I know a Richard Lipps...
Wasn't diesel supposed to run out by now?
Does anyone have that picture of the q group? Pretty sure he was in it.
Follow the white rabbit...
She may have been a scientologist but she a cutie back in the day.
Don't see the downside...
One of the reasons I moved to rumble...
Oh noes! A new strain of the common cold!
Came here to say the final link is all sorts of broken.
Seems like Elon and Catturd are playing their parts....
Sounds like Germany in the 30's...
There's that number again...
I ignored the first one. Plan on doing the same for any subsequent orders.
I was watching a livestream that a commenter mentioned it. Can confirm, he is back.
Trump is back on twitter
They seem to be doing a good job mitigating it.
The handshake nuked it.
Working fine for me. Clear cookies and cache?
I am shocked that he still has a job. That man in an idiot.
It smells badly.
Back in the Fark days we called it the Daily Fail
So do I. Compelling show.