dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

The reasons as I understand it that the 13 voted no on the bill are simple. First - the House already passed the SAVE act. It is sitting in the Senate thanks to Schumer. He won't bring it to the floor. The dems are to blame on this.

Second - adding to to the CR was always a beyond-stupid idea. The dems are begging the reps to try this. They know that Schumer won't allow a vote and the reps will shut the govt down - right before the election. Then - just like EVERY OTHER TIME - the reps will be hammered by the dems for not funding parks, vets, social security, and everything else. There will be interviews outside of VA hospitals with dem vets trying to get their meds and being locked out. Dem military will be bitching they won't be able to live if they aren't paid. They will show the Vietnam Veterans and the Lincoln memorials chained up because the govt is shut down. They will ALL blame the reps and Trump. This happens every time - it is not fiction.

Third - it wouldn't do anything for this election now anyway. It is too late to implement anything now. Like I said - reps passed this months ago. The dems shelved it.

I believe they are going to push for a CR that expires the end of December. Then they can do whatever they want - post-election. If the reps lose the election they can just shut everything down for a month. If they win the house and senate - and POTUS - they can just wait, and put a new bill through both chambers and have it signed by Trump (assuming we have a RINO-proof Senate).

What we really don't want is a CR that goes on for yet another year - running on Pelosi's budget from a few years ago with pork added on.

I would LOVE a shutdown, but not at the expense of losing this election because of all the normies being scared they won't get their bennies. We need to get thru this election with wins on all fronts. Then Trump can start the deportations - which will be more important than the SAVE act immediately, and once Trump gets his "first day" stuff moving they can work on good legislation.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

You want to get really pissed off? They are all here with Temporary Protected Status granted by the US Deep State- oops -the US Govt.


Here's a list of current countries with TPS Status. What could go wrong?


Burma (Myanmar)


El Salvador







South Sudan






dec3169 10 points ago +10 / -0

You may have misunderstood the deal... The deal from the government would be for them to get all the blackmail material so they could use it, and stipulate to his victims that if something happens to him it will happen to them as well. I am confident the CIA is salivating over this additional cache of blackmail info.

dec3169 3 points ago +3 / -0

The sad part is they aren't unemployed. I saw a news story on them yesterday and at one point it showed a dozen or more plain white vans that are used to drive the illegals to and from whichever plant they are working at. If I see it again I'll provide more info, but I didn't play close attention to the story because I was on the phone.

I figure it is part of the scam the mayor is running. Buy the buildings and rent beds out at high prices to the govt to house the Haitians, Buy vehicles and charge the govt for transportation, lay off the citizens and work the Haitians while taking a cut from every one of them - the possibilities are endless.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, if you rephrase your question just a little - the answer could be "Russia is trying hard to not kill us". Joe (or more likely everyone around him) is trying to push Putin towards an attack and Putin seems to know we aren't the baddies - the Deep State is.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it is more than that. Maybe these pagers and walkies have multiple alerts - one for normal pages and one for emergency pages. Walkies can also do things like make and receive calls or texts - depends on the make/model - so they could do something there as well.

Just guessing, but I think there may be one spot on the pcb inside that gets activated for an emergency page/call. If so, they could simply wire that to the high explosives and activate it at any time. It should be instant as well as evidenced by how many went off at nearly the same time. They would never be 100% synced because of the network comms and congestion, but they were close.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

You ever see those unregulated vape mods explode? There are videos on youtube. Some hipsters get unregulated devices that do not have safety protections for the batteries - they can get bigger clouds. Most devices won't let the batteries go beyond what they can handle. If they do go beyond - BOOM. It can lead to anything from a fire and maybe losing a finger or all your teeth, to having it shoot part of the device up into your head and killing you.

That said - I don't think this is batteries exploding. This is explosives. Pagers/walkies/phones - they would all have protections. There have been a few phones explode from overheating (not counting the Note 8s they recalled) but those things are by and large safe. Nobody would ever buy them if they frequently exploded.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure, but I bet only a very small percentage of anons on here remember anything about the Tylenol tampering in stores: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/tylenol-murders-1982

That terrified a lot of people. Now imagine various small cells putting something in the water supply in random areas.

I think tampering with food is possible, though not as likely as tampering with water. More people would be directly effected - bigger bang for their buck so to speak.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

We don't even make our own money - (((they))) do.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stop buying his crap. He is an heir of the Levi Strauss company and is worth over $250 Billion.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not a chance - he isn't that stupid. If he did that and was caught he would likely instantly lose 90%+ of his supporters for good.

If it was a sting operation that would be different, but if he pulled a stunt for publicity it would be over for him.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think he was actually "on the grounds" although the area on the outside of the perimeter fence (where he was spotted) was probably owned by the course. He was outside of the fence as I understand it.

What I don't get is why would the club allow vegetation growth outside of their perimeter - allowing people to conceal themselves? Even local police recommend that people clear bushes away from areas where a burglar could conceal themselves while trying to get into your house.

dec3169 4 points ago +4 / -0

If they did, expect an arrest in a week or 2. I'm sure whoever is legitimately investigating this (as opposed to "investigating") would want to follow their movements and communications to see who they reach out to.

dec3169 7 points ago +7 / -0

I had to open X, bring up the post, click in the 1st captured page, put on my damn reading glasses - only to see the letterhead was from the US House. You are correct.

Since they sent a letter at the beginning this time, will they need to send another strongly-worded letter when nobody does anything or even cares?

OP, please let us know in the title when the "officially under investigation" is not actually something substantial.

By the way - there are only 9 scheduled days the House is in session until Election Day (Nov 5), and then just 20 more days the rest of the year. That will be filled with the same old fiscal year budget/Continuing Resolution crap (with threats of a shutdown). The House can't even get the J13 shooter autopsy info from 2 months ago, and that committee is actually bipartisan.

This will go nowhere. Thanks OP for trying though. It actually should mean something, but unless we clean house and elect 534 new people it won't.

dec3169 4 points ago +4 / -0

People need to realize something they may have never thought of. Years ago I worked at the Pentagon and had access to a couple of the Ops Centers. For those of you that may understand this, those Ops Centers track a bunch of things, one of which is NEACP (or kneecap). Anyone in the Ops Center could see where NEACP was at any particular time. I didn't have a schedule and wasn't privy to future movements but could certainly see it in real-time. I did have the clearance required to be there and see anything that was going on, but that wasn't my mission.

I would guess the same could absolutely happen in this case. A list exists of everyone that would have access to the areas where this type of information would be discussed or disseminated. It would certainly be easy to have a finite list of suspects to investigate if they actually wanted to.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Sheriff said that it was an AK-47-STYLE weapon. I heard someone else said it may have been an SKS.

Edited for a typo. And they confirmed (in the briefing) the rifle was an SKS.

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