Here’s the abbreviated but referenced history of the demented vaxx industry
It’s horrifying.
- Caused 100% by vaccines.
I’ve been banging this drum for 40 years with great hero’s like RFK JR
January 23. ! World changing events happening !!
Commies on the loose
Who will stop Them ? Pantifa ?
Just work on yourself in this life. And be nice. Can’t go wrong
In this case - the revolution will be televised!
Very clearly on video tape we’ve all seen what happened on January 6 last year anFBI set up where they let a bunch of yahoos into the building to make us look bad. Like buffalo man
And the clown sitting on Pelosi desk
But these are not Felonise 30s are hardly even misdemeanors
Trespass? Trespass are you kidding me
You’re holding these people and dark cells in solitary confinement for nine months because you’re going to charge him with trespass
These are the same people that funded and encouraged real riots
With dead people - hundreds of burned out buildings- cop car is blown up in the Streetin every city
over Rodney King think about that for a second
Super Duper sticky time! Super duper !!!!
Commies stick together
Fuck those moms. They’re evil
Fucking communists
90s were great. Saw James brown New Years shows a couple times Philly boy. Always liked philly better. Easier to park less hassles. Good Italian food
Fucking commies. Screw them
It’s all lies. I don’t believe anything they say
Now here in full retard Marin county. Yep it probably is 90% or so.
Full jacket retard.
Saw yet another POP UP vaxx clinic in a parking lot the other week
Stupid * 10000
Yup. We have to wake up millions more
Those of us that tuned into Rush by accident in the early 90s don’t need waking up
The morons who vote for idiots like demoncraps do
“Vaccinations only prove that you can inject someone with highly acidic toxic poisonous chemicals and that person hopefully surviving the debilitating side effects, such as multiple sclerosis, lesions on the brain, paralysis, breakdown of the red and white blood cells, ulcerations of the liver, lung, kidney, pancreas, stomach and bowels, seizures and death. Vaccinations provide zero immunity. True immunity that leads to health and fitness can only be achieved by making healthy lifestyle and dietary choices.”
I live in full on communist Marin California and I’ve kept the vaccination Nazis away from my children successfully now for 21 years my youngest is 11
None of my kids ever gotten a shot for anything I was raised in the early 1970s so I got whatever and he gives a shit
I woke up to the evil of the vaccine industry and big Pharma in the 1980s and I’ve never looked back
I haven’t taken as many bullets as has the steamable an incredible Robert F Kennedy Junior but I’ve taken quite a few
But I’m going to next post is the long demented and insane history of the vaccine industry going back to where they caused the entire Spanish flu epidemic with vaccines
THe Problem for the evil ones who want to try to dominate the world is there’s two fucking many of them and they’re also rich and powerful and they all want to be the boss and so they end up just fighting with each other eventually
Klaus Schwab the fucking communist wouldn’t have the slightest clue on how to shut down the grid it is such a complex and hard device and the Intel behind it is incredible
None of these evil morons even understands computer technology like the white hats
Just make colloidal silver with distilled water silver electrodes and 3 9V batteries. Min 21 VDC
Two words
They can’t hack or disable my mountain bikes 🚲! Bwa ha ha ha
The new term
Vaxx. FREE ! Vax - free !
Wall ass
What a sniveling wimp ass loser piece of shit
Not even in sheep’s clothing
Faux news is better off. But still weak. Only tucker and vanity
Levin and bongino. And the judge. Pirro
The most convincing thing that I say about devolution actually being real is the fact that Durham -John Durham - continues on his program and has not been fired by the fake loser Biden faggot administration
If these loser faggot communists wanted to fire him and had the power to they would’ve rather than watch him go TickTock TickTock like the alligator in the great epic pirate movie
Furthermore I do believe that Trump knew he had to let them completely steal the election so we could once and for all expose all of the democratic fraud once and for all all of the different ways that they do it fake voters dead voters dominion systems all of that bullshit
We would not have had the Arizona audit the first fall forensic audit of a presidential election and all the machinations of the Arizona board of supervisors to try to obstruct Sue and avoid all possible giving up of the ballots and the servers
The problem in this nation of America as we have a super large group of dumb faggot communist losers who are don’t even know they’re dumb faggot communist losers they just think that they’re fighting for equal rights for civil rights rights for gay people all her blah blah blah blah blah fucking bullshit
Let’s take the vaccine bullshit for example
Here in stupid ass rich white Marin County where I live in California all these dumb rich liberals are fucking lining up for the third of fourth shot and vaccine they’re fucking children me and how fucking stupid is that
The truth is we really do need to wake up as many people who can wake up and letting the dumb faggot communist Democrat steal the election and then are these shenanigans and The fucking vaccine passports and all that is going to do a much better job than Trump trying to expose them
If the Democrats the evil communist fucking asswipe Democrats need one thing
it’s an enemy !
They turned 100% of their guns all of the media all their guns against Trump for four straight years and did their dead level best to turn him into the enemy
It’s very akin to denying Christ.
So now we see the fruits of letting the leftist Democrat psychopath communist takeover and America is not liking it
Pure evil. I’ve told all My kids friends that big pharma is evil and I’ll presonally ASSAULT anyone trying to vax them. They love me
Read the 200 year history.
April, 1930 Eli Lilly, makers of thimerisol, inject the product into 22 people with meningitis who all die. Lilly publishes the “study”, claiming that thimerisol, 50% mercury by weight, is safe.
1930 Max Theiler develops a yellow fever vaccine.
1931 Roosevelt endorses polio ‘immune serum’, precursor to vaccines in 1950’s.
1932 Diptheria vaccines injure 171 and kill 1 in Charolles, France.
1933 Danish researcher Thorvald Madsen discovers the Pertussis vaccines ability to kill infants without warning (SID). He reports that two babies vaccinated immediately after birth died in a few minutes.
1933 American researchers report that children react to Pertussis vaccine with fever, convulsions and collapse.