aumone 14 points ago +14 / -0

I'm sure I have said this before; not sure where but here is my take on Flynn and the entire $hit $how going on.

  1. I am old and tired and have hung in since 2015.
  2. I believed in Q from the get go and did not believe in Covid from the get go.
  3. I did my best to post info until I was permanently suspended form Twitter in June of 2023.
  4. For some unknown reason I received an apology a few weeks ago stating that my account should NOT have been permanently suspended and asked for my forgiveness.
  5. But, all that aside, I have taken issue many times with people on most platforms and podcasts who tell us we need to get off our ass and not wait for others to save us.
  6. When I have the opportunity to respond I respond as such: What in hell do you want us to do? We can post. We can email. But we have ZERO ability to arrest and try the criminals. The only thing We The People will ever be able to do is defend our home and family with the guns we have here.
  7. I have lived in my home since we built it in 1974-in a small town bordering MN and WISC and in those years I never felt fear until this past year. We lock our doors and windows, we know where the guns are stored (no locks-no time).
  8. But as hesitant as we are about our safety I refuse to let Hubby take down the US Flag and he cannot remove the Blessed Virgin Mary's statue. We wil die defending both if needed. I never thought I would live in the USA and feel as I do today.
    GOD help us all because HE is the Only ONE who can do so. We The People do not have what it takes to restore this Country without HIS help. 🙏🙏
aumone 1 point ago +1 / -0

Below are the symptoms of JN.1.

Let's pretend the year is 2017 and you had NEVER heard of covid.

But you had one or more of the symptoms listed below.

What would you self diagnose yourself as having?

In the good old days, going back decades, I would have diagnosed myself as having - 1. The flu 2. A very bad cold 3. Perhaps Pneumonia

But TODAY! If anyone gets any of these symptoms they immediately say "I have Covid" and it is getting sickening. I can hardly wait for the day that someone ends the CDC and gets on the MSM to announce that not every damn symptom you get is Covid!

Hubby and I are in our 70's and he works retail at Home Depot. Neither one of us have ever had anything that resembles covid. If either one of us start to have any symptoms of a cold or flu we take HCQ and Ivermectin immediately and both of us are great the next day.

The symptoms of JN.1:

Sore throat


Runny nose




Muscle aches

Fever or chills

Loss of sense of taste or smell

aumone 12 points ago +12 / -0

And Bill Gates can go to hell; go directly to hell; do not pass go; just please for the love of all that are human and love of GOD; please Bill Gates go directly to hell!

aumone 16 points ago +16 / -0

I am praying that once we all prove most of this Congress is illegitimate than these damn legislations will be null and void! 🙏

aumone 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can you imagine how much money unvaccinated males could make in the coming years? Can you imagine how much money unvaccinated females could make as surrogates in the coming years? I am so glad that I am 0- and unvaccinated - too old to be a surrogate but not too old to give blood if needed.

aumone 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pretty sure this "uptick" is due to the jab but in doing a bit of research on Yandex it appears that the numbers listed in this article are not anywhere near the number of cases listed year after year. You can read the info here - https://www.respiratorytherapyzone.com/pneumonia-statistics/ And here: https://en.sputniknews.africa/20231112/world-pneumonia-day-the-global-health-crisis-we-can-no-longer-ignore-1063494191.html

aumone 4 points ago +4 / -0

I posted to her X account and said the closed door meeting with Schumer tells me he is being blackmailed or he has been threatened (including his family) and in the private meeting he was told to tow the line. Or he was and is a RINO. But I believe the first. He was threatened and everything will go downhill from this day forward.

aumone 4 points ago +4 / -0

How many of you are sick and tired of reading about the EXTENSIVE CRIMES COMMITTED BY DEMOCRATS that are never being accounted for?

What in hell can we the people do to fix this? I sure as hell do not have an answer.

It seems as if we have not one damn person or entity that we can confront without being arrested ourselves.

And if DJT does get back how in hell will one person turn this around?

The only way I can live with this is that GOD will be his guide because he cannot do it alone and how many people around him can he trust? FIVE?

Please forgive me folks, but I am so damn close to believing this Country cannot be saved. I am believing that GOD reached HIS end with us and is going to let us end and not in a nice way. So be prepared for the end folks.

I hope you have made your peace with GOD because if I were HIM I would have written 99% of the human race out of Heaven.

PRAY folks, it is the only alternative.

If I am dooming - sorry there are times when we must face the facts.

aumone 5 points ago +5 / -0

I had a black and white checkered kitchen floor when I first married. Sometimes, black and white is just black and white.

aumone 4 points ago +4 / -0

From the research I have done it appears that the first round of vaccinations had something in them that reacted with their brains in such a way as to make them easy to control. It took away their ability and their interest in anything other than what they are being told to do. I wish I could remember where I read it. If I find it I will share.

aumone 1 point ago +1 / -0

You will not believe this but yesterday I tried one more appeal to get back on X and this morning I received a message that my account has been completely restored!

I couldn't believe it. My account is @AumoneMaison. My last post was June 12th.

aumone 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is how I got permanently suspended for saying the same thing about Biden last June. So far nothing I have done or said has reversed the decision.

aumone 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think I would be afraid to claim US Citizenship in the state of Florida after all that he has done.

He must have a HUGE security team or several clones.

aumone 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just received our property tax for next year.

I would really like to know how the value of my home went up $106,000 since last year! Disgusting

aumone 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ashland, when you have time do a dive into the euthanasia the Biden Admin is looking at for killing children who have medical issues. It is a copy of what has just started in Canada.

GOD please help us all. 🙏

aumone 0 points ago +1 / -1

I know I will probably cause an issue here, but as much as I would love to believe all of these stories about UFO's and aliens, I came to the conclusion a few months ago that they are all fake.

This realization came to me after reading more of the bible. If there is life on another planet I do not believe they will be secretly visiting us and if life is made in the image of Christ they are NOT reptilians.

My belief is that many of the great "discoveries" applied to "aliens" are actually from Tesla and others like Tesla who had found cures and other great things that the military use/used.

If one believes in GOD and JESUS and GOD's creation of this world how can one believe in reptilian aliens at the same time? It is so antithetical to life as I believe.

aumone 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wonder what would happen if one asked any AI chat this question: "Do you lie?" 🤣

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