Humble yourself:
The term "antisemitism" is a fraud.
The saints had it right:
Yeah, this dude is nuts.
USS Liberty reasoning could've been to sink it, attribute it to Egypt, get US to bomb it, and Israel to annex it. From the Nile river to the Euphrates river: that's the Greater Israel project.
Why did they do 9/11?
Bunch of nonsense.
Balfour Declaration
At the request of evil Lord Rothschild. That's how the Zionist cancerous tumor was established de jure. De facto: Zionism terrorism in Palestine targeting the natives.
(Greater) Israel was planned to be the center of the NWO, ruling all nations, once the population is decreased by 95% (via a combo of engineered virus + vax). Israel's tentacles are deep inside all levers of power, worldwide, be it via blackmail, finances, black ops, media, etc.
US didn't need to be in Palestine to have a foot in Africa. That's ridiculous. Whoever wrote this is a geopolitics loser.
Know how many times I've heard of all the terrorism in the middle east as a presupposition of why we should hate everyone from the middle east? Zero.
Have you been living under a rock? Or just under the skies of Tel Aviv?
they needed the intel leak to stop
Nonsense. Israel has had the US (and the UK) by the balls at that point. POTUS, at that point, was a huge Zionist and would've happily stopped any of that, had it actually been taking place (it wasn't).
Neither the US/UK were sharing Israeli troop locations with the Arabs. That's a convenient Israeli excuse for the failed mission to sink the USS liberty.
Israel targeted the antennas to disable its rescue. Luckily, a previously-disconnected antenna was used to call for help. Twice the USAF deployed to help the ship, and POTUS intervened to halt the rescue.
Turns out that a Soviet ship, nearby, threatened to nuke Israel if it went ahead with the sinking. That's what saved it.
Pretty sure that turned out to be a Mossad op.
"They have waged [defense of their lands] against our drones." .. lol.. come on Trump. Did Netanyahu write this? xD
ZOGs still under the spell of, and acting in favor of, the evil Zionist mother ship, unfortunately.
The Prophet Killers, (((they))) are of the devil, Synagogue of Satan, pulling all the strings behind the scenes.
Annexing the entire Holy Land as a US territory would definitely bring peace (dismantling all existing intel/mil/pol structures and orgs). It would undo the NWO fuckery imposed on the region, which ZOG-USA has a deep hand in. It might be the end game. That may be why Israel is being saved for last.
Also, you need to realize that the NWO that is reengineering the region is the worldwide deepstate that runs the media, finances, blackmail ops, assassinates presidents, engineers wars, etc.
hide inside the city behind civilians?
Yeah, that's exactly right, Hamas hid behind every child that Israeli snipers shot in the head and heart. Come on.
Hamas attack Israel
That is one battle amongst a decades-long war between native underdogs (Palestinians of all religious backgrounds, but mostly Muslims) and occupying Zionist invaders (so-called Israelis). The scale of atrocities and war crimes tips towards the Israeli side, 1000 to 1. It's not even close. The Gaza strip buildup is a de facto concentration camp resulting from the Israeli destruction of Palestinian villages.
The end goal is the creation of the Greater Israel Jewish nation (from the Nile river in Egypt to the Euphrates river in Iraq, extending to current-day Turkey), the destruction of current powers, the decrease of the global population by 95%, the destruction of all churches and mosques, and the enslavement of all goys.
It's happening. Global blackmail, assassinations (eg. JFK), coups, and power via corps (eg. Black Rock, Vanguard, MSM). Who do you think Epstein and the Congresspawns trully work for?
Be careful who you support.
Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto. - Thomas Jefferson
Dismantlement of the (((lügenpresse))). Exciting.
Israel created ISIS to divide and conquer the region. An ISIS offshoot currently runs Syria, as planned. Otherwise, Israeli expansionism would've been halted. See the 1982 Yinon plan. Greater Israel project is in full motion.
They elect a party. Party installs a PM.
Assaad was removed because he was an obstacle to the Greater Israel project which is central to the NWO, not some gas pipeline.
And possibly the entire Holy Land.
US and worldwide.
Releasing evidence to the public doesn't make it inadmissible in court. It can still be presented by prosecutors and disputed by the defense. Plus, the defense is entitled to see the evidence before trial through discovery, so they can prepare their case. Public disclosure doesn't 'taint' evidence. Basic legal concepts, folks.
Most modern semites are, in fact, not Hebrews.