WRetardsG1WAutistG2 3 points ago +3 / -0

When I patriotically scream..... PRESIDENT!!!! You patriotically scream......

WRetardsG1WAutistG2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Because 130 fires in 44 counties across the state sounds like an average everyday occurrence... nothing to see here... same bs, oh the High winds, blowing embers this way & that way, which starts flaming outta control fires instantly, regardless of where these little napalm floating embers of doom land.

WRetardsG1WAutistG2 24 points ago +26 / -2

Plus the Pope is Jesuit, jesuits have been waging war & committing genocide against Christianity forever! They practice pagan witchcraft and all the evil shit that is attached...

WRetardsG1WAutistG2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank god its Elon!!! I thought there was some new Erectile Dysfunksun Syndrome caused by virus, psy~op... probably some ugly reeee libtard girl group... thankfully its just an Elon ad campaign with him just waving...

WRetardsG1WAutistG2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reminds me of a Bloodhound Gang song "The drummer for Def Leppard only has one arm... The jesuit satanic pedo vatican pope only has one lung...

WRetardsG1WAutistG2 5 points ago +5 / -0

The Dept. of Education/Rockefeller needs to be burnt to the ground. John Rockefeller Sr., Andrew Canergie, used their money & power to lie, cheat, steal, murder for more money & power. They controlled the education of America through the Dept of Education. K-12 college, they determined what would be taught, what would be completely forgotten.. They are responsible for the erasing of our history.. and so much more.

WRetardsG1WAutistG2 1 point ago +1 / -0

We have been under a Continuity of Government, which I believe started in 2013-14(thats just my educated opinion) research Erik Prince/Blackwater, the same guy corrupt pedos Bush & Obama created vicious lies about.Shocker!! This is the entire blueprint as constructed by Derek Johnson. Take the time to read, digest, reread & forward/share. https://thedocuments.info/Payload/Outline%20of%20the%20Blueprint%20by%20Derek%20Johnson.pdf

WRetardsG1WAutistG2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I vote for the 1st annual IRS gladiator game! A fight to the death until only... lets say 1% are left.. It would be Mandatory for ALL board members, ALL employees, (from Upper Management to the gimp in the mailroom closet. Put them all in a football stadium, a shot ton of weapons laying about, open up some over/under betting lines.. a good old fashioned treasonous traitor thinning Of the herd..

WRetardsG1WAutistG2 2 points ago +2 / -0

We need to help China see the benefits & other areas of interest. If China plays their cards right, they could corner the Lil Garden Gnome ceramic glaze by number market...

WRetardsG1WAutistG2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Im confused... is that a new gAyZOV recruitment video! Showcases how quickly they were overwhelmed by an inanimate object...an armless stick sporting shirt and hat I''d feel silly mentioning the amazing display of shooting & reloading.