bcfromfl -3 points ago +7 / -10

If I told you that Rudy was likely behind the deception of 9/11, and hiding the truth, would that change any opinions?

bcfromfl 1 point ago +3 / -2

I invested more time than I care to admit in all that, but after meaningless "deltas" that came and went, and arguments ad nauseum on this board trying to parse out what exactly was meant by a drop, I gave up and spend my available time on more concrete digging...

Most of my contributions to this board are a result of my research into medical issues, and sharing links from my massive files, but I do entertain occasional opinions on other topics which I share on occasion. The JQ is actually something I know quite a bit about, as is my historical knowledge of WWI and WWII.

I am normally cautious and skeptical by nature. Perhaps that might have the potential of leaving me behind the curve on some topics, but it also means I don't get hung out to dry by being impulsive.

bcfromfl 1 point ago +2 / -1

You want this place to be an echo chamber? It would fall flat in a matter of days. What's amazing to me is the number of people who claim to support the First Amendment...just not here.

I'm a patriotic, equal-opportunity skeptic.

bcfromfl -6 points ago +4 / -10

Yes, they have been lying for decades, but the lies caught up with them in sort of a "critical mass" point, and enough people began noticing. "Causation does not equal correlation." Just because Trump began saying "fake news" about the same time that others began taking MSM to task, does not mean that Trump can be given credit for what has happened to MSM. MSM has focused on Trump for eight years...even longer than that, because it's what drives viewers and readers. It doesn't take a huge stretch of imagination to recognize that where the lies rest, is where the news has focused -- on Trump. There are a lot of intelligent folks in this world...Trump doesn't have the market cornered on savvy.

I won't pretend to try to understand why Musk does what he does...other than the fact that I believe he is a fraud and opportunist. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Db8xlkPaLb0m/

bcfromfl 5 points ago +6 / -1

In terms of raw numbers, jews are only about 2% of the U.S. population, and statistics show that the vast majority of them vote blue...even in this last election.

bcfromfl -2 points ago +3 / -5

You ask "...why would he take down their most powerful weapon." Well, I haven't seen him "take down" MSM other than call it fake news. As far as I have seen, the "Great Awakening" and social media, as well as MSM itself getting caught up in its own lies, are to blame for taking down MSM...not anything Trump has done himself. He has missed some massive opportunities to be specific about what exactly MSM has reported that are out-and-out lies, but all he says is, "Fake news." Honestly, he hasn't impressed me with the "5-D chess" everyone seems to credit him with.

Recently, his team has filed a lawsuit against CBS for their 60 Minutes interview with Harris, but that's a single action, and recent in nature.

bcfromfl 3 points ago +11 / -8

"Trump has no other option than to play a strategic game."

OK, I'll consider this opinion. But he provided no basis to support this conclusion. Why is Trump supporting Israel the way he has, and adding members to his cabinet who are openly Zionist? Why does Trump support antisemitism laws that infringe upon the First Amendment? If Trump is "exposing the cabal," then why treat Israel with kid gloves? Why not call a spade a spade and be done with it?

In this video, Trump repeats the claim that "...Nazis murdered six million jews..." If he's so "in the know" and as smart as everyone claims, he would know that this is a lie. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZVxJTvDR00bI/ "Those who deny the holocaust are an accomplist to this horrible evil..." That sounds like a threat against the First Amendment if you ask me. Many places in Europe will throw people in prison for questioning the holohoax, and states here in the U.S. are beginning to lean this direction. Holohoax curriculum is required in many states.

Trump says, "Israel is a very, very important ally of the United States." Oh, really? Ask anyone familiar with world events and politics, and you'll get a completely different answer.

The person narrating the video claims that people are making other videos to make viewers form opinions against Trump. Well, I say, just look at the words out of his mouth in speeches. That's all we have to go on. Ask yourself, why does Trump, and just about every other politician, bow to jews and Israel? No other tiny, marginalized group receives this kind of attention, and the billions of dollars in aid. This "aid" gets funneled back to the U.S. through AIPAC, ADL, and HIAS, to tear down the fabric of our country and destroy it from within.

So far, the only conclusion that can be drawn about Trump, based upon his own words and the actions of his relationship with his family, is that he is compromised. I would happily eat my words if I am wrong...

bcfromfl 7 points ago +8 / -1

Just at face value, if I had to guess, this is more to add to the "muh chosen people/muh chosen land" psyop, to manipulate the world PR...

bcfromfl 4 points ago +4 / -0

...and FDR was handed intelligence about the attack before it happened...

bcfromfl 11 points ago +11 / -0

What happened is that the German land was given to Poland in the Treaty of Versailles. Poland was intentionally provoking war with Germany by terrorizing and murdering German civilians. But BEFORE they began doing this, they signed a protectorate agreement with England, such that England would come to their aid in the case of war, and also pay them reparations. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this was all planned.

Hitler begged Poland to stop, but following Bloody Sunday, he invaded.

bcfromfl 15 points ago +16 / -1

The truth about WWII is much, much worse than the author indicates...

bcfromfl 3 points ago +3 / -0

For discussion, I offer the not-so-popular Matthew 13:36-43. The disciples wanted a more in-depth interpretation of the wheat and the tares parable. Most Bible studies avoid this one.

I have talked with others about this passage. I lean towards a more literal translation than subjective. "Children of the wicked one." Hmmmm.

I found the NIV interpretation of Matthew 8:10-12 a little lacking. The KJV says the CHILDREN of the kingdom (i.e. the lazy children of those joining Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), will be weeping and gnashing their teeth. I think this is an important distinction, rather than condemning the whole kingdom, perhaps. The point of the passage is to single out those who have not put in the work like their fathers, but expect the same.

bcfromfl 1 point ago +1 / -0

You obviously don't have an understanding of how fragile a desert ecosystem is. This isn't hyperbole. You bring water to an ecosystem adapted primarily because of limited water resources, and you don't think that would destroy it? You want to turn the southwest green. How does that not describe a destruction of what was previously there? What process does one use to determine whether one ecosystem is "not good enough" as is, and needs to be more green?

If you overwater a cactus, the obvious result is the death of the plant. I could name dozens of other consequences, but you (hopefully) get the picture.

This is not hyperbole.

bcfromfl 1 point ago +1 / -0

"...have them dig rainwater harvesting holes in the desert areas of America to catch rainwater. A 2-4 foot deep hole, 5-10 feet wide placed every 20-30 feet would turn huge areas green. In a few decades it would be enough to turn the entire southwest into a green patch."

What you are proposing would destroy the ecosystem -- an ecosystem that has persisted for thousands of years and has many plant and animal species adapted for that ecosystem.

We don't need more water in deserts. They do just fine without us meddling in something as you proposed. Making the "southwest green" would be as destructive as tearing it apart with a bulldozer. Even something as benign-sounding as free-ranging cattle has an impact upon arid/desert regions, because the manure changes the soil over time, and cattle eating the choicest plants alters entire plant/animal communities.

bcfromfl 1 point ago +3 / -2

There is already much very unique life present in deserts. Just because it doesn't match your idea of productivity doesn't mean it should be destroyed.

bcfromfl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your proposal assumes that desert land is "waste land." It is not, and needs to be preserved as is.

IMO, there is no room whatsoever for illegals in this country, not even for mundane work assignments. We have enough criminals in our prison system for such tasks already.

bcfromfl 7 points ago +7 / -0

The British psyop went so far as to hire Alfred Hitchcock to film a staged "documentary" of the liberation of the camps, to support the narrative. (This film never aired.) Eisenhower was also on board with this psyop, marching the German civilians past the displays of "human soap" and "lampshades" to make sure the psyop stuck.

There are many instances of photos which can be evaluated as doctored, or misrepresented. I have many sources outlining the massive deception. There are those who claim that WWII no longer matters, but it does. The true enemy walked away scot free, and is behind everything happening today in this country, and around the world.

Patton knew the truth, and would have spilled the beans. That's why he was assassinated.

bcfromfl 3 points ago +4 / -1

I did. The whole market was down today...nothing unusual. If there was a bit of an outlier move in pharma, it certainly wouldn't be described as "tanking." Already in a selloff...

bcfromfl 9 points ago +12 / -3

Moderna has been selling off since August, and Pfizer began selling off in mid-October. No correlation to RFK Jr's appointment whatsoever...

bcfromfl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Both Noem and Hegseth are featured in this short video about the selections Trump has been making: https://old.bitchute.com/video/pXWR3qKCHy5R/

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