Completely sober for 8 months. Not in my mind in any way, just came off the PCT after a few weeks. Did the experiment in the morning, forgot about it by 5pm. I was hungry at someone’s air bnb and the guy had an off brand chocolate crunch bar in his freezer. I’m not the most morally righteous person, and I ate the candy bar as I watched some college football. Turns out the candy bar was loaded with marijuana. Last thing on my fucking mind that day was to get stoned. I hadn’t thought about it for months. Alcohol is my true problem, but I was in a sober phase so no marijuana either. One of the best time I’ve ever had being stoned. Didn’t know it was coming, hit me like a brick, and I was also in a cool city which I walked around during the event.
Edit: also I didn’t make the post to tell my story. I truly just want people to experience the truth that the creator loves us and is apart of anyone’s life if they let the creator inside
Yeah in a similar fashion (drugs/alcohol/the rabbit hole) I was turned back to God. I think you would agree w me that once you feel the pain and suffering in your own life and don’t know how to deal with it, and then you discover all of the insanely dark things happening in our world, it’s hard not to turn to God.
Thing is, one of the biggest lies our society has come to believe is that we are mortal beings occupying a chemical body which creates a reality in front of us. With this idea, you can blind almost anybody to the truth. People that are in darkness believe this.
The opposite is to understand us humans are incredibly spiritual beings capable of things that the collective (as of right now) would say, “that’s all just myth/superstition/fiction” etc.
The truth couldn’t be more joyful. The soul remains after the body is gone. The creator loves the creation. We were meant to be spiritual, loving, courageous, 3rd density trophies, but we lost our way.
People like you and me and everyone here can make a difference by doing one thing. Be happy lmao
Be joyful. Be merry. Be loving towards people who think you hate them. Make them wonder “why tf is he so happy? He shouldn’t be happy, everything is shit”.
In a world where we are programmed to be fearful, judgmental, and unempathetic, the person who embodies these things acts as a rebel
Be a rebel man. Be happy that you are a rebel during one of the most CRUCIAL moment in our galaxy (yeah our galaxy, not just earth)
God bless man, I love you, we love you, God loves you.
That’s how I handle it and I’m sure that’s how some of the most resolved anons handle this stress. The plan isn’t mans plan. What’s happening in this world and the tensions between light and dark; these things are happening just the same, up above. As above so below.
This is not just a planet earth situation. This is not just a physical fight and struggle, it’s metaphysical and spiritual just the same.
You know when people say, “put on the armor of God”? This is what that means. Be confident that the Creator has a plan and the Creators plan is centered around the light. Pray, meditate, read spiritual texts. The only thing you can do is take care of your self in a way that makes other people in your life pay attention.
People are unhappy today. The liberals, the conservatives, the independent. That’s the main theme of 2020-present. Fear, anger, and judgment. If you refuse to give in to that frequency of living, if you embrace God, begin to act w more compassion in your everyday life, people will take notice.
How could someone be so happy about the future living in 2021??? God man. Give it to God.
Sry I didn’t mean to assume, I feel the hate in my heart when is get inpatient and frustrated w events in this timeline. It’s Gods plan and the people involved on earth, both good and bad, are playing a part. It will happen when the One says it will happen.
This concept helps with my frustration. Hopefully it give you some peace as well. God bless brother
Yeah you still done get it man. This isn’t on a mans timeline. This isn’t coordinated solely by white hats. What will happen will be biblical, cosmic. Those words aren’t used for hyperbole. It’s the truth. Being impatient with this is almost like complaining to your 5 month pregnant wife that the baby isn’t here yet.
Its not her fault. The baby will come when it’s ready. If you still find this message w hate in your heart, try to breathe and remember; this is Gods timeline. Not yours or trumps or Pompeos or the Clintons or Soros.
It’s Gods timeline. Be patient and be grateful you get to witness this time in a physical body
I would love to pick your brain. It seems you are thinking exactly what I’ve been thinking lately. Humans have lost the truth. The truth of who we are and how powerful we are as SPIRITUAL beings.
Materialism has created a so called “nail in the coffin” of the spiritual development of our species. Thing is, nothing can stop what is coming. The shift will occur regardless if we are ready or not.
Is there any reading material you could give me about Racine and the pathway to the souls through Orion? I’ve never heard this type of thing before and I like to think I read a lot of different types of spiritual texts. I’m incredibly interested in what you’re saying
And to think, if all of us God living patriots understood the power of the metaphysical, we could voluntarily give out the same energy to something greater than us
But you know, the metaphysical doesn’t exists, and if it does, it only exists to the fucking satanists
Christians got to wake up
Don’t control your anger friends. Accept the anger. Love the anger. It’s ok to feel angry, it’s not ok to let the anger cloud your judgements and actions
Accept the anger. It’s ok to be angry. But you gotta accept it and love it!
All of my thinking has come from the last 5-8 years I have done reading a bunch of different types of theological prophesies, ancient origin stories, the astronomical cycles of our solar system/galaxy, and also alien and demon mythology.
I can’t point you to one source. But the most recent thing I’ve been reading is called The Cassiopeia Transcripts. I take everything I read w a grain of salt tho
Basically, my opinion is that what’s coming isn’t planned by humans. It is cosmic and a reoccurring shift in paradigm that happens every 13,000 years. Our solar system has formed the right angle (the great cross) w the center of galaxy and because of this, natural phenomenon occurs on all levels of existence. It’s spiritual.
I don’t know what’s gonna happen or even if what I’m thinking is correct, but I believe in my heart that what’s coming (like Q says), cannot he stopped by man. Bigger than we can imagine. It’s BIBLICAL
Hope that helps??? Lol
Don’t think I’m a doomer but I do think a little differently than most of y’all. Here’s my two cents
What’s about to happen in this world has little to do w our governments. It all has to do w the Great Wave that is coming from the center of our galaxy. The great cross. The Kali Yuga. Revelations etc... The Human species is about to enter into the next Age. It’s all pre-organized to be this way. As natural events occur on the surface of our earth w more frequency (earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts), the tensions of man increase at the same intensity. Meanwhile, the heavenly bodies have aligned again after 13,000 years and the natural consequence of this is felt physically in our world.
It’s all coming together. This isn’t about Trump or the United States of America. Yes, Trump is involved and America is the greatest country to ever reside in Earth, but this is bigger than all of that. Bigger than governments. Bigger than man
Nothing can stop what is coming It will be Biblical The Great Awakening
Yeah the thing is, letting this effect your daily life is so easy. We are in an information war waged w emotional weapons. It effects us all man. It effects liberals too, but when they get emotional it’s usually about subjects that are normalized in the collective Zeitgeist.
Be in the world but not of the world. Rest assure that everything will always happen how it is supposed to happen. If that means that we are gonna see a little hell on earth, God wills it. If that means we are about to witness the most amazing global awakening to light, God wills it.
We don’t know the future. Stay informed, do your part in spreading red pills, and be at peace. All things of the earthly and spiritual realm will bow to Him when he takes it back.
Lmao they call us cult followers bc we don’t accept the MSM as legitimate. Think about it; we are the cultists bc we are screaming “they’re not telling us the truth” and everyone who licks the cum off CNNs mattress topper, are the reasonable ones. How fucking backwards is that? The cult of the MSM has convinced its base that the people who see the lies of the main stream media, are the true cultists. It’s fucking crazy Thing is, if people who think we are “domestic terrorists” and “cultists” knew me or worked w me, they would never know I hang out here. But I would most likely know every political position they have ever taken a stance on, every article they read on CNN, and also about how much they hate Trump. Seriously, who are the brainwashed ones???
Calm down pat