If these impeachments were to go through and lead to their removal it would mean McCarthy is next in line. May seem strange, but could his true role, and the reason Trump and others approved of him, be revealed when he appoints Trump as his VP and steps down? Leaving Trump to take the White House "sooner than we think"? Just a thought.
17 you say?
Hey haven't signed my NDA just yet was going to do it at noon today. So I can still post this. Two weeks ago i met Dr. Frank and this is what he said
"Hypothetically what would happen if a bunch of governors and secretaries of state got together and put together a lawsuit. What would happen hypothetically?"
🎵It's not the gun that kills a man, it's the man who fires the gun that kills the man, it's not the gun that kills a man!🎵
These guys were amazing in PA definitely recommend going. They will inspire you. Real God fearing Patriots
Findbullionprices.com lists the cheapest prices from all bullion venders and ebay. Check them out before you buy to see if you can get a cheaper deal from a different source.
You sir are right on the money.
Listen here fat. I once had a donkey, named his name was raisin his name was raisin bran. Sitting at the kitchen table you know the thing!
Cenk? Is that you?
Would Dr. Samuel Hayden recommend masks and getting the shot?
They are paying 18.50 around me, but with this inflation it won't be long until thats worth what 2 dollars was under trump. Also you'd spend a lot of time there so i'd imagine it would be like amazon, loading 16 tons and selling your soul to the company store.
Yeah well now Dickless Levine, oops i mean Richard, (wait it goes by rachel now) is all of our problem. It became the assistant health secretary. Got my wish that the penguin is out of PA but i should have been careful what i wished for.
Saint Peter I swear!! It was the russian bots!
Never seen LGB written out like that, gives me a good idea. If we had a T at the end we could troll with it and say that we are pro LGBT, "Lets Go Brandon (something that starts with a T)" If only his last name started with a T. Any ideas? Maybe we can just say we are pro LGB and then when a liberal asks if we forgot the T we say no.
Again just relaying what i heard from Dr. Frank. Those aren't my words they are his. Just thought it was interesting to think about. Not claiming i know it's going to happen 100%, just that i know it is Dr. Franks goal since he said those words. In the end i believe Q was right in that military will be the only way.
If the supreme court rules no standing when multiple secretaries of state and governors have actual proof of PCAPs and ips connecting to our voting machines from foreign countries then the military has every right, actually it has a duty, to protect us from threats foreign and domestic. That would be the domino in my opinion. Has far more guts than the texas case, even though that should have by all rights had standing too.
Definitely mentioned GAW a few times a few people said they were on here. Will make a final post before i sign my NDA. I don't think this will be too easy walking to houses but it's a cakewalk compared to storming normandy or other service men and women gave for this country. I wasn't even supposed to go to that event that night didn't know about it and the moment my friend called me i was getting ready for a date with this chick i just met. A higher calling haha. Far more important. When i asked my supposed trump supporting friend if he would join me in the canvas he said "no not at all" and "i really don't care bro" he's in the fishbowl and uses tik tok. All you need to know about him haha. But yeah wish people my age would join me.
Just glad i was there that night and got to shake hands, and now volunteer. I do believe intelligence is with them especially since Seth Keshel was there and with the evidence Dr. Frank found I believe it's likely for them to have looked into this if not as you said they included him. Yes always looking for infiltrators and rats who would sell out the wellbeing of this country for paltry desires.
Just relaying what i heard. Not saying military isn't the only way, i'm only saying thats what i heard Dr. Frank say so it must be part of at least the cyber symposiums plan. I believe military is the only way but only once ALL other avenues are exhausted. Otherwise they would have already done it when Trump was still in office or anytime leading to this moment.
Hey if you think my idea leads anywhere i put together a post with some more thought into it, i think it deserves some eyes https://greatawakening.win/p/13zgSNadaD/could-be-big-theory-on-trumps-la/
I met dr. Frank on wednesday and he was talking about things he said were fresh off the press. We were in PA, also known as the keystone state... He brought up canvasing as the next step. I got a call the next day and i am going to be joining the efforts, however they told me they would be sending an NDA so once i sign it theres nothing i can say about this. I'm taking this shit seriously. Btw Dr. Frank said my county was one of the worst if not the worst in PA. The keystone?
It was like a permanent tent, canvis walls but it had glass doors. Never been there before but it was like a tent must have been 150-250 people inside
Nah was a back the blue/ thin blue line shirt. The person who bought it for me definately doesn't watch infowars hahaha
Wow. So much BS. And I found out while I was there today that the hack for our county came from the west chester voter services building. Absolute disgrace these people just anger you. They act outraged when we don't believe 2+2=5 and call us the absurd ones.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November,
The election, treason and plot.
I see no reason
Why election treason
Should ever be forgot.