Wizzywig3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Speaking of SoCal…. Remember the Malathion helicopter spraying? Late ‘80s early ‘90s. The great Medfly panic. KPFK (the openly communist radio station) were a lonely voice against it.

Wizzywig3 9 points ago +9 / -0

Historical context: WW2 justified a whole of society mobilization which necessarily required unofficial official cooperation with the “demi monde” the ubiquitous underworld (mafia?) with a vast transnational network of operatives around the Mediterranean. Luciano was returned from Sicily where he’d been deported to stop Italian American dockworkers from torching freighters bound for England in their efforts to aid Mussolini before America even entered the war. Success led to expanded involvement, but incriminated those involved. Can’t squeal if you’re implicated. Also OSS worked hand in glove with so called resistance units in France and all over Eastern Europe, which were communists. So OSS and subsequent CIA were “in bed” with “the mob” and “the Vatican” and “the commies” from 1941 onwards. Nothing has changed. That’s why they handed Poland, Hungary, Etc Etc to Stalin without any fuss. Stalin had many operatives at cabinet level positions in FDR’s administration from long before the war. Here’s the kicker. Hoover knew. Army Intel. knew. Especially after the Venona transcripts, they were fully aware USA was completely penetrated but for reasons I still ponder did nothing to stop it. Maybe we’re finally going to end this occupation by hostile foreign powers and restore our republic. I do hope so, but it’s not going to be fast, or easy. There isn’t even a Soviet Union anymore but their agents and operatives are like those Japanese soldiers occupying isolated islands as if the war never ended. For them it never ends. The level of commitment is admirable, but it’s got to be crushed like a big nasty bug. They’re still outraged over the Rosenbergs and the Hollywood blacklists. They go bonkers at any hint of “red baiting” and still decry Tailgunner Joe’s efforts to expose any of their shenanigans. JFK knew. He was McCarthy’s best friend in the Senate. I hate communists.

Wizzywig3 2 points ago +2 / -0

The prior JFK materials are very challenging to search. Typed carbon copies are not like PDF files. Not computer searchable etc. Is there an ap for that? There should be.

Wizzywig3 2 points ago +2 / -0

The crazy thing is, that’d be considered torture. There was a case where they knew an interrogation subject was scared of bugs, so they put him in a cardboard box with some roaches. He talked. But it’s torture. They say it’s more effective to just verbally interact in a friendly manner. Win their confidence. That sort of thing. I think pig blood, or the bug box would be faster.

Wizzywig3 5 points ago +5 / -0

Lalibela is a below ground level monolithic cathedral in Ethiopia. Now that’s exotic.

Wizzywig3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry we got off on the wrong foot.

I know fuck all about your country. I’ve known and worked alongside many Australians, and never met a really bad one. They all seemed to manage their drinking well. Practice makes perfect I suppose. Didn’t mean to talk out of turn regarding your homeland. I knew a guy, an international vagabond type, trying to get home from Thailand, who got caught up in the quarantine bit there. He told me a little about his experience. He’s an ass so I didn’t get the full story but caught the gist of it. He could have benefited by taking lager lessons from some Australians I think. Sloppy drunks give me a pain. I think he got murdered in Laos a year or so ago. He just never came back. Idiot. Yellow fever victim. Only dug Asian chicks, and young ones at that.

Hope it’s less crazy there now. My own country went nuts too, but I tried to retain a sense of normalcy. Easy for me, I’m retired, and reclusive. You and I have probably much more in common than differences.

I’m more than a bit irritable. Old, in pain and fresh out of fucks to give. Sorry to have taken it out on you. I just took exception to your tone, but that’s my own fault. Shouldn’t read this site before my first cup of coffee. I lack patience and forbearance. Unlikely to reform. A character flaw. Will soon enough pass away and cease to bother anyone.

Reminds me of the Monty Python sketch where Palin says “I didn’t come in here for an argument.” And Cleese replies “Yes you did.” Entirely too silly!

Did you ever hear of mouse utopia?


Social engineers have ever since seized on this failed research experiment in a futile effort to manage human populations especially in urban centers, with catastrophic results despite which they unrelentingly persevere. They actually blame the victims of their awful inhuman experiments. (Rednecks, of any race never seem to learn).

That’s not confined to any country in particular, and doesn’t work anywhere, but they continue beating that dead horse.

Humans obviously aren’t rodents. This fact is ignored by all social scientists. The social engineers don’t believe there is such a thing as human nature. They’re absolutely sure it’s all a social construct which if optimized will produce the best conditions for the greatest number. Or they’re just psychopaths cashing in or having fun by creating misery and chaos. Examples are numerous enough.

That was my reference to ‘they think we’re all rats in a maze’. I’m not a rat. I’m not in a maze. Refuse to enter one. Hope you can say the same all your life.

Stay free. Don’t let anybody on earth own you.

Or, you’re a bot and I’m being nice to an AI because it’s late and I’m feeling mellow. Hope not. G’Day Mate.

Wizzywig3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Australia had quarantine camps. That’s a straight up fact. People traveling to Australia were involuntarily confined. It was an alternative to locking them in their hotels which was insufficiently effective. It was just one part of a highly restrictive national zero tolerance for COVID program.


Fractalize that, jerk.

Wizzywig3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I lack specific detailed information and stand admonished at my failure to fully and accurately report. I’m not factually wrong. Australia did have remote quarantine camps, but my failure to provide a full accounting of how many, how long, and how awful damns me as a source of rumor and innuendo which further admonishes me to shut up completely and get off this site lest I do further damage.

Thank you. I’ll show myself out.

Wizzywig3 9 points ago +9 / -0

Australia did the camps. It all seems like an elaborate science project. We really are lab rats to them.

Wizzywig3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now find the NGO funding Act Blue. These folks never spend their own money. As if at this point it isn’t entirely clear to DOGE how everything is structured.

Wizzywig3 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Plan: Wresting control from venal perverted bloodthirsty megalomaniac psychopaths, wittingly or not huddled beneath the hammer and sickle banner without starting a civil war seems well underway. I vividly recall 4ch FBIAnon’s Twitter post appearing on FBI’s verified Twitter feed at the exact time he indicated it would which included a FBI manual for operating behind enemy lines indicating that’s exactly what he was doing. That was his fear, that it would take a war to counter the revolution. Glad Q came along shortly thereafter to guide and comfort. Just not on Reddit! Fuck Spez!

Wizzywig3 1 point ago +2 / -1

We need our own megaphone cheerleaders. “GET OUT” “GO HOME”USA USA USA”

Wizzywig3 1 point ago +2 / -1

I didn’t fit in well there. I smile sometimes for no reason at all. Grinning like an idiot is not a good look there. I’m also not much on beer iykwim. They seem not to travel well either. Unpopular abroad is not a desirable reputation, but at least they aren’t regarded as smilers.

Wizzywig3 6 points ago +6 / -0

All part of the Marshall Plan. Germany not only gets neutered but receives constant hormone treatments as well as an aggressively indolent replacement population and any prosperity gets siphoned off to less productive EU countries welfare programs.

Wizzywig3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I watched it all. He said toward the end, in effect if he revealed the details of how politicians get rich they’d kill him. He didn’t elaborate any more, but talked about security, and the wackos gunning for him. Such that a “hit” could be masked as a random trans outrage anti Tesla nut job.

Wizzywig3 1 point ago +2 / -1

I was joking about the statute of limitations. My sense of humor, though barely detectable is often so obtuse as to serve only to amuse myself. It’s an admitted character flaw. I tender my formal apology. Dare I say “sorry, not sorry” lol?

Wizzywig3 4 points ago +4 / -0

A story from 7 years ago.