arathyra 0 points ago +1 / -1

Apparently he doesn't know it. Or, he has completely misread the base. R turnout in the midterms was depressed (literally and figuratively) because of 2020. There's no way we're going to win beans in 2024, even assuming there isn't a steal.

arathyra 0 points ago +1 / -1

I remember that. I said that after 2020 about 2022. Turns out that was right. Should we start saying that about 2022 with regard to 2024?

arathyra 0 points ago +5 / -5

I don't know why people are dooming. I mean, it's only two more years until the next fixed election...

arathyra 3 points ago +4 / -1

"I would predict that with elections cleaned up of their cheating"

How is that going to happen?

arathyra 1 point ago +2 / -1

Is this supposed to make me like DeSantis less? Trump is STILL touting the vaccines. Not a great hill to die on.

arathyra 3 points ago +5 / -2

The time to do this was before the election, IMO. And I'm not sure how he's activating people. Activating how? To do what? Storm Washington with our signs and platitudes so we can be thrown in the gulag?

arathyra 1 point ago +2 / -1

Best take on this on GA. I agree 100%. This smells rotten to me. There is nothing he can say that will help. Running in 24? He's built up the hype on this to actually make that a disappointment. Look at his inarticulate message on"historic" and "hopefully." Wtf? Starting a new party? We would be in the minority forever. Running as Speaker? He would never get the votes - the majority of his own party in the house hates him. The military? How doe he announce that alone without actual military presence? The media will crucify him (I mean, far worse than normal.)

Announcing there was a steal? LOL. We know that. We knew it in 2020, and nothing got fixed. Easily 20% of republicans stayed home because they felt there was no point. With Fetterman getting elected, they weren't wrong.

arathyra 0 points ago +1 / -1

Curious about your thoughts on why tomorrow instead of two weeks ago.

arathyra 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hard to see DJT speaking about the military with no military there. Who would take him seriously? And if there's military there that will cause a huge schism in the government as everyone pro-regime in the military immediately denounces it.

arathyra 0 points ago +1 / -1

Either would be a catastrophic misstep. A new party just dilutes our power and he has spoken out against this as recently as this year. There is no way he gets a majority of the votes cast. Keep in mind the democrats will vote in lock-step and there will be 210+ of them.

arathyra 15 points ago +19 / -4

Yeah. Really tired of this. We all knew when we saw the graphic. So I agree: now what?

Ritual humiliation and learned helplessness is what is happening now.

arathyra 1 point ago +2 / -1

He would never win a vote for speaker. There is no chance, from all we know at the moment. (Barring some use of Kompromat or something.) McCarthy survives and remains speaker. He's absolutely terrible and he will be the speaker.

arathyra 5 points ago +6 / -1

And, the media has already set up MAGA republicans as fringe nut cases. So we're going to create our own exclusive club? That'll show 'em.

arathyra 5 points ago +8 / -3

You're 100% right. Trump can't seem to get out of his way ("DeSantimonious") - so what happens if he forms a party and joins it? He's the MAGA nomination, and DeSantis clinches a republican nomination - and then what?

This is a terrible idea, and yeah I can totally see this happening.

arathyra 3 points ago +4 / -1

A new party? Holy shite. Talk about making republicans a minority party for the next forever. So much of politics from local to the presidency is about counting party beans. We're seeing a giant clusterf**k with the House leadership right now and we are actually ONE PARTY! If this is what's going to happen I have to wonder if this is intentional suicide.

arathyra 2 points ago +3 / -1

Trump will announce tomorrow. And...I think that's it. I gather other people are expecting something additional?

arathyra 0 points ago +1 / -1

She will "lose." And no one will even be able to figure out how she lost - they'll basically announce a vote count that shows the leaked news image that came out a week early is spot on. There will be no explanation, no court will hear the case due to standing, and things will remain the way they are.

But trump will be dropping his news tomorrow - so it's all getting wrapped up soon. And after 6 years! "Let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

arathyra 2 points ago +4 / -2

A run for 2024. He'll then insult DeSantis and Youngkin. DeSantis, incidentally, solved the election problems in Florida by actually doing something and he won big and republicans did very well. And a latino shift was noted in the state.

arathyra 9 points ago +10 / -1

I suppose they think the democrats had a good plan. Which was... to not debate, not run on their record, remain tied to the worst administration in history, clearly ignore all of the top issues important to voters and...still win. It's magical.

Why debate or campaign or have a plan if you know someone will just zero out your opponents votes?

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