Your welcome, God Bless
It would take longer to give a summary than for you just watch it 5:43 long.
Do know what happens when clots start dissolving? They begin to break up and move that's when they can become dangerous, when someone is on blood clotting medicine they're also being monitored pending on size. Furthermore just because something is Natural does not mean it's safe to take with out being careful or cautious. Hence be careful when taking supplements. That's all I was saying, Not not take it.
Also it lowers blood pressure, which can be a Good thing if yours is high, but if yours is Low then you need to be cautious or careful. Even Ivermectin if taken in correctly can have consequences. Even table Salt is Natural but to much can Kill you. :)
Didn't I Say be Careful?
Just be careful when taking Nattokinase especially if you have Low blood pressure or blood cots.
Thank you for passing this along, I have a friend that's been suffering for sometime now. Everything Dr. Ardis said makes complete sense. I think this should stickie.
Any 17th day came be a Q day.
Put that in your pipe an smoke it all you liberal wackos.
Holy Molly a mouth full of Truth and Wisdom. Watch and listen too it a few times and let it sink in. Thanks
Top right side (secret window) click on it.
Thanks much better.
So is Graham just saying Israel is Last?
Mommy don't let your Cowboys grow up too be Cowgirls. Just Saying
That badge was designed by Deputy Bob Brown in 1948 and is still in use to-date.Was pedophilia symbols in use back in 1948? FBI figure out the symbols in 11/22/07 or that was the release date.
Thanks that is interesting only time will tell or future will prove the past.
We'll see what happens next!
Then it's working? (Scare Event)?(Precipice)?
Unfortunately by design it's too reduce population and or for a time increase the need for more drugs for all the side effects (make more money).
He is saying Floyd WAS alive, not saying he's still alive, was he finished off or died later on??
If there's no problem why would you need a solution.
Maybe She's Afraid, because of her crimes? Many more will try too leave, lets see what happens.
We pray to God and God Uses People too move mountains!
I should have been clear, The USA will take them was meant as sarcasm, but I can see it happing....