Exactly why it is funny. USA however did, alter it in format a bit over the years and not many in the USA speak it with a British accent what, itself only refined it in that Country from the wave of Anglo-Saxon within Brittan.
lol at the "birthplace of" however, we did alter it in several ways and gave it plenty of uh, fancy accents that, combine and connect it to many other countries. Most of our spoken English anyway, not many Americans have the British accent attached to it anymore though, most of our known accents come from groups of settlers from other countries, only a few spots in the USA have evolved into their own, Completely new accents when speaking English! Anglo-Saxon language.
Son and mom were the only two besides myself that did not, mom had cancer and son was overweight and has health issues (from being on that extreme fitness crud when he was 19-21 years of age and the protein powders.. is our guess) . Mom died of her cancer since (and she has me make damn sure that they did not label her a covid death before she passed lol) and son had Covid twice, first time it was real rough, could hardly breath, er twice but, he refused to stay, just went in to refill on liquids (IV) and get meds plus talked dr into an ivermectin prescription, second time it went through his household, it was just like a mild cold for him. It went through my household a few times, I never got seriously ill from it, more like crazy nose runs and a shit ton of sneezing, my immune system just said HELL NO, GTFO with that... Everyone is concerned for loved ones who did take it for what ever reason, most did so to be able to work IMO and most of those only took the first or second shot and said screw you with that booster shit. .. still even one shot is concerning imo.
Yes. Trump is a fascist dictator. Covid vaccines are 100% safe and effective. Don't take ivermectin it is for horses. Do respect every persons made up pronouns or you should be arrested and fined. Dont you dare remove books from your child's school that have detailed sexual descriptions and scenes in them! You book banner! How dare you pray silently anywhere near an abortion clinic! Oh and, that Florida law was really a "dont say gay" oppression law.
One party DID control the media and the message = that was fixed One party WAS deciding what was the Truth "trust the professionals/science"= fixed One party WAS censoring what you can and cant say( trying to make it illegal to not use some ones made up pronouns as an example), and silencing any opposition via banning from modern town squares (social media). = somewhat fixed now. One party was constantly calling on their blinded useful idiots to harass, and very much have the "us vr them" mentality, even now, had many of them "segregating from family if they voted Trump even"... Thankfully, Trump won putting a stop to much of it.
I have a sketched out feeling about this claim. It seems to me that, every time they get together and make a claim like this out of no where.. it is something THEY have been doing themselves so.. have they already been "scrubbing names" off of that list or had already scrubbed who they can while they had it under their control?
Faith in God and Faith in Church are not the same thing. Many of God's churches have been failing God and their flock by, leading them astray. Church is a great way for like minded to reassure each other with their Faith in God but, if your church is sewing seeds of bad faith, that is painful to God as it will hurt all those that believe that the Church is leading them rightly. Faith in GOD and Jesus > faith in anything else including any one Church or leader.
Starting at, it should be all done voluntarily by their church members, with NO monetary expectance of being paid a salary to be doing so out of their goodness. They have been acting like a cooperation and NOT a church of God.
Anyone else remember a time when, we as citizens where asked, rather aggressively to donate donate donate constantly Donate here donate there donate.. Well, That has pretty much died completely down during Obama, after they, saw how much money they could get us to give voluntarily and started just giving it to anyone and everyone they chose, without our knowledge via our tax pool instead.
Yes, Q did make a point to POINT that out. Now, that we are seeing crashes reported nearly every other day, when usually it maybe once a year or so (world wide) for larger planes and maybe a couple of small plane/military aircraft incidents yearly.. makes you wonder what is really going on with that. As well want to mention, much of the crashes of late are really bizarre ones.
Pretty sure that, that comes in the next phase. Currently they are, compiling all the evidence and bringing down the tools that have been used to scam us, then they have to get everything out to the public first. They need a FIRM standing legally and publicly before, they begin any major arrests and or prosecutions of those who have been screwing us all over, in every way possible over the decades let alone, in just the last one. Just my thoughts on the matter.
Yeah, it came in steady and all, touched ground the same then suddenly just collapsed to the side as if the landing gear on that side collapsed or hit a pocket/debris and or the wing caught up on snow or something. Scary.
If they are smart, they will take up that offer to self deport, that way, they can still apply for proper citizenship later if they really want to and if approved and do all that is needed, they may become legal citizens. From what I understand, if they have to deport you, you can not apply to come back legally, temporary or for citizenship.
Brits only speak their form of English because of other northern countries (Anglo-Saxon) countries.