deadbeatnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think you are definitely correct in that the Cabal inverts and subverts the true story. In my research I have found that all myths and religions are telling the same story, it's almost as if there was one religion and it has been divided up into several different religions/myths.The same characters by different names. We know how the Cabal like to divide things up to create animosity. They use fear of divine retribution if you stray from their teachings, the Gnostics for example.

I find the Gnostic version of Jesus much more spiritually explained than the tradition version. I don't think either version is necessarily right or wrong they are just different chapters of the same story.

I believe the reason Gnosticism was demonized is because the Gnostics believed the God of this world is Evil, but Jesus was sent here to counteract the evil god as the Savior. They have tried to merged Jesus with the Evil god, you are exactly right, its a psyop.

deadbeatnik 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Venus story is definitely a Rabbit Hole I've got lost in many times.

It seems to relate to Rati and KamaDeva in the Hindu texts and Rati and KamaDeva seems to relate to the Phrygian Myth of Nana and Attis.

The Nana and Attis Myth is particularly sinister and may relate to the Democrats call for everyone to be hermaphroditic.

deadbeatnik 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Harlot, Ishtar et. all question is a very convoluted one for sure. I've yet to completely figure it out. Though I do believe the source of wickedness maybe a woman, go figure ;).

She maybe the Evening Star and opposite to the Morning Star. Both related to Venus. They are possibly the same being, one a good aspect the other an evil one. If this is the case it may have something to do with the eating of the apple. Because Eve ate the apple we need to learn about evil and that is what we are doing here in this "plane". Eve was required to take on an evil aspect to teach us.

I'm unsure if Isis, Asherah and Diana are related to the Harlot, I don't think they are, the Harlot is equated with love and Venus. Diana/Artemis is related to the Moon, Isis is related to the star Sirius and Asherah is related to the Day and/or Sea, along with Trees, possibly the Nymph Melinoe.

The triple goddess Hekate is associated with Asherah and Diana/Artemis along with others and are related to the Moon.

deadbeatnik 1 point ago +4 / -3

I agree, some people are very close minded about religious debate. I think the Church rules them with fear so they don't question the narrative. If the Church taught them to think for themselves their coffers would dry up. There maybe a few churches that do, but I don't know any.

I don't care if you disagree with me, but bring some sauce. Teach me something. They've lost the argument soon as they start nit picking on some irrelevant spelling mistake, you are totally correct. Isn't that how the Brainwashed Democrats argue?

deadbeatnik 0 points ago +2 / -2

The Catholic Church controlled the translations of the Bible through the Monasteries, It was the MSM of its time.

I believe the Septuagint to be the true translation. I suspect he Hebrews brought ancient Sumerian Tablets to Alexandria to be translated by the top scholars of their time into Koine Greek and Hebrew which was a dead/extinct language at that time.

There are several instances where the bible states there are many gods, the Hebrew has seven different names of God, Elohim being one that is plural, though they claim only in this instance does it refer to a single God. I suspect there is more than one god in the bible, Why else would God be so concerned about worshipping other gods that he dedicates the first three commandments to making sure you only worship one God, him?

Genesis 3:22 Then the Lord God said, And God said, Behold, Adam is become as one of US, to know good and evil...

deadbeatnik 3 points ago +5 / -2

I don't think Lucifer is who you think he is, Lucifer is the Morning Star.

Revelations 22:16

“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

Jesus claims he is related to Lucifer. Lucifer is different from Satan, they are NOT the same being. Unless you believe Jesus to be evil, then Lucifer is evil.

I believe there are several Satans, 18-24 possible, they are the Watchers described in the Book of Enoch.

The Septuagint has the plural form (the accusative case) of Satanas and is mistranslated in the English. [Rev. 20:7]

The Statue of Liberty maybe a conglomeration of several gods/goddess. For instance Hekate, Attis, Eleutheria who is connected with the Eleusinian Mysteries.

It all stems from the Greek, the Founding Fathers were obsessed with the Greek Myth and Greek Architecture, its the major clue they left us, study the Greek Mythology.

deadbeatnik -1 points ago +1 / -2

Giorgio Tsukalos is not a Comparative Mythologist, he's an Ancient Astronaut Theorist.

Joseph Campbell is a Comparative Mythologist.

I apologize I didn't realize you were a Catholic, I know the Catholics are strongly against thinking outside the box. They only believe what the Kid Diddlers tell them to believe. Good Luck, you're in for the shock of your life.

deadbeatnik 0 points ago +1 / -1

The Master is Thor.

In Comparative Mythology Thor (Norse Myth), Zeus (Greek Myth), Indra (Hindu Myth) and Baal (Levantine Myth) are Gods of Lighting,Thunder and Rain.

They are all the same god with different names. The God of theWinged Wheel Coin proves Zeus and Yhwh are the same God. So Yhwh = Thor also.

All myth is telling the same story, only the names change.

The Catholic Church worships Thor, et. all, he is their Master.

deadbeatnik 1 point ago +2 / -1

The "Chair" is all Popes.

QPost #998

The "Chair" serves the Master.

Who is the Master?

P = C.


P = The Rune P

P = Thor (Thunraz)

C = The Rune C

C = Torch / Ulcer = wound (Lucifer)

QPost #290 Confirms Thor is "The Master"

Thor = Indra / Zeus / Yahweh (all the same god)

The God of the Winged Wheel Coin confirms Yhwh is the same as Zeus.

deadbeatnik 1 point ago +2 / -1

So you are saying the Catholic Church is controlled by Jews? Oh wait it is, Jesus was a Jew. You're going to piss a lot people off with this remarkable revelation.

deadbeatnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. We all look of evidence that proves us correct and ignore what does not.

deadbeatnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is my exact belief also,

They went to the moon, found something, had Kubrick cover it up.

Waiting for DOGE to find all the funding for the "Breakaway Society".

deadbeatnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

According to this definition, every religious person suffers from cognitive dissonance.

deadbeatnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Masons held secrete knowledge.

Just because the Masons were infiltrated doesn't mean the original symbolism is wrong.

Unless you think the founding fathers were evil.

The arrow from A to Z on the Amazon sign is similar to the Biblical god claiming, I am Alpha to Omega.

So it could mean God's Fulfillment.

The compass and square could represent god as the architect of the world.

deadbeatnik 7 points ago +7 / -0

He votes with The Squad:

From the Article “He probably votes with the squad more than any other Republican in the House,” said one frustrated GOP Capitol Hill insider. “He votes no on everything and because Republicans control the House, the squad is also going to be voting no on everything.”

deadbeatnik -2 points ago +2 / -4

Well said.

Very well said.

Get ready for ignorant Christian comments.

deadbeatnik 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rev. 20:7-8 Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea.

I interpret this as Satan will go out to deceive the nations of the world and Gog and the people of Magog will gather the deceived to battle.

Are you interpreting as Satan will deceive the nations of Gog and Magog?

I haven't researched the Khazars much, I don't know if their the Israelites.

deadbeatnik 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gog are the people of Magog. Ezekiel 38:2

Tubal, Magog, and other northern nations including the Moschi, a people on the borders of Colchis and Armenia. So possibly Magog could be associated with Ukraine, depending on the size of Magog.

Gog is not the same as Israel. Ezekiel 38:16

deadbeatnik 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure what you mean by: While you are correct currently

I've never followed a Church's, Temple's, or Mosque's BS or mandates, that was kind of my point, they're all out for power, control and money. Its a business and tool to control the masses, the propaganda / MSM of its time, in my opinion. I do my own research on religions and convene with God my self, no middleman needed.

Great verse, it rings very true.

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