, Trump is compromised as well. All presidents are masons, and masons are the foot soldiers at the bottom of the pyramid. Alright, give me an alternative narrative to tell me I’m wrong…

Ultramagaking 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rewatching the Sandy Hook stuff yesterday was the same. The guy giving two stories. The school bus with kids who stopped by and took shelter for 30 minutes before he called anyone vs him saying they were at the edge of the driveway with a guy. They truly do wing these events.

Ultramagaking 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah the fact it was one classroom makes it seem they could play it off as the actual students of the school weren’t in that classroom and they did not know the presumed slain children who don’t exist that were in the one classroom the shooter entered. Stuffed body bags are easy to fake. Remember early Covid the pic of the women holding 4-5 body bags with one hand…that’s a lot of dead weight…or in China people dropped dead in the streets…they’re sloppy with their acting.

Ultramagaking 1 point ago +1 / -0

With all the trafficking they have plenty of that available. If the students are actually real they could arguable just be the children of the preselected parents or onlookers on set for the camera. Probably no harm done to the actual children who actually attend the school so when the legit parent of the town showed up to the school they entered the set completely eating up the false narrative.

Ultramagaking 1 point ago +1 / -0

So teacher is probably the students mother and the mother is actively participating in the false flag?

Ultramagaking 1 point ago +1 / -0

If all my information comes from my device and the tv, then I won’t believe it unless I’m actually present in the physical and can see the bodies. It’s easy to AI generate human portraits for news networks to air. Are their multiple photos of these kids or better video? Parents Facebook accounts? Not just a pic on tv with a quote beside it saying the kid liked math and science or some generic interest. We know crisis actors are for hire and they have websites and job listings. What about all the anomalies every time one of these shootings happen? About about all the masons who pop up during these false flags? January 6th wasn’t any different. Not enough critical thinking and not enough investigation from town citizens questioning anything.

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