deleted 0 points ago +2 / -2
VileAge-Idi0t 4 points ago +5 / -1

Alrighty then. I'm just walking away from this one. Best of luck.

deleted 2 points ago +3 / -1
VileAge-Idi0t 2 points ago +4 / -2

I think you're reaching a bit here, OP. This is how I used to draw reflections on glasses. Am I a Nazi too now? I think we all know Nike are fucked and have been committing crimes against humanity since forever but this.............nope.

VileAge-Idi0t 2 points ago +2 / -0

Like what, make our own 'unvaxxed Island nation'........... with blackjack and hookers?

VileAge-Idi0t 7 points ago +7 / -0

I have family members who aren't lefty's, still some of the biggest Floyd fans you'll ever meet - who'd KILL me for saying this but......... WATERS WILL BLOW TEN HOBOS TO GET THE JAB IF THAT IS WHAT IT TAKES. I just call it as I see it.

VileAge-Idi0t 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just like spanglevision, I'm not knocking you but sometimes it pays to 'be a bit more autistic' and take the time to archive things regularly until you know them like the back of your hand. I know, I know 'Who would have time for shit like that?' [raises beer and grins]. What cracks me up is why no one asks about that one file in the wikileaks torrent which is encrypted. The file name escapes me for now but it's in the archives............or at least it was ;)

VileAge-Idi0t 4 points ago +4 / -0

This appears to be exactly as OP said it is. Maybe it's the Autism but, to me, this just looks like side by side data. I call out division and blatant LEGIT racism whenever I see it. Here, I'm not seeing it.

VileAge-Idi0t 9 points ago +9 / -0

Combine what you both just said and that is Roger Waters - 100%.

VileAge-Idi0t 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sorry fren, I did my best in the title to explain that this is indeed an old archive [from last year] and it was more to help the new faces around here catch up on some things. I suck at social interactions for a reason so I'm just going to smile and wave.

VileAge-Idi0t 14 points ago +14 / -0

Autist here, verifying. I suck at numbers but remember torrent sizes [takes me two years to successfully recall my new phone numbers....don't even ask]. I have archived 'everything Wikileaks' for the last 5 years. This entire archived torrent size is identical to my previous archive from months ago.

EDIT: If I'm wrong, I apologize. If that turns out the be the case, I'll put my left nut on it that I'm only off by maybe one or two new documents and not large ones. KBs not MBs.

VileAge-Idi0t 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are stronger than you think, Fren. Crafted by hardship in the best ways. My oldest is 5 and her sister is 3 so we're only at the beginning of this journey. I am truly lucky to be where I am with my two girls and not anywhere else, I can't wait to buy our creator a few rounds at the bar when I get there ;)

VileAge-Idi0t 2 points ago +2 / -0

...........your online data/social credit score, if I had to guess. [throws Alexa out the window]

VileAge-Idi0t 3 points ago +3 / -0

Spare a thought for the 'Drowning Maldives', the worlds lowest lying country. The same one which is still building new beachside resorts and a second airport last I checked........ https://maldives-magazine.com/hotels/maldives-new-resorts-2018-2019.htm


VileAge-Idi0t 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm in WA........but the one closest to Antarctica ;) Perth, Western Australia. I've noticed that some states in the US lack support for people with disabilities and my heart goes out to anyone in that situation because I'm guessing that the mental health services aren't there either. I'd go nuts as a single dad there. In Australia we have this thing called the NDIS [The National Disability Insurance Scheme] and "it provides support to eligible people with intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive and psychosocial disability. Early intervention supports can also be provided for eligible people with disability or children with developmental delay". They help with everything from therapy/therapeutic devices to in home support workers, workplace support, gardeners, whatever. They are an absolute pain the ass to deal with but once you know how the system works you can smash through the brick walls pretty quickly. It blows my mind that most countries don't have something like this but then I remember that most countries aren't as resource rich as us, we basically give money to the other states and territories as we pull it out of the ground here in WA. I really feel for you living in Cali, the politics of that state alone are such a mess :(

VileAge-Idi0t 8 points ago +8 / -0

Every time Wikileaks dumps shit....... I archive it. The torrent download size is identical to my last archive of it. That should answer your question.

VileAge-Idi0t 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a couple of years old now but still mad accurate. The ABC is lefty trash and so is JJJ. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xji4u55hPOw

VileAge-Idi0t 2 points ago +2 / -0

For the first time ever........... I agree with handshake. He's a fucking snake who protects rock spiders.

VileAge-Idi0t 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right back at you, Fren. I understand the struggle. WWG1WGA

VileAge-Idi0t 1 point ago +1 / -0

I sure hope they're not disabled. "the parents probably wanted her gone." because that kind of thinking is.......well............evil....and it was YOUR thinking. Before you run your mouth, I'm a father of kids with disabilities. Hopefully you've read between the lines here and learned something. Good luck.

VileAge-Idi0t 9 points ago +9 / -0

The truth will be crazier than anything we could ever imagine. Best. Movie. EVER.

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