Amanda Grace
911 IS A THEME OF 2025 AND we need to be sober minded and vigilant and understand the enemy works strategically in cycles, in patterns, and TIMING Blackhawk helicopter, the blackhawks happen to be an ice hockey team in Chicago. I'm sounding the alarm for Chicago and their major airport Chicago O'Hare.
Pray for Chicago and Chicago O’Hare airport.
Troublemaker, the drug cartels will be out of business. 😂
Might be reverse psychology?
Would that make her a high value target?
She earned her wings last month after completing the Initial Entry Rotary Wing Flight School at Fort Rucker, Alabama.
She earned her wings last month after completing the Initial Entry Rotary Wing Flight School at Fort Rucker, Alabama.
Always keep your prayers up to date.😊
It's coming, but who will listen?
Oh. Well. Lookie there. 👀
James Rogers - Cinematographer; Truth@24fps
Look what I just stumbled into:
Lockheed Martin demonstrated this remote Blackhawk technology…IN WASHINGTON DC…Mere months ago.
2 weeks before the 2024 election.
Show more
7:08 PM · Jan 29, 2025 Response to Jake Barber
They seem to care more about comms with demons than the energy benefits. This discloser will prep mankind for the 'Great Delusion imo.
The need for 'Watchmen on the wall' has never been more important.
To maintain the porta potties ? 😂
This might need some adjustment. jmo
What will be the fallout from this discloser?
Rev.:13 Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name.
Phil.2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Fallen angels, nephilim, the great delusion is under way, but who will believe it, they love those 'aliens' because it does away with God & accountability.
I bet RFK jr. stopping Big Harma ads will hurt big time.
Sorry, I copied off 8Kun. A Planefag did a sceengrab & posted it.
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Last Updated: 2025-01-22 09:08:13 AM
Judas at the table?
Send in the Calvary then. 😂