The pussies gave up, fair weather MAGA.
Fucking wow, I guess was really right when he said “these people are stupid”.
They ACTUALLY think we’re stupid and dumb.
Can’t watch since at work, judging by the thread is it getting spicy?
Edit: apparently the word of the day is FIGHT lol.
Well well well hello there Barry, nice to see you here.
So people won’t figure out it’s a deep fake.
What Capital riots?
Trump would have 76k watching a fucking loading screen an hour before he would even begin speaking.
80 million votes my ass.
Internal error?
Suuuuree it was.
I use one for my retro gaming systems lol.
I refuse to believe he’s going to just get screwed like this and not come back with a vengeance, President Trump ain’t no busta.
We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, if we don't fix 2020 there won't be a bridge to cross because the commies are going to destroy it.
Why does fake news media always refer to it as "QAnon" and never EVER mention "Q"?
I don't know what the fuck QAnon is and neither does Trump, these people know what's up, they're just gaslighting the public with made up "muh QAnon" bullshit.
They're redpilling the shit out of people with this nonsensical impeachment.
Muh 2024
I stopped giving a fuck as soon as Dirk left.
Are these the states with the most sealed indictments?
Seem like around the same time Q came on the scene lol.
You’re not supposed to remember his fake broke foot.
Doesn’t even look like the same person wtf
My mom was more pissed about the impeachment trial yesterday than I was, I think I created a monster lol. She cursed one of her friends out for coming at her with that “fuck Trump” bullshit.
She still watches fox but at least she questions everything they say now, not sure if I want to take her down the pedogate rabbit hole yet.
Ron Paul, thanks to him I learned all about the central bankers and the federal reserve.
I can’t believe people actually like Pizza Hut, most greasy pizza I ever had in my life. Tastes good but holy shit.
Wasn’t he impeached by the HOUSE before he left?
Lol y’all are the ones lecturing us about this shit all day so who’s really being dramatic?
I mean shit, I always tried to give them the benefit of doubt, "they have to be at least A LITTLE smart to get to where they're at" I said.
It's kind of hard to believe they're THIS stupid, you mean to tell me they had no kind of awareness that this asswhooping from Trump's lawyers was about to be served up? Jesus Christ they're THAT dense and self-centered that they had NO IDEA this was coming?