It should be protocol to unmask everybody on camera as they are being arrested
You guys are my closet frens 😀❤️
We had a deer hit by a car laying in a ditch suffering. It took the cop took 3 shots :/
So disgusting
They haven’t removed them so far.
They usually put the predator on full pay time off and eventually they move to another school.
Capitol punishment is the only solution
Hope it passes!!
They are not protecting them they are saving them for last.. They are protecting us, have you tried talking to normies about Israel?
Way to go night crew! A sticky even!
Yeah but they were too spread out through the room to get them all.
They will react the way their favorite newscasters tell them too.or whatever social media they use…. They’ll quickly jump online to find out how they supposed to feel.
He’s must have a special religious belief, or be a special race, or a special sexual preference
Not forcibly removed, put in cuffs and taken to the station for processing, like anyone of us would be?
Because the two tiered justice system is still intact
And of course the “National Security” protection sharpie will be in play.
She said thousands of documents.
Seems low to me, my divorce had thousands of documents. And there wasn’t two arrests, two court cases, decades long crime spree? Why no videos, wire taps, where’s all the non-document evidence?
I remember Trump saying there were millions of documents for his bullshit tax trials.
I’m not holding my breath.
Good reminder. I keep waiting for when WE are the target audience…. :)
That was the easy button pr campaign
The two biggest Fannie’s in Georgia
A private company? Mmmmmkay
Grassley being there is another disappointment
I’m so over the drama, bullshit and all the couch warriors explaining their theories & opinions on what is going on and why.
All these newly minted experts warring against each other 🤮
If they’d stop delivering all the junk mail, it would lessen what they carry lessen the garbage I have to get rid of every week, best thing for the environment