Who told you that modern day Israelis were God's chosen people? Ah yes, Israeli psyops.
I have news for you: https://communities.win/p/199hgfeqji
Crazy times. Jewish supremacist power is finally coming to light.
Nothing wrong with dodging globalist wars. Dodging defending the nation, when under attack, however, is traitorous.
Doubtful. Any significant work wouldn't be done above ground. It would be deep underground or deep in mountains.
Israel is the mothership of Jewish supremacy. Jewish supremacy has been blackmailing nations and controlling power for decades, psyop'ing you into becoming its cheerleaders, while its true goal is to enslave all goys, once all of its secondary goals are achieved.
May you feel The Great Awakening when the time comes.
GME to the moon when?
I want to believe.
If he is a talmudist, which most are, then he absolutely believes in Jewish supremacy and, ultimately, goyim enslavement.
Zionism is Jewish supremacy and, ultimately, goyim enslavement.
orthodox Jews hate the liberal Jews
And they will happily collaborate to destroy the goyim.
Where's the video?
Hopefully the end of ZOG.
Commerce with all, alliance with none.
And they'll happily stay in the northern half?
French revolution was a masonic project.
Spot on. Pills will be easier to swallow.
The Israeli mind virus is deep. You're a victim. Or jidf :)
As yes, classic hearsay. mUH teRroRisM. Please grow out of your programming. Sounds like you're posting from Tel Aviv. Are you one of the dancing Israelis?
MIGA it is.
Yet, you support an "ally" that basically runs/ruins your country? Are you MIGA or MAGA?
If you're fully awake, then surely you know about the Israeli blackmail, assassinations and psyops to ruin the West.
Hope he hangs.