All I’ve found on her is that she’s worth a couple hundred thousand. Where does the 29 mil figure come from?
Another user gave an answer far less. Not sure where people get the 29 million. I can only source it to a Facebook post
A mail in ballot can be requested, and then the person requesting may end up voting in person anyway.
There's a ton of explanations to how it happened.
If the white hats are stealing legitimate votes, that's super fucked up
Here is the website for these locations for those who want!
There's a few BIG problems with this video
The audio just jumps right into what appears to be someone talking about it at the end of a speech. You'd think/want there to be some sort of introduction that kicks things off and at least introduces the concept instead of the audio already saying "It's so bad! See it's so bad!"
In the Peter Pan clip, that appears to be a photoshop. Here's the original clip
The Monster's Inc clip is also a photoshop. Here's the original clip
The devil hand sign, a few things. One, having the evil characters use this symbol is, if anything, intentional to indicate an evil character. Two, it's hard to verify some of these scenes, and the cinderella one especially looks like a shop. Three, pinky up is often more of a delicate/proper/fancy thing.
The Lion King poster...that's Mufasa
SO many of these are quick still frames of a shape of a rock that looks like a penis? That's shapes in clouds my guy
A few of these, granted, WERE actually intentionally put in as animator jokes (the still frame, the towers in the little mermaid). One of those things though you don't find until you look on the internet and see what adults have noticed after poring over frames. But they are getting overshadowed by the big misplays early on in the video.
The rest of the quote is “it doesn’t matter what Rachel Maddow says,” which is true. She’s not a scientist. She’s a talking head.