.win doesn’t like portrait pics. Happened to me once too!
He’s gonna commit election fraud? Legally? Hahahaha I LOVE IT
Accurate ?
Saucy sauce pede. Good job!
CC: Pearl Harbor
Christianity isn’t about the people being perfect but Jesus forgiving them. We’re all deserving of hell but Christ died and rose again so we can go to Heaven with him
Finally found a source.
He agreed to let her inspect 100 duplicated ballots and 100 early ballot envelopes, which contain the signatures used to verify voters’ identities. After Ward’s attorney found two errors, Maricopa County allowed her to inspect 1,526 more, which yielded seven more errors. https://www.azmirror.com/2020/12/08/arizona-supreme-court-to-decide-azgop-chairs-attempt-to-overturn-election/
2*7 / 1526 = 0.9% swing in Trump’s direction!
IIRC the AZ GOP hand counted another two thousand something ballots and only sixteen of them were switched. Can’t find a source rn though!
Perfect, his handlers can write them
If anyone’s interested, circleback had an excuse
The PIPE BOMBS were planted AT NIGHT
Do you have a website (that doesn’t reveal your identity)?
It might be about the Crime Bill of 1994. That bill incarcerated many black Americans.
Here’s a video of Biden vouching for the Crime Bill when he was a senator
Since JFK won a lot of the black vote and the JFK Jr letter was written August 26, 1994, I would guess JFK Jr was scolding Biden for supporting the crime bill
It looks like Pompeo tweeted every 30 minutes before Jan 6.
May Jesus bless you, your wife, and your children.