Weneverleft 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pucker moment, secret service had their heads on a swivel. They really go into hyper awareness when GEOTUS walks into random milling public people. The people love it but the SS has to protect their charge. It's their one job, the only one that counts. As a citizen who supports my president who has been attacked financially and politically. I need you to keep him safe. I would be devastated if the Deep State could send a Mockingbird puppet at him. Keep him safe.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Handing out free things will only make more of the same problems. STOP HANDING OUT FREE THINGS. O yeah, your busy adding congress seats but destroying your state. Fing communists.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

I loved watching the intro to Howard Cosell. The imagery of victory and the agony of defeat. Image of skier getting absolutely wrecked while attempting a ski jump. Sports back then was absolutely gladiatorial. An amazing age.

Weneverleft 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sesame Street was publicly owned. How did it become a private industry that Americans had to pay for. Some puppet actors are also accused of child molestation. Aka, Nickelodeon style pedophile machine? IDK, but it's only been pushing THE MESSAGE! gay burt and erniy and a lesbian little girl puppet. Shut it down and clean house, it's infested with rats.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

If the j6 committee is any indication. All they did was destroy evidence and lock away wrongdoing behind classification. So these " COMMITTEES" are a problem not an answer. We need transparency not backroom deals. I'm sick of this shit. Punishment must be punitive and deep enough to dissuade wrongdoing. Otherwise it's a waste of time.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was thinking the same thing!!! Why would you wait to get jacked like that. FTS, I'm out.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey! Is it bad I'm jealous, just a little bit. I want a photo with the greatest president of my lifetime. I feel he will stand next to the greats.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ahem, she doesn't know what a woman is. So intelligence isn't her forte. So she did become a Supreme, JHC.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here's some coins peasants. Throws copper coins into Dog shit. Peasants scramble after coins. Sniffs derisively, big business walks away. How about not blowing up tankers full of deadly poisons. Did you know large banks get fined pennies for the crimes they knowingly commit. The crime is so good and profitable they do it anyway because the slap on the wrist is nothing compared to the profitability. They need to not get away with the crimes. The punishment should be punitive. Its not, our justice system is broken.

Weneverleft 7 points ago +7 / -0

Fake, no kids write in cursive. This is staged BS, I bet this teacher did this. Discernment, I have no idea what goes through liberals heads. Just I will show them. Remember the blind lady who put her dogs waste on a porch. The sorority on college campus thought it was an attack on a black sorority. Or the guy who threw a banana peel away after lunch. The kids coming out of the cafeteria thinking it was a racist symbol. Or all the news articles about white supremacist spray painting racist statements on their homes. Two to thee weeks later it's the home owners who actually sprayed their own homes or business. The news outlets have moved on and never look back at what actually happens. Race bating and Virtue signaling. I'm sick of this, real people are getting hurt. But they keep getting away with this propaganda.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think so, I mixed up the girls who carjacked a man's can and dragged him to death. Flipped the car on camera and walked away. Those girls are free after killing someone. With Soros AGs, almost all crime is no longer prosecuted. A society that enforces laws on political and by the color of their skin is not a society anymore. It's as if animal farm has come to life. And we all know who the pigs are.

Weneverleft 5 points ago +5 / -0

They just look bewildered. Like is this real. I'm responsible for what my teenager does? Then why does a person driving over people in a parade get to walk free. What happened to my country?

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

X, Balkanized is by design. Middle East Muslims in Dearborn Michigan and Somalis in Minnesota Balkanized divide (a region or body) into smaller mutually hostile states or groups. "ambitious neighbors would snatch pieces of territory, Balkanizing the country"

Weneverleft 4 points ago +4 / -0

This mechanism is being used to prop up bankrupt states. Illinois, Michigan, New York, Commifonia, all are sus. These states send out IOUs when they are out of money. IMO.

Weneverleft 6 points ago +6 / -0

They are so exotic and there accent is soo dreamy. Plus she can Virtue signal she's so progressive. Useful idiot.

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