citrouille 7 points ago +7 / -0

Only Christ the Redeemer has that power. Unfortunately, the culture war in America has drawn many blacks away from Him; a stark contrast to older days.

citrouille 1 point ago +1 / -0

'bare' should be 'bear'. The grammar natsoc in me also wants to note that there should be parenthetical commas around 'if it were true', and indeed the 'it' in that clause probably should be 'they' for parallelism with 'things'.

But I do understand that such pickiness doesn't come naturally to everybody.

citrouille 9 points ago +10 / -1

Xi is not a good man, however inside the CCP there are multiple factions vying for power. One of his primary political opponents, Wang Qishan (Vice President of China), is likely a cabalist - he is known to participate in some pretty superstitious and degenerate rituals.

So in this case it may be an 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' type of deal, at least for now. In my opinion Xi is far less trustworthy than Putin.

citrouille 4 points ago +5 / -1

Fortune cookies are as American as egg rolls and American pizza!

citrouille 7 points ago +9 / -2

Don't engage with shills, dude.

Honestly there's one fundamental difference in basic assumption between redpilled and bluepilled people. Redpilled people think the MSM is staffed by a bunch of incompetent liars, bluepilled people trust the media. Until that is resolved, there will always be complete disagreement between the two sides.

Gamergate was my personal redpill, but you can't force it down people's throats. It has to be taken willingly.

citrouille 6 points ago +6 / -0

Still, I understand why they do it - so you get it straight from the horse's own mouth.

citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, I think the Brits used to refer to East Asians as Orientals - and just East Asians, nowadays. Plain 'Asian' is reserved for South Asians.

citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

You don't need to sign up for telegram, you can just bookmark the page and view it in your browser the old-fashioned way.

citrouille 3 points ago +3 / -0

Please annex Canada. God knows we need it.

Kicking the liberals out would be a bonus but I'm not holding my breath.

citrouille 3 points ago +4 / -1

Galileo wasn't locked up for telling the truth (a truth that truthfully, he could not fully prove by himself). He was locked up for insulting his would-be benefactor - the new pope Urban VIII - in his seminal work. For that, he was only placed under house arrest with fairly loose terms.

I'm pretty sure spherical earth was common knowledge long before Copernicus. See: the experiment of Eratosthenes to calculate its circumference some 1800 years before.

citrouille 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's the past tense of 'leave', the direction 'left' is 'sinister', as opposed to right which is 'dexter' (both are adjectival).

citrouille 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're overthinking it brother, a lot of Asian kids play videogames despite their parents not letting them. Western nerds invented computers and computer games anyway.

It's just the cultural shift IMO done by marxists to attack the western educational institutions. What happened to a good classical education in Latin and Ancient Greek? In edifying literature and rhetoric? What happened to all the challenge in school? Plus parents these days are just lax while Asian ones tend to be strict.

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