catsilver88 2 points ago +2 / -0

God wants us to love, live and learn. Removing every obstacle would be like having a planet of children that never had any discipline. That'd be ugly.

catsilver88 4 points ago +4 / -0

I read/heard...too many sites looked at today to remember, that they were not going to leave until Canada AND THE USA dropped this border crossing vaxx mandate. Time to stock up!

catsilver88 4 points ago +4 / -0

I watched it and learned how money laundering works....so, there's that.

catsilver88 5 points ago +5 / -0

UMMMMM.......I know some of you don't do FB and I totally understand that decision. It's the only social media platform I am on, besides this one, at the time.... I will change to another soon.........and believe me, I spend a whole lot more time on this platform than FB. But, this is huge. There are nearly 7K comments and nearly the same amount of shares. The comments are astronomical in adverse events that have happened to... people these people know. My goal is to get through all the comments. When I looked at this post, one of the comments is from someone I know in my area. The person running for Senate is in CA....I'm in IL, sad but true. It's important to understand that even though some comments may be BS, the person who posted has left their identity and it is not too hard to look for their info and make a decision as to whether they are real or not. Give it a look and make an informed decision about sharing it. Lots of "old folks" are still on FB, spend most of their day on it and could possibly be saved by sharing this information. IMOP.

catsilver88 6 points ago +6 / -0

I never paid much attention to politics....ever. When Trump won, I thought well, this ought to be interesting. Then I had dreams about Trump, 4 or 5 in total over a couple of years. One day I was doing some searches and came across Praying Medic. He had a section where people had posted about the weird dreams they were having about Trump. Interesting indeed.

catsilver88 6 points ago +6 / -0

Several years ago, a minister, told my ex-brother-in-law to not worry about his first born children. To leave that part of his life behind. That was the absolute worst advice. You can't imagine the damage that did to the kids. They are adults now, but have lived years believing their father did not love or care about them. 14 is an age of confusion and discovery. If your son needs anything, it is unconditional love, agape, from you and his family. Put yourself in God's place. Would you want God to look at you any other way? We all sin and fall short of the glory, but somewhere along the line, we began to categorize it, sin.....some worse than others. 14 is also an age of carrying burdens believed to be so heavy they cannot be shared. Be there for your son, help him carry his burdens. Hug him everyday and tell him you love him.

catsilver88 2 points ago +2 / -0

I put a post on FB, sorry I'm old, 9 days ago wondering how long it would take life insurance companies to either, drop vaxxed clients, deny them, or raise their premiums. Bada Boom, bada bing.

catsilver88 5 points ago +5 / -0

Unfortunately, those who devour MSM cannot fathom that they are being lied to. About 4 months ago I had a conversation with my middle sister. These were the words she spoke, "My gosh, if we can't believe the news media, we are in a world of trouble." I looked at her and asked if she understood why I have been beating that dead horse for over 4 years. She's awake now, but I know she still has a hard time believing some of the things that I spend hours researching. That's ok, she took the first vax and had covid within a week, her double vaxxed husband also had it when she did. They aren't taking any more shots. So, I'm happy with that one small gain.

catsilver88 6 points ago +7 / -1

PK80, way back in the late 60's, when I was in Jr. High, my self and several classmates were sitting out side on the ground in a circle for recess. I do not remember exactly what the conversation was about.....possibly the future. But, every kid in that circle felt like we would see the return of Christ in our lifetime. I, nor most of the others, came from a strict religious family. I have never forgotten that "revelation" and I hope I get to see it. Have always felt, for years, that something is gonna happen. Once again, thank you for doing what you do!

catsilver88 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you! I did listen to Malone and Rogan and must have missed it. There is so much information in those two interviews that it is easy for ones' train of thought to wonder off while new info is still pouring in. I will see if I can find it.

catsilver88 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would you post a link to Dr. McCullough reversing his position on not being able to get it more than once? Thanks in advance.

catsilver88 3 points ago +3 / -0

The name on the piano is rather odd as well.

deleted -1 points ago +1 / -2
catsilver88 4 points ago +4 / -0

What is the artist's name? Her work shows the symbolism and underlying message of the crazy sh*t that goes on in this world. Can't remember her name. Any help?

catsilver88 3 points ago +3 / -0

I noticed in the comments the podcast with Rogan and Malone, I have yet to listen to it.....But I have listened to the one with Joe and Dr. Peter McCullogh. The information in it is mind blowing and the good doctor's credentials are a couple miles long. Hard to argue with his wisdom & knowledge. It's long, over 2 hours, but I promise, YOU will have more ammo than you realized was possible.

catsilver88 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I first learned of Mike, I found a few YT videos, all of which are nowhere to be found now. One of them was Mike walking it to a room full of government people. Hillary was standing back and to the left of him/her and the smirk on her face was quite telling, she knew. There was a blonde, older woman, sitting in the chair in front of where Mike was going to sit. The blonde woman turns around to look at Mike. She had the weirdest look come across her face. As she turned around to sit back down, the look went from weird to absolute shock as she realized what she had seen. Anybody have that clip?

catsilver88 5 points ago +5 / -0

A friend of mine, who winters in Phoenix, went to the AZ rally before the election. Shaman was standing right behind her, while they were in line. She said the "men in black" took him out of the line. She thought he was some weirdo. He was gone about an hour, then they brought him back and put him back in line, right behind my friend. They knew who he was long before 1-6.

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