How is this possible if they haven’t even had their official nomination yet ?
Who’s that guy ?
I don’t understand why he has not yet sued the city and state of New York in federal court for violating his constitutional rights ? Mainly his due process and right to appeal? Any lawyers with an opinion this ?
They must all have voted for Biden in the last election ……
These guys are under investigation so they don’t have to turn documents over and “interfere” with on going investigations…..
No standing ….
Wait til the variable rates kick in…….
Dat fade doe
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Thomas didn’t vote for joe Biden , so he ain’t black …. This fact is irrefutable
The horse and him share a bond thanks to ivermectin
He Opened with getting Rid of restrictions, he said Dr. Moore will have something on Monday… very first thing he said
If He’s dead I guess that’s gonna be a vote for Kamala