dextrous 4 points ago +4 / -0

False Capitulation.

Let's see if they keep building the immigrant camps, or woe, deport them

dextrous 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because it's borrowed from the asset managing population of the states: the people.

No one's been operating their accounts, they're functioning in the fake layer built on top of the real constitutional system. The money they borrow is owed to the people

dextrous 2 points ago +2 / -0

Curious question, in a perfectly private internet, with perfectly private money, how do you stop pedos from conducting cp and trading in their own private economy?

Do you blame the free platform, for not having oversight of everything? Do you blame the currency system, which cannot be tracked?

What happens when people are truly truly free in their "expression," because not everyone is on the same page with how they "express" ...

The Peter Thiel types will suggest an overarch system, which watches, but mitigates against other watchers. The banking system would go cbdc, but don't worry, they're only there to "watch" for bad transactions and isolate misuse cases.

It's a bit of a paradox, eh?

dextrous 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doubleclick to see the fullsized video. Some guys apparently (obviously) made this with AI

dextrous 2 points ago +2 / -0

With no computer services available I'm SOL if I need to purchase something.

Imagine trying to price gold or silver, let alone confirm the metal quality. The argument of "if the whole grid goes down, what next?" is a bit silly

dextrous 14 points ago +14 / -0

I've found several super low view youtube videos of people posting their experiences of curing their gayness after doing a parasite cleanse. In a few of them, they didn't intend for that result at all.

dextrous 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you love this, read the PDF in the comments here, "The Parasite Pill"

dextrous 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yeah, and things like PFAS, the tap water is full of other toxic compounds. I can't believe people still shower or drink tap water without the proper filtering / distilling.

Also worth noting, but zeolites seem like a good fix for most of the environmental toxins we're exposed to, including chemtrail materials

dextrous 6 points ago +6 / -0

a) Yes, in fact many herbivores will actually consume flesh of recently deceased animals if given the chance. There's hundreds of videos of this, including a hilarious one of a horse gobbling up ducklings. If the nutrition is available, animals will consume it. Ever seen a cat drink milk?

b) No, but it'd take way more effort to produce that as a commercial product. Why not instead use cows which produce more, and also as farmers have noted, WANT to be milked?

dextrous 1 point ago +1 / -0

First, btc is not the end all be all of blockchain. Don't fall for that hype. Most "Block stream" devs are MasterCard/Visa devs. Palantir and Thiel highly involved

Second, blockchain and encrypted ledger tech are still going strong despite mainstream "hype" around "price go up." Attention should be given to "bill of rights" type benefits that this technology "unlocks" because of the way it's code and "constitution" is in a decentralized layer

Third, (I am still mobile afk from main computer btw), pay attention to which technologies are being fought over via fine print. One hand is "centralized identity" nearly indistinguishable from cbdc identity handling, whereas zk (zero knowledge) proof research is treading along splendidly. "World coin" may be a honeypot database for palantir adjacent, whereas DIDs (decentralized IDs) have all of the benefits and none of the negatives.

So when one speaks of "Bitcoin" and "blockchain" it is best to come informed as to what these technologies (white/black hat) can achieve. "Bitcoin" and "blockchain" are not black and white but a series of white/black hat devs attempting to develop a better economic system, a better voting system, a better real Republic/Democracy as both are used in their own best ways.

I recommend reading or listening to David D. Friedman's work. All is open source. Sorry I won't type more right now because phone comms are slow af to write out

Tldr do more reading before you exclaim pure skepticism because "btc bad," you don't even seem to understand the premise so why engage at all. Again, read my older comments some are quite long from talking to the misinformed as you seem to be (no offense)

People talk about verified ID for voting, what better than a literal decentralized database that everyone has a hand in creating? Such is one instance of blockchain use

dextrous 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's also a bit of a requirement for you to bring some understanding to the table. You can look at some of my older comments to see some explanations for the use and functionality of block chain stuff. I'm on mobile so the quote was meant to encourage you to do even the slightest to see what's up with block chain and then come back.

dextrous 1 point ago +1 / -0

"If you don't understand it, I don't have time to explain it to you, sorry" (rough quote)

  • Satoshi Nakamoto
dextrous 2 points ago +2 / -0

basic geometry isn't owned by anyone

dextrous 1 point ago +1 / -0

Think of it like a vending machine, you input your ID, the system recognizes it as legitimate, and that you are the only "you" in the mix here. Then you press a button indicating your vote. The vending machine sends the receipt of your vote to all other vending machines for them to save on their system as well, so no one could steal your ID and vote on your behalf elsewhere.

In order to change your vote, someone would have to go around to every single vending machine and hand modify that replicated "receipt" of your vote on every single machine. But this is impossible, because every few minutes all of the vending machines "stamp" the receipt list to prevent tampering.

"Proof of Work" is essentially one of these vending machines drawing straws to see which one gets to "stamp" the "receipt list," the machines have to prove they were randomly selected, and this is done by randomly guessing an answer to a cryptographic mathematical problem. There's no way to pre-determine the answer through logic, the machines just have to say "is it... the number 7?" and the cryptographic proof can only say yes or no. As soon as the correct number is "guessed" (this is what's called mining), that particular computer stamps the receipt list and shows it's proof to the other machines that the work was done "randomly" / "correctly," essentially showing there's no tampering. This whole process serves to keep the receipt list "scribe" decentralized, because in centralized systems, the scribe can be tricked or can be a bad actor.

Several countries have tried internet voting and abandonned it as being insecure.

That is because often the receipt list is held by a centralized entity in those cases. This causes a "honeypot" scenario, where even if the ones hosting the service are trying to be trustworthy, it's still a "honeypot" for hackers, they win if they can get into the "one vault" centralized receipt list. However, in a trust-LESS system like the vending machine example, there can be no tampering, therefore there is no trust involved in the equation.

It's like describing a bank robbery where all your money is kept in one vault, if they get in and out, all is lost. However, if you have your wealth distributed between many millions and millions of boxes, that are all constantly checking on each other's value, the heist on one is noticed and rectified immediately. Not even rectified really, it just can't happen since the other vaults would have to approve the change AND would require your personal ID-"NFT" to even make a change since your vote is cryptographically locked behind your identity.

Would people actually check their own ballots in the database? If they didn't then they could still be erroneous.

There's no need to audit in the vending machine example, but at the same time, anyone could if they wanted to. The only way to see what vote my name is associated with, is to use the ID-"NFT" that only belongs to me. Could even make it biometric. But the system doesn't need to know my name to tally the votes, it just needs to know that my vote was given to the system correctly (which is where that tricky cryptography comes in)

If you can corrupt the right six machines you can control the outcome.

But see, with blockchains, and like my vending machine example, you'd have to corrupt EVERY machine at the same time just to modify one person's vote. This is impossible since other machines would notice the tomfoolery and reject the vote / transaction. It wouldn't be saved to the receipt list.

I'm trying to use examples that somewhat coorellate to real world esque systems, so I apologize if it still seems abstract. If you want to do your own research, I'd suggest starting with a basic overview here, which focuses on Zero-Trust architectures that would be best for voting systems. It's a good simple read that will explain what I've gone through here in perhaps an even simpler way.

Again, these systems already exist and are in use, and I would think that the white hat tech guys would realize this would be one of the best options for operating an election. Since we're not seeing a push for that yet, I suspect some tomfoolery will be up on either side come election time. Perhaps to highlight the corruption of the system even moreso

dextrous 1 point ago +1 / -0

Think of a blockchainas a PO box system, or a storage facility. Everyone has the key to their own box, or storage, so only they check and see what's inside. You can put a coin in there, or a ballot, doesn't matter.

The whole system can check and tally all of the ballots from all of those PO boxes / storage units, but cannot modify them. Imagine a glass window into the PO box, by the computer forgets what that box had in it after it tallies what it saw.

And the system shows how it tallies up said votes, it's completely transparent in the way that math is done. This is why there's the "crypto" part of "cryptocurrency," it's specifically referencing the cryptography involved in those calculations. If anything interfered with the count, it'd be immediately visible to everyone since the "hash" or "count" would be corrupted. Everyone would instantly see it's corrupted. Like seeing that a master key was used on a unit, but it pings the owner immediately.

So, we have a voting system that the users themselves own and are in control of (these are called wallets in the crypto space), the PO boxes. We have a system which automatically tallies all votes made by those with x metadata (say only those boxes with an ID attached). We can then vote, and verify the count, while ensuring there is no tampering with the votes or the count system.

Would you split it by state or just have one federal blockchain database?

You could add metadata to each vote based on ID, so state votes and federal vtoes would be quantifiable depending on what you're asking for. "Who voted for who in... Arkansas?" and a display of the votes would come up. No fake votes could be applied because this system requires a valid ID to do so.

Sorry if this is complicated or difficult ot understand. The most basic way to learn about this would be to learn how Bitcoin or other Cryptos store their transactions, blocks, etc. Those are the "reciept lists." Dominion was a centralized service, so back end tomfoolery could happen, because no one could check their work. With decentralized ledgers, everyone can check the work.

Another example via analogy. Imagine a computer system, that when you asked "what did so and so vote for?" the system couldn't answer. But when asked "did so and so vote for x?" it wouldn't answer, it would simply tally the truth of the answer. This is kinda how cryptographic systems work.

dextrous 1 point ago +1 / -0

Biden did by 200,000 votes to 100,000.

What. No.

This doesn't make any sense man. I don't think this is worth discussing with you frankly. We can agree to disagree for various reasons and leave it at that.

“If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.” ― Satoshi Nakamoto

dextrous 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is like saying you can never rob a bank because the door of the safe is two feet thick and the lock is unpickable. But people can still rob banks!

But in this case the bank is everywhere, and unless you rob every single bank within the "blocktime" you have failed.

"It is not the people who vote that count but the people who count the votes."

This is what the miners do. They replicate and transmit the "reciept list" around the planet to all nodes everywhere. Then one is randomly selected (via mining process) to stamp the block. Tell me how you can predict a compromised player can predict they will be selected when there are millions of millions of miners out there right now?

 If Candidate Biden or Trump then Add 1 to Temp

This code would be transparent to everyone. And they would call it out. Who can "change" the code to be that? You'd have to convince every single node / miner in the network. How are you going to do that?

With Dominion hack, you change one centralized server and all others update. That is not possible with decentralized computing architecture

The details of that program could be hidden anywhere.

K I'm starting to think you don't understand what "open source" means.

What do all those 350+ Services all do on your Windows PC?

Those aren't open source. Most blockchains are. I'd be against a closed-source blockchain because it's SOURCE CODE is CLOSED. Whereas OPEN SOURCE is OPEN and visible to everyone.

... people take local vote tallies to central offices on a portable storage device of some sort. The aggregating of those results could also have corruption built in.

Man you are really not reading my words at all are you? Your ID is your "NFT" to be able to vote on a matter in a public database. That's it.

Are you suggesting we can trust paper ballots and the people involved more than real cryptography?

The problem with a computer is that so much is hidden.

It's not with a blockchain because every interaction is immediately auditable.

The Chinese even built hardware bugs into SuperMicro motherboards, for instance.

However, people can see the "reciept" of that program doing harm. And those viruses / bugs are closed source by design.

There is no reason for me to plead with you to understand. I am simply trying to say you have mistaken this technology for what the old CENTRALIZED computer systems have done. Please, if you want to understand, look into DECENTRALIZED and TRUSTLESS systems and atempt to understand them. I understand your concern but frankly you are gravely mistaken as to how this type of technology operates.

Blockchain type systems for voting (have already been proven to work, and are working right now as we speak) could save us from the "trust the ballot counters" nonsense we experienced last time.

dextrous 1 point ago +1 / -0

You still just don't get it. You can download the entire blockchain yourself, query it yourself. There's no middleman.

Basically, a flag is set somewhere in the record that triggers the counting program to interpret the votes differently.

You would be able to see via your ID, what your vote was. The system is transparent, verifiable, all while retaining privacy for the users.

Stuff can be hidden in all kinds of ways.

Which is why these types of systems should be open source, and run in a decentralized manner. Unlike the dominion digital voting, which is not.

dextrous 2 points ago +2 / -0

How would you ever know if your vote had been accurately passed by the machine into the blockchain system?

Like any other blockchain, you query the database.

You would need to ask a machine to display the blockchain records for you and that could be lying as well.

It would be public, but with zero-knowledge-proof based so the voter can confirm their vote was accurate, and that it was processed. Can't lie in math.

Do you even know how a blockchain works? It's a public reciept list processed by a decentralized group of validators.

Anyone could see that their vote was tallied near instantly. There could never be any vote fakery if it was linked with standard identity documents (which would be like NFTs that couldn't be sold)

We have the technology, whole blockchains are already governed via voting already. It's used for validating parts back to their original factory, and ties in where the materials came from. It's just an advanced reciept system.

We've seen the fuckery happen with paper ballots. You have to trust people and trust hiring, and trust management. With blockchain type tech, it's trust-less, there is nothing to trust since it's mathematically self regulating

dextrous 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or you know, we could use a blockchain. Like they were designed for

dextrous 10 points ago +10 / -0

From wiki: "Before joining politics, Chilima held key leadership positions in various multi-national companies including Unilever, Coca-Cola and Airtel Malawi, where he rose to become Chief Executive Officer."

Coca-cola, eh?

On 22 June 2022, Chilima was stripped of his delegated powers as a vice president due to his involvement in a $150m corruption scandal.

dextrous 2 points ago +2 / -0

Clicking that link 404's, but only because of those " ____ " on the link

Very nice read though! Gonna have to dig into this

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