bcfromfl 2 points ago +2 / -0

I found this book only marginally helpful for me 40 years ago, but it has been very helpful for millions. What Color Is Your Parachute: https://archive.org/details/whatcolorisyourp0000boll_f9z6

bcfromfl 1 point ago +3 / -2

I didn't realize it was you again until after I posted. I'm not interested in having this discussion again. You used the same pdf the last time.

bcfromfl 5 points ago +5 / -0

"For reference, Van de Graaff generators, which John G. Trump helped develop after having access to Nicola Tesla’s documents, look extremely similar to the Tesla coil, but I’m sure this is just a coincidence."

This is not correct. A Van de Graaff generator generates and stores static electricity (discharging all when a threshhold is reached), and a Tesla coil generates and continually DISCHARGES high frequency alternating current.

They are apples and oranges.

bcfromfl 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not sure why you added your comment about the German Socialist Party alongside "brainwashing," and comparing it to Marxism. Did you know Hitler spoke at length contrasting the NSDAP, or national socialism, with Marxism? Hitler must have done something right, because he brought Germany from the ashes of the Weimar Republic in just a few short years, while the rest of the world struggled in the aftermath of the Great Depression. He also galvanized a nation with patriotism, which had been crushed under despair and humiliation.

I'm not saying it would be the right choice for today, but be careful to understand historical references. The world has been lied to about Germany and this period.

bcfromfl 9 points ago +10 / -1

I think it's a troll. A clot that size would have killed someone, and probably couldn't have been removed in one piece without completely dissecting the vein or artery.

bcfromfl 6 points ago +7 / -1

This does not look like any blood clots I have seen, nor does it resemble the amyloid structures removed from cadavers.

bcfromfl 2 points ago +4 / -2

I'm a little hesitant here because I don't want to derail brain_dead's thread. There is much to cover in your questions, but I'll try to summarize as best as I can.

  1. After WWI, the Treaty of Versailles (which all historians now agree was a scam) divided greater Germany up, redrawing borders with surrounding nations. Poland was particularly troublesome, because the bolsheviks had already infiltrated into both the government and unsanctioned militias. They wanted to provoke a second world war, and with Hitler and the NSDAP in place, the way to do it was by terrorizing and murdering German civilians now living within the new border of Poland. Hitler warned Poland multiple times, but Poland ignored these warnings.

At the same time, Poland made a back-door deal with England, such that England would be a protectorate of Poland in the case of war, and would also pay Poland reparations. Following a particularly bloody massacre of German civilians, Hitler said enough and marched into Warsaw. The jews announced to the world in the various newspapers they ran, "Germany Invades Poland!" Germany was certainly within rights to invade, but that's not how the press spun it.


What the world doesn't know about the "London Blitz" is that it was Churchill's doing. The War was winding down, Germany was essentially winning, and there were no new threats to spin to gain traction again. Against internationally-recognized treaties, Churchill ordered the bombing of civilian targets in Germany. Hitler practically begged Churchill to stop, but these were ignored. In fact, Hitler offered almost three dozens offers of peace to various nations. Churchill wanted to get the U.S. involved, but he knew that Americans wanted no part of the war. He knew it would require something "big" to sway public opinion, so he goaded Hitler into doing what he knew would be the result of bombing civilian targets...and get the U.S. into the War so it could be won.

The same thing was done in WWI to get the U.S. into the War, by sinking the Lusitania.

  1. Excerpts from the Talmud: https://hshidayat.wordpress.com/2014/01/07/the-satanic-verses-of-the-jewish-talmud-and-zionism/

  2. http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-jewish-led-russian-revolution/

Red Army atrocities: http://frontnationalsuisse.hautetfort.com/archive/2024/01/18/remains-of-nuns-tortured-by-soviet-soldiers-were-discovered-6480831.html

During WWII, Stalin's Order #0428 called for the capture of German uniforms which were then worn by Red Army soldiers committing atrocities. These were photographed so that they could be used as propaganda against Germany.

Your question about the bolsheviks is very complicated, and difficult to summarize. If you're interested, I would highly, highly recommend investing the time in one or more episodes of Europa. I'm including the topics of the episodes here:

Part 1 (1 hour);

2:00 the foundations of communism and Zionism;

8:50 the Federal Reserve, Rothschilds;

20:00 the Bolshevik Revolution;

32:40 the Red Terror, Holodomor;

47:10 the Gulag;

Part 2 (1 hour) The Bad War;

00:00 roots of WWI;

6:00 Balfour Declaration;

5:50 Treaty of Versailles/League of Nations;

9:20 Weimar Republic/Jewish control of Germany;

17:30 The Comintern;

20:00 Fascism to save Europe from communism;

30:00 The Frankfurt School/cultural Marxism;

55:30 the decline of Berlin;

Part 3 (39 minutes) The Rise of Adolph Hitler;

2:30 leads nationalistic Munich Coup, attacked by communists;

6:20 statement on socialism vs. Marxism;

7:40 invention of the term “Nazi”;

10:00 The Rebirth of Germany;

16:20 removed Weimar restrictions on gun ownership;

20:30 Christianity in Germany;

29:00 Hitler on feminism;

Part 4 (1 hour 46 min.) Judea Declares War On Germany;

9:55 Jewish historian speaks the truth about Jews and Hitler;

14:55 The Reichstag fire;

16:10 Kristallnacht;

18:10 The Haavara Agreement;

27:10 Hitler’s Struggle For Peace;

29:44 The Anschluss;

31:15 The Munich Agreement;

33:10 The Polish Corridor;

41:05 Poland’s crimes against ethnic Germans

46:05 The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact;

58:35 Operation Wilfred and Plan R4;

1:11:05 Gandhi;

1:12:00 Battle of Britain;

1:16:10 Rudolph Hess;

1:24:30 “They are the same people we had here in Germany earlier.”;

1:25:45 The International Clique;

Part 5 (57 minutes) The Final Solution to the European Problem;

00:00 Jewish supremacy and “multi-culturalism”;

4:00 Kalergi Plan and the European Union;

7:10 Europa myth symbolism;

8:45 Germany outlaws freemasonry;

13:05 “Germany Must Perish,” by Theodore Kaufman;

19:00 The Morgenthau Plan;

24:20 The Army of Mankind;

47:00 volunteers from dozens of countries joined Germany;

Part 6 (1 hour) Who Is Killing Us?

00:00 Operation Barbarossa;

5:45 Europeans welcomed Germans as they pushed the Red Army east;

8:30 ethnic Russian soldiers joined the German army;

15:55 German retreat from Soviet territory;

19:10 Pearl Harbor;

32:55 Churchill’s Famine;

35:20 D-Day;

39:30 The Battle of the Bulge;

42:25 Death From Above;

46:30 The firebombing of Dresden;

Part 7 (1 hour 8 minutes) Floods of Blood;

00:00 Katyn massacre;

7:00 Stalin’s Order #0428 (faked German atrocities by Soviets);

8:48 rape as a Soviet weapon of war;

25:25 The Last Days of The Third Reich;

28:35 Eisenhower delays Allied advance into Berlin for Soviets;

36:20 Albert Einstein;

46:50 The Genocide of Germany;

1:00:45 Jewish “revenge” squads;

1:07:07 nine to fifteen million ethnic Germans killed 1945-53;

Part 8 (2 hours 5 minutes) “The Holocaust”;

2:10 120,000 Japanese citizens interned by FDR;

9:10 Typhus and Zyklon B;

12:05 testimony by Dr. Russell Barton;

16:08 testimony by female prisoner;

19:50 order from Himmler to improve camp conditions;

21:33 cremation and the impossible math;

23:40 forensic examination of building walls for residues;

32:20 Auschwitz museum curator admitted Soviets created fake gas chamber;

42:50 fraudulent story of gas chamber deaths exposed, yet awarded court claim;

51:05 Eisenhower’s role in spreading the propaganda lies;

55:40 forged photographs;

58:40 Schindler’s List;

59:55 The Diary of Anne Frank;

1:03:25 the truth about the German camps;

1:25:15 the Nuremberg Trials;

1:30:40 the symbolic, magical Jewish number of six million;

1:36:50 more examples of blatant, ridiculous lies and liars;

1:51:50 the consequences of speaking the truth;

1:59:05 Zionist internet agents;

Part 9 (1 hour 56 minutes) Aftermath;

11:20 tally of deaths around the world due to communism;

26:20 The Great Replacement (of the white race);

28:15 Red Ice TV editorial;

43:25 the fallacy of forced immigration;

49:40 exposing the global Jewish plan for domination;

1:23:30 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (1905);

1:25:55 The Jewish World Order;

1:31:30 Agenda 2030;

1:41:35 Agenda 21;

1:43:10 Bill Gates’ TED talk excerpt;

1:53:55 interview of George Orwell;

Part 10 (35 minutes) The Awakening; 6:20 Muhammed Ali on race;

22:00 Pastor Ray Hagins speaks truth about Adolph Hitler;

25:55 JFK: “…one of the most significant figures who ever lived.”

26:20 Patton: “We defeated the wrong enemy.”

27:30 Credits

  1. https://henrymakow.com/2023/09/russia-khazaria-ukraine.html

Khazars: https://www.bitchute.com/video/HyQj68v3I339/

Netanyahu quote: https://archive.org/details/nethan-3

Star of David: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YNv6LoSGlOHt/

Zionism: https://stateofthenation.co/?p=205576

Jewish control of the world: https://stihi.ru/2014/03/21/1418

Harold Rosenthal interview: https://archive.ph/c5R4w

bcfromfl 8 points ago +8 / -0

Entire history books have been created to hide who the bolsheviks were, and their role in WWI and WWII. If the world realized that they are jews, fulfilling their myths and legends for world domination and control, the entire advantage of hiding behind lies about history evaporates. It's too much for a brief post here, but the goals of Zionism and judaism, including how goyim are to be treated and lied to, are pretty horrific.

They demonized not only Hitler, but an entire COUNTRY, humiliating and demoralizing them to serve their purposes. That alone should infuriate the world. All to cover their own crimes. Estimates go as high as 60 million Europeans murdered between 1915 and 1950 by the bolsheviks.

They control the media, banking, corporations (including pharmaceutical companies -- vaxx anyone?), social media and the internet, and entire governments. Money is stolen from us through currency manipulation and interest rates.

Certainly, if you've spent any time at all on this message board, you are aware of the "cabal" and the "New World Order." If you learn about the above, it becomes clear who is behind all this. In fact, in their twisted system of logic, they must TELL YOU what they plan to do. If you hear it, and do nothing, then...in their minds...you have essentially agreed to it. I could provide many such confessions of jews of what they plan for world domination, or their interpretations of the Talmud for the same.

I hope you understand why this is important. Their plan never stopped, and continues it its operation.

bcfromfl 5 points ago +7 / -2

The only "gas chambers" in the camps were closets used to fumigate clothing because of the typhus epidemic. Zyklon B was used to kill fleas and lice. This has been proven multiple times by forensic examination. None of the giant rooms attributed to mass murders stand up to logic, let alone lab tests of the walls for chemicals...

bcfromfl 5 points ago +5 / -0

I thought this was interesting from the wiki page:

"He graduated from Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas and earned a Bachelor of Arts in history from San Antonio's Trinity University in 1984 and a Juris Doctor from St. Mary's University three years later. McCaul also completed a Senior Executive Fellowship at Harvard Kennedy School.[2][3]

McCaul worked as an attorney and federal prosecutor before entering politics. He was the Chief of Counterterrorism and National Security for Texas's branch of the US Attorney's office, and also worked under the Department of Justice's Public Integrity Section. After he left, McCaul took a position as a Deputy Attorney General in 1999 with the Texas Attorney General's Office and served in this capacity until 2002."

He has always been a civil servant. Where did all the "seed capital" come from?


bcfromfl 17 points ago +19 / -2

You're most welcome. And back to you, I appreciate you and this thread. I don't know why this topic is so difficult for many GAW members to absorb. Many seem to prefer to stay in the "comfort zone" of the fraud they've been conditioned to believe their entire lives, instead of looking at the facts. This topic is VITALLY important to understand what is going on today, and not "meaningless ancient history."

You may also be interested in this link: https://one-just-world.blogspot.com/2016/06/the-definitive-guide-to-anti-semitism.html Near the bottom of the document is the Red Cross statement of the true number of deaths in the German camps. Auschwitz had 52,389. The total dead in all camps was 271,507 -- 90% of them from typhus.

Near the top of the document are the population statistics of the world's religious groups, both in 1933 and 1948. The images can be expanded by clicking on them.

bcfromfl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Allow me to offer perhaps a different way of looking at things.

You are associating "force" with "fascism," and making the claim that the Frankfurt School remained in place by force? I think that's what you are saying, but I could have misinterpreted what you wrote.

That's not what happened. The Frankfurt School began, and was allowed to continue, because wealthy jews/bolsheviks were in control of the Weimar Republic following WWI. There was no force there in allowing the School to be built. It was a system of degeneracy that they employed to demoralize the populace, and make Germany all the easier to infiltrate and take over. It was very subtle and underhanded. The runaway inflation and unemployment made it easier to overwhelm the citizens.

This is the exact same method employed here in the U.S. No one would allow violent subversion to happen if it was rammed down their throats over the past decades, since about 1960 or so. It was allowed to happen, little by little, such that it is hardly noticeable in increments. It was only during the "summer of love" that we saw something different.

This is directly referencing your introduction of the Frankfurt School into this discussion. When you talk about riots, looting, etc., that is something different. That is more of an element of shock, and destruction of history (or remaking of history) by tearing down monuments, etc. Also involved are race wars/conflicts, and the division of a populace into separate interests. Another method of communistic subversion, but different from what happened with the Frankfurt School.

Also, just a comment about fascism. Fascism is usually associated with something "bad," but it is only a bad thing if there is an evil dictator in place. In truth, a fascistic government can be a very efficient form of governance, especially when there are many changes required over a short period of time. Fascism simply means there is one person, or a centralized group of people, running the show. Changes don't need approval from various agencies and bureaucracies, etc. This is precisely the reason that Germany rose from the ashes of the Weimar so quickly. Hitler had a vision, both of what was wrong, and what needed to be done, to make things right again. A lot of lies have been written about Hitler, but the truth is, not only did Germans love him, but the smaller surrounding nations loved him as well. His policies spilled over the borders, and the other Christian nations realized he was the only force keeping the bolsheviks from completely taking over Europe.

Consider this: I'm sure there are some MAGA conservatives who wouldn't blink an eye if Trump was allowed to quickly make unopposed corrections to our country when placed back in the White House. A good leader, with the citizens behind him, can do a lot of good...even though technically it might be called fascism. I think we can say that fascism is only "bad" when it is being forced on a country against the will of its citizens, or when there might be humanitarian crimes directed at citizens. When the citizens support what the leader is doing, fascism can be "good."

What is happening now in our country is not fascism. It is intentional chaos to weaken us, allowing the country to self-destruct from within. This is being orchestrated by a shadow government, led by people that can't be named on this forum.

bcfromfl 0 points ago +1 / -1

? I'm not sure what the point is you were trying to make with a reference to the Frankfurt School? The members were communists, intentionally subverting German society to destroy it from within. Germans ran them out, and they came to the U.S.

No connection to fascism. Germany during the Weimar Republic was not communistic, nor fascist. When Germans regained control of their country after NSDAP, the Frankfurt School (among other institutions) was eliminated.

bcfromfl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Many such examinations can be found on this:







Also: https://www.unz.com/article/was-hitler-controlled-opposition/

Resource with many links: http://www.renegadetribune.com/hitler-was-not-controlled-opposition-series-recap/

This short documentary, while discussing the falsehood that Hitler was a Rothschild/jew, is relevant because it exposes the jewish propaganda to attempt to destroy his image and popularity by associating him with a hated group. This is the same thing the cabal is trying to do by claiming he was a cabal puppet and doing their bidding -- to muddy his image and corrupt his intentions: https://www.bitchute.com/video/6Eyy71szPzrJ/

I could include more links, but this gives you enough. There are agents here on GAW (and other message boards) who spread false information about Hitler through memes, etc., so they are still actively at work. I have challenged some of them, and they are easy to spot because they immediately resort to name-calling, and obviously know nothing about history.

bcfromfl 4 points ago +4 / -0

This was not the reason for the Pact. It was a tactical move on Hitler's part...that ended up backfiring.

For context: the Treaty of Versailles redrew Germany's borders amongst surrounding countries. That placed German civilians within countries they wanted nothing to do with. Poland, in particular, had already been infiltrated with bolsheviks. They were trying to instigate a larger conflict with Germany, and began terrorizing and murdering Germans within Poland. This began creating a humanitarian crisis, as well as angering Hitler. He warned Poland on several occasions to stop, but Poland ignored those demands.

Separately, and during this same time, Poland signed a protectionist agreement with England, such that England would come to their aid and also provide monies for rebuilding if there were a war. This proves intent on Poland's part.

Hitler was preparing to invade Poland to rescue German citizens, but the Red Army was also encroaching from the east. To avoid any suggestion that there might be aggression construed against Russia, the Pact was signed as a recognition on both sides that neither had designs on the other side. Hitler was only interested in sending a message to Poland, rescuing citizens, and withdrawing.

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