Your right, its all a fraud!!
The flu, welcome back, we've missed you! Convenient
Monopoly money, we all think it has value but the reality is, it isn't worth the paper its printed on! Sad but very true, its all a big debt machine of signatures/liabilities anymore. Buckle up folks, we're going for a bumpy ride.
Oz is a creeper, makes my skin crawl.
Gonna need alot of good quality rope!! Justice will prevail! Watch and find out!!
Well stated!!
Here, here!!
Who even cares to hear about this bullshit, its all a "look at me" moment, I frankly could give a shit less to hear their cries, be gone!
Sad thing is there are alot of stupid individuals that will gulp down any form of propaganda B.S., you can't fix stupid!
Just keep being good little sheep, your doing so great, keep up the good work. I'm sure by everyone just going along with this basket full of shit , things will work out on its own at sometime. Its time to kick this mule in the ass and make heads roll, talk is getting too cheap, time for action and consequences to be paid in full.
Anyone that is and has bought into this predictable line of shit, needs serious help at this point. Even if the stupidity can be reversed at this time will be the big question. Too many people buying into it and just going along with it, its a complete shame, like puppets dangling from strings, totally predictable. Maybe when people start falling like dead flies, it might start waking people up. At that point its going to be way to late for most, unfortunately, sad but very true, people need to start being not so nieve to the evil world.
This bullshit needs to be axed, these people are unreal!! POS
I want them to remember that statement, and cook on it for a bit. This is only one man defending himself, think of millions following the same belief, now that should really stand out and grab their attention. Play games and your hands will be slapped!
It shouldn't be called inflation, it should be acknowledged as devaluation of the dollar, meaning we all are getting poorer and having to work longer, a slow rolling communist society taking place. Our money ain't worth the paper its printed on!!
Its really too bad this POS wasn't at the receiving end of the rifle, by all means he should have been. His day will hopefully come soon enough, its the thought of wasting a perfectly made round on his worthless ass thats the most upsetting thing.
Justice does exist!!
Evil be gone, see ya!!
They know that their very own system is a broken POS!!
Very spooky, very realistic!
This needs to be taken very seriously, we are so very vulnerable with everyone's drinking water, fentanol? See something say something, eyes wide open!
There are reasons Trump signed in conservative federal judges now isnt there!! Trump knows the plan and has for along while now, have faith people!
Here, here!!
A special thanks to the men and women that have fought/fallen for our many freedoms in life. These individuals will always be at the top of the list of care, and will never be forgotten for the many sacrifices they have given. God bless them and their families and thank you for your many services, and thank you for our freedoms!
So in other words you complied, its not worth your future freedoms? I'd rethink your actions moving forward if you really want change, or just lay down like many others, and don't bitch about a damn thing when your freedoms slowly vanish, food for thought my friend.