I’ve been saying this bc ive noticed it too; when you approach people with tension inside yourself, you’re met with tension. If you make it pleasant, not so serious, but can still say your two cents, it makes all the difference in the world.
I used to get angry and tense when discussing politics with my liberal co-workers and it was always tense because of the assumption of disagreement. These days, I joke around, say my piece, keep it light and everyone continues on with their day bc they know I don’t “hate” them for their views; I just have a different perspective
Can’t do it with everyone, some people are just way too angry, but I think a majority of both sides could use some light heartedness.
Anyways, happy for you man. God bless
The truth is that your creator loves you. The creator loves all things because all things come from the creator. This is the truth Jesus preached.
Nothing ever really dies. And when you leave the physical body you now have, you’ll remember. Be happy, be grateful, God is good
I think people are completely missing the point of my post.
It’s not about the content of the fake and gay ESPN hit piece; it’s about the dis-info coming out from all of the Cabals networks. This morning was ESPN, which is super random and not normal ever since uncle joe got into the White House.
It’s panic. Q drop 610 days to pay attention to increasing mis-info bc it’s about to happen. This is why I posted this screenshot; to show that the panic is real.
It’s actually feels like something is about to happen
Tbh you don’t need hard scientific studies. Why play by the rules they have established? You don’t need to source why you don’t want to be injected with a gene therapy vaccine. It’s as simple as that.
Tell her, you’re not gonna be peer pressured to make a decision that might effect the rest of your life. Tell her you will wait a couple of years to see if the vaccine is safe, and if it is, you will get the vaccine (don’t actually)
I was received an internship in LA March 1st 2020. Signed a lease March 3rd. The city was shut down a week later. Made my money doing grocery delivery with an app called Shipt
Got scolded multiple times for not wearing gloves when I was grocery shopping. I remember one time a lady said to me, “you know the CDC requires gloves when shopping. I don’t know why people are wearing masks though. The CDC has said they are not effective”.
Always thought that was funny. Anyways, broke the lease last June and couldn’t be happier I moved away from that liberal shit show of a city
Ignorance is a hell of a drug. Jesus flipped the tables not because he hated the Pharisees, but because of the love he had for his father.
It’s convenient the dude quotes the Old Testament, not anything Jesus said.
I’ll give some Jesus quotes, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do”
Another one, which is believe is more prudent, “ But I tell you, don't resist him who is evil; but whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also.”
To connect the word “hate” with Jesus is asinine. It’s like trying to tell people that water is not wet. You can ramble on and justify all you want, but water is wet and Jesus said to love everyone, even the evil ones.
You may not love the evil acts, but to live with hate in your heart is exactly what Satan wants for this world.
This post is divisive BS
You a real one OP!!!
And I love how you notes that the dude w a “fuck the system” shirt on was wearing a mask!!! Lmao that’s something that boggles my mind; how all these “anti-system” youths continue to fall in line!
Keep spreading the love man!
I went through the public school system (I’m in my early twenties) and my two cents is, if your son is smart, leave him in the system. There is value in learning how to deal with these people.
Most likely he will have to deal with all of these same people that went through the indoctrination camps in his later life (work life). Working, being around, communicating with these brainwashed people is a necessary skill for my generation and your sons generation.
The only thing that will protect your son from being indoctrinated is himself. He will eventually be exposed to it, even if you home school. If he’s a smart kid, which you imply that he is, he should be fine
Just my dumb opinion tho, God Bless
The only message I adhere to is the message of love. This is the message Jesus preached. If your convictions are not based on love, but rather on a God who is vengeful and should be feared, your convictions are not surrounded by Christs teachings.
Love everything, hate nothing.
I would consider you comb through the Bible (written by man) and choose the sections that preach love for all, rather than the verses that teach us to live in a state of fear.
If Christ were physical at this moment of time, he would be conversing, loving, and hanging around any gay man who had love in his heart. The ignorance of your post is truly astounding.
Try loving people regardless of who they are, thats what Christ did. Maybe Christs message isn't for you
this is so wrong and divisive amongst this movement. one of my closest friends is a anti taxer, christ loving, trump voting gay man. And guess what, I love him for who he is, not what he does with his penis.
Christ is the way the truth and the light, and guess what??? The God he spoke of was NOT the god of the old testament.
Jesus said that the creator loved his creation. He came to tell his people that they were all loved, regardless of their sin. When Jesus died on the cross, who was saved that died next to him? A stone cold killer. Jesus loved this man and saw no difference between him and the people who followed him willingly. The killer understood Jesus and his message of love and that was all it took.
So i find it ironic that a "christian" man like yourself is here telling us the "evils" of homosexuality, but if christ was here, he would willingly converse, love, and be around homosexuals who loved him and also God.
How can the God Jesus spoke of be the same as the God of the Old Testament? How can God hate or abhor anything, IF IT ALL COMES FROM THE SAEM CREATOR.
Stop with this bullshit, the only thing that matter is whats in a mans heart, not what he does with his sexual life.
This is some hateful, divisive, fear mongering BS. If you were to live in love, you'd would understand what i mean.
Keep throwing your stones tho, I think maybe Jesus had something to say about that as well.....
I haven’t judged you, but you have judged my experience as invalid based upon your understanding of how “God works”. I only pointed this out to your awareness.
If I truly believe this experience was a gift from the Creator, who are you to tell me it is not? Are you God?
What if you told someone an experience you had and you insisted it was a gift from God, and the person said “That wasn’t God”.
That person will forever and always be a dick. God is mysterious and doesn’t operate under the lines that you, a human, have drawn. It’s actually pretty arrogant to assert you know Gods will.
God bless man
I would try to be a little less judgmental. Especially if you’re coming from the “God doesn’t want that” POV
Also, I still think you’re missing the point entirely. God is mysterious and doesn’t operate in the lines that you have drawn yourself.
Good luck as well
PCT is the Pacific Crest Trail. It’s the trail that runs vertical on the west coast. I was hiking around getting in touch with myself.
Re read my post, the experiment is simple. Declare to the Lord you expect an unexpected gift within 24hrs. He will deliver if you believe.
And no I’m not stoned!
Blue collar dems won the election for ole’ bathhouse. Blue collar dems also won the election for Donny as well.
This is the truth that no liberal will admit to