Dial back the hyperbole a bit, ya? They aren't 'slaughtering' kids.
A few I knew that had covid that were young were down for 1-1.5 weeks, so more than just the 1-2 days of mild symptoms the people I knew who got the vaccine had. One of them that had covid was only abotu 30, and said it was like they'd been hit by a truck, difficulty breathing for days on end as well.
Sorry OP, you were off on this one.
Then the story mentions (two times) that she seemed more upbeat than usual
From a medical perspective, this can also be because a person, once the suicide is planned, feels relief, as an end is in sight. No idea if this applies to this case though, obviously.
This would indicate that while patriots may by and large be in control, they are not in complete control, and elements of the deep state are still actively at work.
According to your personal beliefs and interpretations of what other humans claim god said.
Well, I for one am sick and tired of a small minority trying to impose its will and lifestyle on the vast majority who want nothing to do with it.
Who is trying to force you to have a gay relationship or practice gay intimacy? In reality its the opposite, its been you and others like you that has tried to force your will and lifestyle on them.
Stop playing the victim when it is you that is actually the oppressor and divider.
Correct, Q had defined it, and you and your attempts to co-opt it and turn it into something divisive makes you a hypocrite.
Attempts to divide will fail, wwg1wga.
Agreed, 100%. They want us divided, and even some of the religious are willing to divide us if they can in order to further their own agendas.
They want us divided, and I refuse to see good men and women as anything but that.
And I know more than a few hetero people with similar numbers of partners. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with it.
They all ready have everything, if Q is correct. That an audit has begun at all gives them an avenue to introduce what they all ready have had all along since election night.
Nothing can stop what is coming. I hope....
It doesn't. If it did, tens of millions of people would have dropped dead all ready in the last month or 2 alone. There are innumerable things that would kill us very quickly if our immune systems were shut down in any meaningful way.
You will never convince them that the mRNA "vaccine" may have contributed to the Leukemia
Because 'full blown leukemia' does not happen on such a short time scale. There is nothing that indicates this cancer was caused by the vaccine.
All the common diseases that people are getting are still going to happen as a majority of the nation gets the vaccine all at once.
And they've certainly by now changed everything to cover their tracks.
'Undisclosed', 'could have', etc. Is there anything of substance here?
Or, he did win, and we are going to find that out. I'd hang on to that betting slip if I were you.
I'm showing it doesn't mean anything, you have to look at totals and percentages, not single incidents glorified in videos. Given the numbers of humans getting this vaccine, you would expect to see the same rate of these types of incidents as you would any other year.
Most everyone I know has been vaccinated, and no one is having any side affects. Don't let anecdotal evidence skew your view of reality.
Simple - the anti-vaxxers here are wrong, and using poor/faulty logic to reach their conclusions. All of these 'side effects' were happening anyways to people out in the wild. Now, in a very short time, most the population has been vaccinated, and these things are simply continuing to happen as they did before people were vaccinated. Correlation is not causation. You could easily claim that everyone who died in car accidents the following week after being vaccinated died because of the vaccine, even though they were going to die from a car wreck anyways, even without the vaccine.
Trust the plan, ignore the disinformaiton sewn to undermine that trust in Trump and the plan.
Naw, the best way to depopulate (from the cabal's perspective) would be to release a vaccine to a truly deadly virus you all ready have stored in waiting. The 'sheep' would take the vaccine and survive when you eventually release the deadly virus, and all independent/anti-vaxxers would die upon release of the deadly virus. Then the cabal would rule over a world of sheep, with all those who would resist having been wiped out because they wouldn't take the vaccine.
That Trump has endorsed getting the vaccine is all I need to know that it is safe, and that all the info here is uneducated guessing using poor reasoning and faulty logic.
If there was truly something going on with the vaccine, A) Trump would not be recommending it, and B) you'd have tens of thousands if not more of examples of this kind of thing happening. People do not realize how many human beings have been vaccinated, and that this kind of stuff was happening before we started vaccinating.
Nothing here looks specific enough to draw a time frame conclusion of any kind.
They had ballots well in advance, it would not have been hard to have specialists examine them to see what they contain. Same as people who forge money, etc. The deep state is smart and has vast resources with near endless reach, it would take something more than something so obvious to trip them up.
A million people said a million things, all with 'proof'. Nobody outside of those who are part of the plan knew anything definitively. When someone wins the lottery, it isn't because they knew what the numbers were going to be (with very rare exceptions, lol).
More than a billion vaccine doses have been administered so far. The small number of deaths are meaningless, since people are dying all the time anyways. Take the numbers you've listed, divied them even just by 500 million, and see what percentage you get.
Sorry, I trust Trump over the guesswork and bad information about vaccines going on here.
And my account isn't a handshake account. Nice try at an insult though.