Diesel boats are super stealthy, all diesel boats are, they use batteries for power when submerged.
As for how long they can stay submerged, don't ask as you won't get a reply, they aren't known as the silent service for nothing. AKA the smelly service.
This is not a small operation, freeing this ship could take a long time. There are no heavy lift cranes around this part of the canal to lift some containers off, this could take more than a few weeks.
Not this character Keshe.... . Don't believe this nonsense, look at Bob Greenyer on remoteview.substack.com, he researches into ball lightning and has found some very interesting effects. The island of Nan Madol.
Its interrogated to see if it responds.
The new earth belief is the extrapolation of an Irish Bishop and is not in scripture. The timeline used here is claimed to prove the new earth belief but is only an extrapolation, and that's all.
Containers are heavy beasties, there are no heavy lift cranes along the banks of the canal so they will have to be "shipped" in.
These prats get into all military units all over the world, they don't last long.
Ah, phoney Tony...
A Charles Linton was fined £500 at Bow Street magitrates court for "attempted soliciting" in public toilets. He was known as "Miranda" at university, a sluttish crossdresser who tried to play guitar and failed.
Charles Linton are the two middle names of Tony Blair.
There has been a lot of elder covid deaths in Gib, far too many for the amount of people living there.
The fall of the white tower at the end of "I, Pet Goat II" comes to mind reading this, its just starting to drop.
Scalar weapons are go!
"Why should I necessarily be wrong just because a few million people say I am?"
Frank Zappa
The fall weather around the cape concentrates the mind very well, and that is just the Cape of Good Hope, not the Australian Bight or nearer to Antarctica.
Its desert, no roads there, they are not needed as the canal is there. This not an easy task at all and could take a month to free it.
Personally I think camel power should do it, eventually.
Its the Military's token child molester, they have token everyone these days so here is their kiddie fiddler.
Little humans.
A submariner then.
Its also British meat loaf, made by Brain's of Towchester. Brain's Faggots 12 pack.
"Pass me another Boy Seaman, this ones burst"
"Sorry Sir, there is only one left and all the crew have used him"
"Well, empty him out and bring him to me!"
(An old joke that was old long before Icarus flew into the perimeter track)
There is this: https://githu b.com/Igglybuff/awesome-piracy/blob/master/readme.md
And this: https://github.com/jivoi/awesom e-osint.
I hope this helps you.
I hear that a deep mole in the Wuhan laboratories added something extra to the adrenochrome they produce, those taking this substance got very ill.
Must have bitten into his firemans helmet.