Some noise. It's barely registering as sound.
In a war of the mind, you never shoot first. You lose any defensive advantage when you do so.
They already think lesser of us. Why give them that on a golden platter?
They taunt you to act. They use fear to get you to comply. Stop listening to them. They have not told us the truth and therefore have NOTHING TO SAY!!!
I ended up sending an email. I have removed some specifics as I am not going to datefag here. However, I did send very specific dates. The email is as follows:
Just wanted to pass a message on to you. I am not happy with the kinds of propaganda that you guys put out recently. You are playing on people's fears with the mandate BS, and that kind of stuff just makes me lose respect for you people.
I really want to call and tear someone a new one regarding the BS, and how many people must die before the ones who are supposed to protect this nation are going to act. But after I settled down, I realized I have a more pressing concern that bothers me.
You see, I am not just an ordinary person. I've been trying to figure out a lot of things with myself, but in doing so, it opened me up to seeing future events. I don't understand them. I don't feel invested in them, but when asked, I see with unusually accurate clarity.
In 2017 I replied to a post on reddit as aplanetaryguide.
In there, I note the 2020 olympics and a disturbance in 2021.
Perhaps you can tell me why there are only 3 people in the pentagon on the [deleted date]? Two of them are security guards near an exterior door and the third appears to be emptying the trash bins. The day before looks fine, and there are people everywhere. Then after? Gone. I saw this yesterday, when there were only [deleted]. Tick tock, tick tock.
Actually I don't expect you to respond. Instead I just wanted you to know, I have already seen it. I already know. It's not my choice to do so, and that just pisses me off. So get your shit together! Time is not on your side here.
Scare tactic to prevent awakening. It has already failed.
Thank you.
I was hoping for something other than the PR line for tours.
Hold that thought. I think the actual outcome will amaze you.
What's the number? I want to tell those people a thing or two!
It is this:
2 Samuel 5:24 "As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the poplar trees, move quickly, because that will mean the LORD has gone out in front of you to strike the Philistine army.”
That explains the spring the trap video!
I was thinking about this further and I think it's all a scare tactic.
The reason why, is because you have to choose the jab. The mask thing is about compliance. The test PCR or whatever, is about how stupid you are.
WGN had a story a couple of mornings ago where they were talking about the new test, which you can do at home and connects to your cell phone. Knowing anything about the test, using an "at home" test? How stupid do they think we are? You might as well flip a coin.
I mean, look at how detailed the agreements were about the MRNA stuff. Don't reveal the long term effects for 10 years?!? You would have to be the worst negotiator to agree to that kind of thing. Isn't Israel's agreement for 30 years? Were they holding the leaders by their balls? Seriously! Who signs that kind of agreement?
No, they have to cover their ass for the Nuremberg stuff, so they are going to say "it was always your choice", but they aren't responsible if other places take the fall for their stupidity. The threats have no teeth. Experian would not be that stupid, unless they were responsible or complicit or realized their existence would end. None of which means that they have the possibility of surviving what punishment results. They already know the outcome. History shows this kind of thing always loses.
So either they get the quick death and get taken out like Q said, or they are going to be tortured by the mobs of people which they will try to blame on "QAnon". Nobody will listen at that point.
But the thing that told me, that this is a scare tactic, was the military requirement. That tactic went on for a bit, people freaked, and then just lately the pentagon said they were not going to mandate.
It not as if Chicago is known for how many lawyers there are. It is a lot, isn't it?
The hardest thing one has to do, is learn to say "NO. We are not slaves! We aren't going to listen to the bullshit anymore." Look at France. Once one falls, the rest fall. It doesn't matter who is first. As soon as it starts, the game is then over. So, the tactic is to delay as much as possible? A horrible idea, because they are literally asking to be dragged through the streets by their necks, the more they drag it on.
If one thing doesn't have teeth, the rest of it doesn't either. Make them prove Covid-19 really exists like the guy from Canada did. Make them prove that the ICU's really are full and make them prove that it isn't just the flu. They can't. The CDC admitted it.
Am I missing something? At some point it is mathematically impossible.
How many people live in apartments in Chicago who lost their job? They are suffering already, they just need an extra kick in their pants to motivate them to action.
It will take away their ability to buy food. Just see how long that will last.
How long do you think it will take before the class action lawsuit, sues the pants off of the credit card companies?
They are going to have to prove Covid exists, and they can't do it. This will backfire big time.
It's going to hit in 2028 (personal NDE). Location of impact is the Caribbean. The tip of Florida east. Tip of Brazil north. That will be the eastern edge of the impact and will rest much closer west and slightly more southern. It's a very large mass. Worst earthquake ever.
It causes Yellowstone to erupt. The sky will be black with soot from the eruptions, and the sun will be a dim blood red. It will be cold no matter where you are.
The Navy's future map, and Al Bielek's map are a bit incorrect. The closest one is the Scallion map. Elevation counts as the water displacement and impact causes a large tidal wave.
I wouldn't call it Planet X though.
What if the reason people are becoming ill is because of the flu vaccine?
I mean that could explain a lot of things, but I really don't understand this "science".
Maybe it's because it's not really science?
185,666 <- Those last three numbers.
Unfortunately, if you do good works for selfish reasons, you are no better than a sinner. There is a time for you, there's a time for God, and there is a time for everyone else. In other words, you'll need to learn how to dance.
They have to find us first. [Picture of me in camo below]
As far as I know, the Ashtar Galactic Federation is real. It's the basis for Star Trek. Their ships are found hanging around Sedona and Las Vegas. Their scouts appear as ninjas with weird breathing apparatus that makes them look a bit like Darth Vader. They are invisible except to the spiritual energy seeing eye, and only to those who know what to look for. If you see one, there are usually more around.
However, English as a spoken language is an earth construct. When you study English from the Middle Ages, it's gone though changes. It adapts to the culture. So any race external to earth would never be able to speak it, unless they already could speak it.
So, yes. LARP.
Besides, communication outside of this realm is telepathic. Language is no longer a requirement. It's not needed.
My thinking on the Great Awakening, is that I consider it in the same thing as being enlightened. Two sides of the same coin. After reading the law of one books, I tend to think that the rapture is more of a harvesting, which I don't like at all. Of course the only other option is to remain. I am not sure that's the place to be either.
We aren't toys. We aren't tools. We are being restricted, but we are prevented from knowing why. We aren't allowed to remember past lives, but there has been more and more cases of bleed through. Farsight has been trying to determine why and the conclusion is more bizarre than the rest. Prison? What kind of prison mind wipes its inmates? No, all of this is actions as if someone was trying to prevent something.
The problem in trying to prevent something, is that the something to be prevented already exists. If you're going to hit the wall if you slide down a hill, then there's not much you can do to stop it, no matter how hard you try.
So, you look at this message, and then look at the Covid and vax and ask yourself. What could they be possibly trying to do? The actions alone presume that a conclusion exists.
What we should have done years ago was that when anyone said that they were coming for our guns, we should have pointed our gun at them and fired. That's not how you are going to get rid of guns. That's how you reinforce the need for them. It's stupid.
So the jab. They are killing people so that.... I haven't quite figured it out. They are literally killing off their own supporters like some kind of global heaven's gate cult ritual.
God, I feel old.
Which weapons?
I find it funny an organization capable of interstellar travel, "seeing" the future, and able to disrupt communications like television. Then turn around and speak in fluent English?!?
Sure. These guys are concerned about our "evil weapons".
I'd check my BS meter, but it broke last year when Covid hit.
The idea that a new normal is somehow part of the state of entropy and as a result, an essential part of the balance, is laughable.
The balance, will ALWAYS return you back to where you started. Not to something new! The balance eliminates any push toward something else, because the actions defy balance. Being in a new normal is not balanced.
Stupid, stupid, stupid! All of them! Their fates were sealed and they didn't know it. By pushing a non balanced state, (i.e. "new normal") will mean that those that attempt to maintain the endeavor will be ostracized or made an example of, when the balance returns.
How much are you watching your television now? That's the returning of the balance, in action there. 99 channels and nothing's on. If we are in a state of returning back to balance, then this BS is only debris to be swept up by the path of a more powerful force.
Best to say good bye while you still can, to anyone who says "new normal".
When Bush Sr. used the words "New World Order" in one of his speeches.
I feel old now.
Am I the only person that uses air quotes every time Biden is referred to as president?
Must be me. Speaking of which, using green screen too much has made it easy to see that maybe "President Biden" doesn't have a plane, AF1 or whatever it is.
Not virus. Cancer.
Viruses just go away. These things need to be removed and destroyed.