It's dumb. But one thing is new, or at least, I haven't seen before. They embraced (or tried to embrace) the "Brandon" part. They are trying to do what we are usually doing :)
They are certainly throwing the idea out there, testing the waters... See recent opinion piece from that token conservative (Ruben in NYT I think), which was something like "Biden needs to cancel Midterms to protect democracy" (I know lol)
They are propping up DeSantis real hard. The goal at the moment is to have Trump primaried.
Most people on these boards voted for Obama at least once, lol... Or Bernie Sandals for that matter...
Our paths have a lot of similarities, the important part is where we end up.
Maybe offer an exchange? And send Pelosi to Moscow in exchange for... whatever that person is?
I know there are shenanigans going on, but at first glance, this particular issue looks like a sync issue rather. I would take the statement in the top right corner as valid.
Yeah. I mean he has the right answers, talks the talk, but we shall see if he walks the walk - which separates the patriots from the paytriots.
For the record - yeah, I'm very well aware he had done much more than I or most of us here have.
Does this mean the ballot signatures were REALLY verified, or he was told by others they were verified?
Land whale alert
I agree. Seem nice and dandy but there is more behind it than just Kari declaring victory and Gregg's call to action. It's not even finished. If the steal is on, it's on RIGHT NOW, as opposed on the day the in-person votes were counted and published.
You can't understand what he's saying without a mask, imagine talking to him while masked and through the phone....
I am vaping instead of smoking as well, feel much better. I do believe it's a much better alternative to smoking. That said, the best thing would be quitting altogether. I am not saying it's completely safe, probably there might be effects, but no real long term studies exist yet according to my knowledge. If you have quality gear and buy juice from reputable sources, you can minimize the kinds of risks the media is pushing.
Oh, and the vape does not damage things, neither does it leave a bad odor. The only thing I noticed was a little bit of grease on my windshield after months of use (where the AC is blowing I think)
The candidate this person is referring to was a senator in the past and is a "she".
These incidents, accidents, mistakes, misses, messups, fuckups... notice how they are NEVER in favor of the people's choices...
What a shill. It's been shown how Vit D helps with viral infections, which lately is coofid of course. One of the reasons Scandinavian countries had less coofid deaths is that they are adding Vit D to a lot of products (due to lack of lots of sunlight), and are not deficient.
She is working as a consultant at a company, don't remember which
It was the daughter's boyfriend
I am not so sure yet that it had been stopped.
I hope we have our own people among the Maricopa vote counters.
Yeah... Did lamestream media already report this? If they didn't, it didn't happen...
A+ response, nothing else needs to be said - if you're on twatter, send it to the top!!!
This cunt is on her merry way to irrelevance
Okay, this is a great point.
"Most important thing initially is to stop the certification"
This means Gregg is taking this as an already "lost" race? Karin is leading at the moment, though we know that doesn't mean jack shit if the steal is on again.
Fucking Maricopa. IT'S ALWAY MARICOPA
The pour-on products with IVM are not good because of the types of additives in them. At least that's what I read on the boards. Don't swallow that.