Waybackwhen 1 point ago +1 / -0

I picture a meme of Monty Python the knight on the bridge as Nikki getting her funding arms and legs cut off saying "oh its just me arm" "its just me leg". She will stay in the race lol

Waybackwhen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah and there is no way they have not heard of this. And if I am seeing a vet (or a doctor) that has no idea about the latest greatest treatments and cures is that someone you want to see?

Waybackwhen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Welcome and great post! I have not tried that but it certainly makes sense.

Waybackwhen 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is correct! The pup just feels like crap right now because she is full of dead and dying crud. Let it flush out. Keep up the treatments. It may take a couple or a few days for her to start to actually perk up if she has a lot of herxing

Waybackwhen 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe your updates as they are going, will educate many folks on here that have not had experience with these amazing compounds. We are just beginning to learn what real cures are. I wish you luck. Keep up the treatments and keep us posted!!

Waybackwhen 3 points ago +3 / -0

This why the combo with IVM along with the FB, also zinc and the rest.

Keep up the horse paste in her mouth to prevent infection from food in the open sores. Ivermectin also helps me with localized pain quite a bit sometimes. It also help it heal faster by keeping inflamation down . She just may make it - keep going!

Waybackwhen 3 points ago +3 / -0

I noticed lots of in-network commercials promoting their own productions all through the Superb Owl. I thought that interesting because that is lost revenue. They would much rather sell those slots to an outside client.

Waybackwhen 6 points ago +6 / -0

It sounds very positive. It is amazing how fast it starts working. Sometimes seems to kill on contact. I have cleared up (cured?) all sorts of skin anomolies and a couple more serious issues. You can give fenben and ivermectin everyday. get some dog probiotics to help appetite. Die off and fenben/ivermectin may impact digestive biome which may reduce appetite. Lots of fluids and some dog friendly probiotics

Waybackwhen 14 points ago +14 / -0

Yes. Fenben but also Ivermectin. Rub some horse paste right on the lump couple times a day. That combo may help.

Waybackwhen 5 points ago +5 / -0

Good post. I have and use that site often. Great reference for new folks.

Waybackwhen 1 point ago +2 / -1

I wonder about other terms or names such as 'Bidan' since Trump uses that. Or Obarna? Has anyone dug on this?

Waybackwhen 7 points ago +7 / -0

Is there a deep dive anywhere on this judge? Why is he being spotlighted like this? Trump often puts those whom he wants us to know about, out in front. So what is this guy involved in?

Waybackwhen 1 point ago +1 / -0

This seems more like a shot across the bow to bring our attention to it. Everyone in the power structure on both sides know what is happening. Only reason for Grassley to do this is to bring our/public focus on it. So why now?

Waybackwhen 5 points ago +5 / -0

What a fantastic breakdown of this bioweapon's impact on the body. I love that they have a Prof Fukashima on the team. What a great f-you to the cabal for what they did to Japan the last time Japan didn't play ball. It seems the Japanese have had a role in exposing this from the beginning. Love it.

Waybackwhen 2 points ago +2 / -0

The media know this is not 'the List' it is a collection of Case documents that names 'some' names. This is the sacrifice fly ball. When real list comes out they won't cover it. It will be 'old news' see?

Waybackwhen 4 points ago +4 / -0

"But if we release it everyone will know we did it." We already have it all you dumb fucks, we are just letting you further implicate yourselves while we wake a few more of your executioners.

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