It's not a ''community'' it's a warren of criminal, practically cannibal African scum.
It's because everyone's so worn out trying to keep up with Biden, on the Confedergobbler Whirligig Ride of Satanic Crazy.
This isn't a Democracy, molester.
We shot your rapist slaving Democracy-fixated uncle Jed
and burned your Democracy down
around his (obviously, previously)
shit talking, syllable adding,
rapist, supremist ears,
when we pinned him to his front porch with a bayonet,
and illuminated his slaver junta
with the enlightening flames
of social justice.
If we have to do it again, it won't be like we haven't already had to.
That's what I'm talkin' about.
One less kneeler is one less kneeler.
''African Languages and the African Mind.''
A language of a people, derived by them, is a positive fingerprint of their mind.
It's not an inverted fingerprint of it, it's a positive one: if a people can grasp a concept they either adopt, adapt, or invent a word for it, even if it's just so they can tell their kids ''that tribe does that and they call it (whatever).''
When a people cannot grasp a concept no word for it appears in their language.
Let a linguist who was contracted to do some educational assessments in several African countries, for the national governments, explain to you what he discovered when he studied the language family of (the vast majority) of Africans: Bantu.
Bantu language family is quite old and completely native to Africa. By now there are many separate hundreds, even thousands of village dialects but more than 90% of all Africans have one or two local Bantu dialects as their native language(s).
''African Language and the African Mind."
It's 52 minutes. It's on Bitchute and it's on YidTube.
Recorded in potato-vision so every exciting nuance can be guessed at when staring at the 213 pixels comprising the video part;
the guy's just standing there at a lecturn so it's really just an audio talk.
When you look at photos of him you can see there's definite stages to his looking different.
Plastic surgeries are internally sutured with dissolving sutures, and are in fact double closed; this makes them heal faster cause tissues are much more tightly held aligned; and people are prescribed steroids.
Steroids make things heal faster; particularly when it's important, a blend of them designed to enhance specific recovery elements, often in parallel (hence blends) and it's very common for people to be prescribed them when healing fast is important and someone can afford a savvy program.
He's a psychopath. He fears nothing. He worships the ability to manipulate others and every fiber of him lives for the many thrills of doing this.
Raping women, molesting his daughter, feeling up other men's wives,
... stolen billions, having the people investigating him fired, LAUGHING THE WHOLE WAY. BRAGGING.
''I GOT his ass FIRED - fire him or NO BILLION DOLLARS.''
Selling the entire nation to China? HaH HaH, you STUPID SUCKERS!!
People who thrill to the lives they lead don't lay down on operating tables for a little plastic surgery, and die.
They're too thrilled to be alive. They're too driven. This is politics: 101.
He thinks we're all just a buncha suckers and that he's got the finest pickings, CONSEQUENCE-FREE, on the PLANET.
You keep going on with the ''they're unique.''
They're not unique, after radical surgery to change, redefine their shapes.
And no he doesn't have a completely different skull shape, in fact they're identical.
As are the angles at which the skull, neck and upper thorax all intersect.
These are different measurements. Both sets point to it being him. As do the ears.
It's the same guy. The skull is the same. The way the neck and skull sit on top of the thorax is the same.
There are other aspects to peoples' face that can be used to identify whether it's really them. There are sets of lines called the primary lines or sometimes primary wrinkles, where the skin forms lines very early in the person's life.
When they're the ones that first formed when they were in their teens.
Ears can be radically revised, and they are, ALL the TIME. They're one of the most commonly surgically revised features on humans, just like they are on dogs.
This is a photo of his other ear. Note how clearly this one has been sliced and stretched and carefully re-shaped.
Note the ear at the top, the inner whorl, matches the before picture very closely.
If you look up in images ''Joe Biden's ears'' and go through there, you can see that his ear changes in several steps.
At first he has a face lift but neither earlobe is tacked down.
It's only later - in other words, more recently, since the LAST round of stretching, that the earlobe is affixed to the head.
The other ear, the one that is tied to his skull, also has the same general whorl shape, you can see very clearly on that one as well, that part of it has been sliced and re-shaped because it was growing more and more ill defined.
Also this photo, a plastic surgeon talks about the evidence all over his ear and the rest of his face, including his neck, that he's had a pretty deep stretch.
Scar in back of ear Earlobe now tied neck skin bunched scars from surgery not back into the hairline.
I don't know; but the reason for tying one ear to the skull like that is because when the person is that old, the collagen doesn't hold things in place well, any more.
The fastened earlobe thing is common in really old people who get big-way face lifts.
When people are older the collagen has depleted real bad and when they stretch the skin one or the other of the ears very often won't level correctly so they tie it to the head in order to keep them looking level.
It's considered one of the more common things that happen in massive line reduction surgery, in people that old.
Africa's a shit hole because Africans. Not because of ''White'' or ''America''
I don't owe any African a fucking thing.
I don't owe them clean water
, I don't owe them to get off my ass and save THEIR fucking children
GOVERNMENT needs to consider I pay them to look out for THIS nation.
Not every nation various Africans and other cannibal heathen scum
turn to another shit-hole.
Another slaver-cock gobbling kneeler proclaims itself smarter than the people who had sense to know what was going on.
I love it when a story turns out well. I guess that smartassed, traitor Jew won't ever undermine the United States again.
I love great endings.
I'm not downloading anything from them. I don't ever go ANYWHERE without a vpn/proxy even a free one. And it's BECAUSE of these VERY people.
Katie Hobbs isn't a certified auditing specialist, and neither is that leftist CIA employee queer.
If you're not a doctor you can't command someone take medicine. No matter how high you get and try to tell yourself that.
There LITERALLY is MASS MORBIDITY, something like TWENTY TIMES the average DEATH and SERIOUS ILLNESS for any form of actual vaccine, and REPEATEDLY various medical associations have noted they KNOW they aren't getting all the cases.
People like you didn't know what the harm of getting on a cattle car was.
Actually God told you, ''You'd better kill those homosexuals before they reduce your civilization to ashes.''
You told God,
to shut the fuck up,
what does HE know about love, and right and wrong,
and now your child can't step out of it's house without homosexuals violently accosting it making them declare their dedication to it's support and spread,
and declaring the kid should be assaulted, marginalized, persecuted and even killed
if it isn't a homo.
until it's cool to be a homosexual and God can go suck a dick because He's fucking stupid. He ain't woke.
That's what's REALLY going on,
Christianity, Judaism from whence it came, were RABIDLY anti homosexual,
because of the VERY SEWER
when GOD'S religion
of not tolerating homosexuals, was TRASHED,
and YOU were taught in GUVURMUNT SKEWL
*to TRASH it, as was your PASTOR. * No matter WHO the fuck he/she/it/them is.
Jesus Christ told people on MULTIPLE occasions ''I"m not here to rebuke ONE word of what you've been taught of the nature of things, in the religion you had before I arrived.''
This includes the males being polygamous and having multiple women.
This includes not tolerating any homosexuals or even flamboyant pleasure seekers.
''What EVER the fuck you do, DON'T LET HOMOSEUXALS and other KINKSTERS
''No homosexual will see what you call Heaven, they will all be punished GRAVELY'' is the ENTIRE ethos of the New Testament.
Your government, simply made it illegal to teach it any more,
and now HERE you ARE telling us the New Testament is PRO homosexual.
No, IT'S NOT. No, Christianity tells you TIME after TIME:
don't you DARE tolerate certain things, or they will be the END of ALL GOOD THINGS YOU EVER DREAMED. Much less, KNEW from HAVING them.
Today Jews spread homosexuality through every civilization they pollute. Today Catholics ONLY ACCEPT HOMOSEXUALS as THEIR PRIESTS.
Because ''No man who'll stoop to associating with those filthy women, can love God as much as a homosexual molesting someone else's son.''
Priests GLOBALLY don't even have real jobs like Jesus Christ and his 12 apostles, they go to the - that's right, the GUBMUNT SKEWL
and learn to tell people that ''The New Testament is AWL ABOWT THIM HOMASECKSHULS an awl thim Women Priests, lesbians, cause God cain't be not woke, it jist doant evun make no sints.''
So you can SPARE us all the bullshit about ''God sed if yew ain't woke, yew jist cain't be signtsie nur smart nur nice!''
FULL fucking STOP.
Because white people don't start murdering everybody who looks a certain way,
and non-white people will.
They don't all have to die for it to be genocide.