Barry worked for a CIA front company after his "mysterious" time at Columbia. It was called "IBM" if I remember correctly. Not the HUGE company but another front company. IIRC
Thank you again everyone. I'll report back, whether frostbitten or not. Slipping on ice and freezing I'm nervous about. Nothing that I have had to worry about here in the valley, except when ice skating or skiing. I am excited to go!
Thank you. I asked by rep if there were buses like antifa/blm ride in to protest. A laugh then said no. I asked the county and state GOP, apparently nothing but Metro for us regular folks. I'd pay to ride in a charter to go into DC.
Bass would be great.
The boots that I have, I'm not so sure now about wearing them. have hiking and snow boots.
Buying tomorrow!
I have both!
Just bought the cuddles today at walmart!
They have a really long list of no-no's. One is an umbrella which I was going to used to shade my face from the sun. Poncho in a small bag.
On my list to buy tomorrow!
Thank you, this was informative since I'm female.
Thank you to ALL! Going to write all this down for tomorrow.
I Still haven't heard on HOW to get from the Dulles Airport area to the parade route.
I had assumed that there would staging to bring we little people to the parade route. Have not read or have been emailed anything from the comittee yet, Just a "stay tuned for info" email.
Thank you, definately a poncho. I have an itty bitty umbrella. Im thinking of wearing fleece lined leggings with nylon pants, thermal under shirt and jacket.
im going to look for one at bulington. I have gotten away with only a light jacket here.
I gave a a beenie with an insert of some bump plastic. A balaclava, scarf and gloves. The socks and hiking boots I have and need to test. My gloves are leather thinkin
thank you, my hiking boots have a good tread. my feet have shrunk 1/2 size though.
Thank you! All responses are thoughtful!
Thank you, very thorough!
President of ASU for over 20 years is CIA. This was the downturn of ASU.
NYTimes, WashCompost, gets a "leak", anonymous of course. "Reports" on it as if REAL. Then the other MSM "reports" on the original "news" story as if it were true. It's never "fact checked" and all the MSM stories refer back to the "original, anon-leak". Disgusting. Must be what "journalism" schools teach now.
Maxine doesn't even live in the district she represents. Apparently, that is ignored by the Dem party.