Go one step further and as a sheriff promise to arrest any state or federal officer that enters your county with gun confiscation on their minds.
Protect your citizen Sheriff. You work for us.
They've already found out. Question is what will happen when they finally believe it?
How many will allow themselves to believe it? .how many will be dead before they believe it?
Yeah, they took it from Dagon the fish God. It came from orthodoxy. I had to take a class on It when I was a kid in church.
We adopted it and turned it into a pseudo Christian symbol.
Cates, let the tho have play out.
Homosexuality is a Spiritual problem.
Come to the truth
Good old days
You don't need it.
I need a cold turkey phone outage. I welcome it.
I've done all I can for myself and the wife. Extended to my kids families. Now i wait.
No internet to keep people hunkered down.
A commie once said "religion is the opiate of the people" (man made), the. It was upgraded to "the economy is the opiate of the people".
Now it's the internet is the opiate of rhe people. Take away their drug amd see what happens.
Flip the switch, let's get this party rolling.
The inventor said none of that works. They killed him.
Politifacts fags should stay out of medifacts.
Fools are clueless liars and perpetrators of falsehoods.
Please. Go back amd see how many times that was done already. Glad she's awake finally.
Feel the same way.
Who controls the media now?
What are rhe dive pillars of a counter insurgency?
- Media... the white hats have it. Twitter is the jewelry in the crown.
Nah, he can't blackmail them. They re all equally dirty.
If they want him gone all they gotta do is let him die in his sleep Scalia style and cover it up. That begs the question, why havent they?
Answer: they are not in control of shit. White hats are.
All the evil shit they try to do? Not even getting it done. It's all media whipped to get the normies all fiddle fucked In their heads.
Take your Q's from Trump. The coolest cat in the litter box called the United States.
Stay cool.
If they told him to bang a pig on live TV he would try. He doesn't change his own diaper.
Since it's all a scripted show of you Wanna really see it. Get to the point you believe this. Cates...it's a show mate. how it's going down is part of what the popcorn is for. So you dont die of hunger while you watch this tragic comedy of fools.
I've been there. Just a typo
For it is written "man's days are about 120 years".
We die young because they designed it that way.
They've always been scared shitless or rhey wouldnt have took the vax.
A bit late to get worked up now. Fear is the worst thing they can allow themselves to have.
Fear is believing and will appropriate you what you fear. As Job said "that which I fear is come upon me, that of which I was afraid has come unto me".
Ok, you are officially an autist If you saw that on your own.