dominickmilford 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wow. After watching all of this, and then reading his notes about what happened afterward at the end of the clip, all I can say is God Damn what a Clusterfuck this was.

I don't think the operatives who planned and coordinated this had any notion that there would be his level of activity and peering eyes** when they planned this out.

Could we possibly say that another element that contributed to Trump's life being saved that day were these numerous watchful and attentive Patriots? I'd certainly like to credit them.

Perhaps they incorrectly assumed that when the event began, everyone would just be focused on Trump and they would have more time and space around the perimeter.

If I'm thinking like a libtard or a glowie, I see potential: they see Trump as a demagogue after all. Its possible that they misjudged the sheer number of folks who would be present outside and at further distance from the event after Trump took the stage.

Personally I have been wondering if the chaos around that building wasn't intentional to focus everyone's eyes that way while they set up the real killshot somewhere else.

Whatever the case its pretty obvious something went wrong. This footage of some angry douche attempting to clear the area outside the building just around an hour before the shots were fired seems to FURTHER SUGGEST that this was a coordinated set of events. So this guy walks around trying to shoo people off and just minutes later McLovin strolls up and jumps onto the building unseen?

Yeah, fuck off please.

Let's give thanks to this man and the other patriots who were on condition yellow, paying careful attention to what was happening around them and had the forethought and savvy to start recording when things started to get weird. Bravo you guys.

dominickmilford 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well said, Anon.

Here is another clip everyone needs to listen to.

Dr. Epstein is a brilliant man with a lengthy list of accomplishments in his career BEFORE he ever began this project. As you mentioned the work is some of the most critical research of human history at this time, as well as some of the most dangerous.

Recently dived into the Boeing story and that whistleblower's mysterious death, among the sources I found was a guy who had formerly been in a high up position within Boeing who ALSO blew the whistle on the company. At the time he was working in the new facility they had opened in China around 2016. His issues were not the same as the deceased, and critically he used the company's internal track to try and resolve the matter.

The company's response was nothing short of appalling. Basically they attempted to railroad him and he was terminated within a few months and being investigated for a sexual harassment (or assault maybe) claim from a Chinese cleaning lady.

The company's retaliatory action was spurious to say the least. Put it this way: these companies move operations to China, India etc. due to the nonexistant labor laws, which we all know. His case was so airtight and theirs was so awful that he ended up winning IN CHINESE COURT. I think he had limited recourse in U.S. courts for reasons I can't specifically recount.

The amount of power, control and dynasty in these corporations today is beyond anything most of us can imagine.

Nations and governments mean NOTHING to them, and with respect to the laws they go around, through or just buy up political influence to have their way. Governing bodies exist to enact policy to create and manage their vision of the world, far from the other way around.

Corporate sabotage and espionage are often at the heart of actions we attribute to political groups or intel agencies - no matter who the actual actors that carry them out are affiliated with.

They never expect to get caught or punished in today's climate - and look at the bailouts, Too Big to Fail, historic wealth redistribution actions from COVID, all in one direction: upward.They get what they want and they never lose, even when they should.

WalMart and Chipotle are open, meanwhile the churches and schools are closed and the family restaurant is shut down.

Its a godsend to have someone like Dr. Epstein working on this to keep Google and the tech overlords from this penultimate measure of control practiced over us. That he managed to thwart them even slightly during that 2020 steal is a good sign. It means they actually ARE scared of the tools Congress has at its disposal. If we can only elect enough of the right people into office, we yet stand a chance to prevent them from dominating us completely, in this time where the smoke has cleared to show us the real battle has been between the power elites and the many of us huddled masses all along.

Once again, brilliant job of highlighting Dr. Epstein's work.

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

Larry and Sergey want to protect the children!

Their stocks are running low. 🤨

dominickmilford 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol I kind of expected this.

This makes me think about something that Trump identified that resonated strongly with me.

During the administrations before his, at least starting with Obama and Bush and the two major conflicts our country was embroiled in during that time it would happen so often it was almost totally unnoticed... by me at least!

But Trump is a savage especially when it comes to minute details.This one by his own admission would baffle and infuriate him.

Constantly when we would give press conferences about the ongoing conflicts we would offer up our next moves and battle plans, often in great detail, advertising it on a Billboard for all the world to see. Why?

My personal thought is that by snitching on our own military and its plans we would help the enemy prepare and help to prolong the conflict indefinitely. Recently, I listened to the interview Tucker did with Cernovich (who I've never really had any use for) and he suggested that the other side merely wants endless, large-scale wars for war's sake, and they do not care which side the casualties come from, so long as there is as much death as possible. I think he might have something there.

Trump stated his administration will NEVER announce intentions or moves against the enemy publicly. Its obviously self-defeating to do so ... and the system has unfortunately taught us to self-sabotage in a great many different ways, and the programming is hard to unwind.

I feel like the same lesson applies here. For example I never ONCE said that I did not agree with Fuentes' positions, only that I strongly opposed how he broadcasts them.

We don't always need to be beaten over the head with things before we can safely determine they are true; Chris Wray doesn't need Epstein's ID to drop out of his wallet on national TV; Obama doesn't need to shout "Michelle and I like weiner-schnitzels!"

Are we contented and self assured we will be able to achieve ANY of our goals as populists or MAGA supporters if we openly champion the most fraught and controversial viewpoints a large share of us may (or may not) have?

And if you tread lightly or don't openly admit your truest feelings on these already sensitive subjects, and declare your vision of what an unspoiled, perfect world would be to you, are you then a Jew pedo fag scoundrel yourself?

What the fuck, why? Because I know most times you die when you run into a hail of fucking gunfire?

Yeah, I'm about done with explaining this calmly and rationally to any asshole who goes right to ad hominem to challenge me on whether or not drawing a big bullseye on your ass is a good strategy for us to get Trump into office and affect change in our country.

Peace is easier seeded and grown to maturity thru shared economic prosperity and wealth creation between the member states signed onto the agreement. There is less tolerance for drum beating by the political class and much less capacity for intolerance and violence when people are thriving in their personal finances. Poverty and desperation fertilize contempt and loathing for another man, the "other".

This is the entire message and mission of the Abraham Accords, and Trump himself who has touted unity through prosperity as a vision for our own country. The endeavor was TREMENDOUSLY successful, a level of once in generations, and Trump was snubbed from an extremely well deserved Nobel Peace Prize for it.

And this type of resolution was exactly what the Zionists DID NOT WANT under ANY circumstances, such that they needed to provide Iran with radical levels of funding and fast in order to re-create the enemies needed to play the opposition and subject the Israelis to drastic, brutal acts of terror in order to justify a return to bloodshed **and begin to push toward their final homicidal goals of obliterating their ethnic rivals once and for all to establish a New kingdom of Jerusalem, with further designs to control the entire globe.

Am I about there? Thought so.

So lets just quit here because at this point, if you can find me at fault for not shouting Jew hate from the rafters, or if Trump is just as bad as a pedo because JD Vance takes the typical Congress/party line on Israel in his statements (our biggest ally) it seems like your fucking problem.

Don't announce your plans to the enemy. Don't assume someone isn't going to move towards your shared goals because they don't explicitly come out and say it. Most of all, read between the lines a bit, Christ almighty!

I guess I just like to win more than I need to say exactly what is on my mind. Try it out sometime, habbibi.

dominickmilford 20 points ago +22 / -2

Ooh! A chance to describe Nick Fuentes! I'll need a moment to dig up the disgust and wanton rage I buried a few years ago...

You'll most likely remember Nick Fuentes as the strange looking white guy who accompanied Kanye West on his, erm, media.... uh, tour thing a year or so ago. Y'know, the Nazi jamboree while donning a stocking on Alex Jones, the Tim Pool 5 minute interview walkout... all culminating in the surprise dinner date with an unaware Donald Trump, once they'd been fully lathered and caked in beetle dung of course.

Nick Fuentes is referred to in the media as a "far right" or "antisemite" podcast host or pundit. That isn't really what he is though.

He's stretched far beyond the realm of a conservative grifter or a misunderstood shlock jock. He's a legitimate danger to the MAGA movement and has set himself as probably the easiest target when the left wants to pin the tail and cite an example of race hatred, anti-LGBT, anti-Jewish etc. associations with MAGA. Hope it was worth it, Nick!

If you don't believe me, here's an example: Fuentes supports the Taliban based on some of their conservative religious principles. 🙄 Like.... face meet floor.

I wish it were just parody. I like Alex Stein. Hell, I think Gavin McIness is a riot. This shit is not meant to be funny - this is Milo Yannapoulos stuff -(unsurprisingly closely associated) a person who shouts he is an ally and a soldier for your cause, but pull one string and it reveals a deeply disturbed individual who jumps around looking for the platform and message to best serve his overwhelming sociopathy.

Both of them are in constant awe of themselves, Fuentes probably more so. A midwit who believes he is a trailblazing genius. Unconcerned with any kind of tact, unfamiliar with how to properly play the game. The solution is always to just cut the knot and "let the chips fall where they may."

Does that sound remotely like a legitimate person championing Trump and the cause? Fuentes is a 25 year old fucking Cartman.

If you want go back to those Kanye debacles. Watch how he reacts when something controversial gets brought up. Watch when shitty Laura Loomer calls in to dump on her own Jewish people. He is giggling like a school boy who killed a frog and it smooshed funny. Yeah thats his true beliefs showing right there.

Nick Fuentes is about getting attention by any means necessary - say the most provocative bullshit out of my mouth, because I am more famous for every person I shock and inspire hatred in.

And when Trump and MAGA no longer serve me I'll throw them off like an ugly turtleneck, because these are just the clothes I disguised myself in to get past the door! Haha, suckers!

At least he has come out now and said he isn't supporting Trump anymore. So when you factor that in along with his stated positions, how different is Nick Fuentes from these jerkoffs at the Palestine protest?

I'm not far from the belief that he was always planning to defect and play controlled opposition, to help MAGA look bad when the movement didn't come together championing his extreme views.

The idea that he expected Trump or any mainstream political movement to do that is beyond laughable, and he cannot have truly believed otherwise, unless I am severely overestimating his intelligence.

No, he's just an arsehole, a clever little Cartman who spied a nascent political movement that he could jump early into and use his socio wiles to perhaps gain an audience and platform. Then one day he would come out wearing a G-string and see how many of them he could get to say "nice coat", all the while giggling to himself like a dipshit, and repeat the prank until it made him some money and free drinks.

Nick Fuentes is what the left wishes we were. Therefore, fuck that guy.


dominickmilford 20 points ago +21 / -1

Here he goes again, dropping a jewel on our heads. Thanks to you, u/Pbman2! Keep up the good work dude.

dominickmilford 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just curious, why Jonathan Nolan and not Christopher Nolan? I think even Jonathan would admit his brother is more of the auteur and out of the box thinker. Jonathan puts out more straight forward episodic stuff like Westworld and The Peripheral.

dominickmilford 1 point ago +1 / -0

Damn, after I just wrote all that and NOW you tell me!? 🤣

If you have some kind of link to his analysis I would be interested to listen in. It's weird, but I was clued in to the news and started watching very early that day, probably less than 5 minutes after the actual attack had occured in real time.

And for whatever reason, I had one of those initial gut feelings that we all sometimes get, that the shots had come from in close. The first ones, anyway. Something to do with the speed or velocity of the shots as they whizzed by and glanced his ear in real time. Now, I know I'm bullshitting myself sort of when I say that, like how could anyone possibly tell, but something just seemed off about it.

Initially, and I mean RIGHT RIGHT after it happened, they were reporting on FAUX about a close range weapon of some sort, possibly a gun disguised as a cell phone or the like. The rooftop didnt come up until a full 15 minutes later and it didn't feel exactly right to me, despite the vantage being relatively close still.

Also the wound itself, I just thought an AR round more likely would've tore part or all of the ear off rather than the bloody scratch it seemed to be. Spinning too fast, too many revolutions to leave a little dart stinger like that. Rittenhouse took a guy's arm almost clean off.... I mean.

Seemed like something slower smaller closer. I'm not a rifle guy at all but I do have some handgun and revolver experience thru my pops. Not expert at all. Just relaying my gut feelings at the time, I know it sounds fairly preposterous and ham fisted nonetheless. 🤣

Also, scarcely have ever seen a photo of a bullet mid-flight...

Ok think I have embarrassed myself enough.

dominickmilford 1 point ago +1 / -0

Glad this is making the rounds.

Here is my thread covering it Its nothing too different, but Ithe entire video that this 8 minute clip is from posted - its closer to 30 mins and I found the whole thing pretty captivating and convincing. Worth watching if you have the time! Doesn't hurt that Dr. Chris has a quirky and funny kind of style to him too.

There's also some links in the comments to the CNN article he references (Univ. Of Colorado's findings that corroborated this) and a pretty thorough article in Asia Times going over the entirety of the facts we know so far.

Hope this is a useful contribution.

Here are some of my personal thoughts:

It now seems as though all this rooftop action - out in the open air, where a gathered crowd numbering in the thousands could act as eyewitnesses, take photos and video records with their cell phones, etc. - was just a bit of misdirection theatre and likely a necessary part of the plan by the bad guys.

This newest information and analysis seems to say that the REAL ACTION might have been whatever was happening inside these buildings, not on top of them. So what better way to distract the GP then this current puppet show of the tabula rasa Lone Gunman™️, seemingly baffling choices and/or cartoonish ineptitude from the agencies and police on full display, resulting now in factional frictions and playing the blame game, peppered with disjointed releases of information at intervals along the way, most of which has had the utility of wet puzzle pieces so far, all very visible, out in plain sight which helps all the stories and media recorded by the crowd to further muddy the waters.

All of it served up by the legacy media, pearl clutching and feigning outrage, and chiefly wondering aloud why the audience seemed to play a bigger role in thwarting the apparent threat than law enforcement. (Hint: The MSM has not suddenly decided to champion you or your values, they just get to play good cop this time. And overweight PA guys with Guy Fieri haircuts and a coozy beer in one hand are not going to be the hero, or Sherlock Holmes, etc. in this sort of event)

Start by taking away any autonomy from Crooks. He is not making any choices or decisions; in fact, more and more it seems like he was primarily a distraction: weird ass kid, shambling around looking suss all day, om amd off the grounds, playing with binoculars, moving around a Play Skool ladder, scampering across rooftops, flying fuckin' kites. Its a wonder he wasn't burning a few sparklers while he was up there.

If I am a high level, worldwide power broker who wants to take out Trump, am I entrusting the entire success or failure of this bold chess move to someone who recently got their braces off? Come the fuck on. The lone gunman hypothesis is practically BEGGING to be debunked and we should assume they knew this already. So I assume there will be additional layers of deception to cut through even when this initial stuff resolves.

According to the info and audio so far, the counter sniper team fired just once to neutralize Crooks, a full 13 seconds after the first gunshot was recorded. Its almost the last sound in the sequence. Yet we were told (and saw in footage... sort of) that one of the counter sniper teams ALREADY had their sights trained on Crooks BEFORE the volley began.

Is there some reason for this delay? Was he supposed to be wounded and taken alive, and only eliminated upon mission compromised status fully confirmed? Just idle speculation but a dead patsy doesn't seem as useful. All he is now is a bunch of fill in the blanks, with shockingly little traces of having even existed. Why wouldn't he have been carrying his ID; why would that matter to him? Unless he expected to be captured maybe?

There was also this line fed to us that a police or SS unit was supposed to be on that rooftop and they "just didn't show up." Forget the ridiculous 50 foot distance between the two other counter sniper teams, and how that would make their coverage so redundant as to be almost useless; forget Pac-Man perimeters, forget all the gaps in logic. This was stated, a missing detail for this roof, and subsequently we were told there was a presence INSIDE the building. Its mystifying more than preposterous now.

Was the original plan to have units inside the building aiming out of the windows and then ANOTHER sniper unit, covering what we would assume to be the EXACT SAME AREA on the roof? Would any of them be covering areas NOT facing Trump for some reason?

So its clear we need eyes inside that building that Crooks was on top of. And after that, the buildings behind it along the same line of sight. I am wondering now if maybe that sniper detail DID show up, but maybe with a little spaghetti sauce stain on their ID badges, if you catch my drift. 🤐

The overwhelming likelihood I am thinking is possibly someone impersonating law enforcement, and the mystery shots came from inside a building, out of a window, at a safe remove from the fiasco fireworks named Thomas Crooks, and where the gunman would not be easily spotted, especially with the commotion in front of his line of sight acting as a smokescreen.

Final part, I believe he says the audio signatures suggest that the first shots were NOT Crooks, and his were buried in the later series of rapports heard. Meaning initial shots came from mystery location. If so, then why? I am wondering if something got rushed.

My guess of the ideal method would be Crooks takes his best shot, while simultaneously or closely timed as possible, Shooter 2, a trained pro, takes a second shot. Maybe that helps cover audio signatures, and most importantly, prevents a miracle head turn like the one we saw from working and saving the target's life.

They haven't been forthcoming about that interval of time between the officer seeing him on the roof and armed and when the gunshots began. From the accounts given so far though I was partial to thinking it wasn't very long, maybe just seconds.

We do now know that there was NOT some sort of emergency or all-in channel that everyone was listening to. It was said the communication with Secret Service was being done with liaisons of some kind. Elsewhere I heard it said it was a complicated, nonsensical series of channels between agencies. This would check out as being a boon to the bad guys and likely they were listening in.

I replay this bizarre sequence in my mind's eye: the cop boosting up the other one, him hanging off the roof, pulls his head up and sees Crooks (was he prone by then?), Crooks points his rifle at him, possibly says something, and then the cop loses his grip and falls 8 feet, and we were told he injured himself.

Now suppose Shooter 2 from his vantage sees this crazy shit playing out, and depending on how everyone was turned and what was visible to him, mistakenly thought something else had happened.

Specifically, what if it looked like Crooks SHOT THE COP and then he fell off 🤣

Maybe he is seeing mostly the back of Crooks, can't see if there was any muzzle flash and he sees the cop slip off but not where he lands?

What if Shooter 2 was watching that, mistook it for something else, and then hurried to open his window and take a shot? Losing his cool and hurrying, maybe he took the shot at Trump early and off schedule, before he was supposed to?And maybe that's what puts the bullet along that path and then Trump turns his noggin just in the nick of time?

There's no way to ever know, but I just wanted to share it as a bizarre scenario I had considered. Thanks for reading along if you came this far!

dominickmilford 1 point ago +1 / -0

The position you describe seems to be the consensus about where these second shots were likely to have come from.

Just to add to discussion though, there were witnesses in the crowd who said they saw shots coming from the water tower.

I only heard this once, so don't take it for gospel, but somewhere I heard it said that the Secret Service estimated the shots had come from around 480 yards (yes, YARDS, not feet)

This was a couple days ago and I never heard it again, I am also wondering did anyone else hear something like this? Apologies for not being able to directly reference it, at this point I have watched a ton of podcasts etc on the subject.

Funny enough, there is an interview with Tim Kennedy (Chris Williamson channel YT I think?) where he mentions he has seen information disappearing online.... Kennedy is a former sniper and UFC star (new to me)

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not sure but I think you are replying to u/Pbman2 and the YouTube link he posted, I haven't seen that content. So apologies in advance if I'm being unhelpful here.

You referenced an AP News article that someone was drawing from (and not getting it right it sounds like you're saying?)

So I just added the CNN link and I wanted to also put you and everyone else onto this article, which is pretty in depth and germane to our discussion:


There is actually another link to the CNN article there in his first sentence. The author doesn't give any revelations here but he does cover the entire situation in-depth, its a fairly long but comprehensive read.

Of note:

Only one shooter has been identified and the FBI says he acted alone. The bureau may want to reconsider its conclusion....Obviously this controversial audio forensic analysis needs peer review. But there are other questions beyond the audio forensics that need attention.

In fact, we don’t know if any of the bullets have been recovered. Fired and recovered shells, if found, could potentially be matched to the weapon or weapons...

Fairly bland but if you keep reading he does offer some worthwhile questions based upon the information we have heard so far.

Only trying to help or at least verify that this other audio study was done by researchers at University of Colorado.

Here is the CNN link also.

Hope this is helpful.

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know a little about that type business, my uncle used to do that w crime scenes and I think house fires also. I recall hearing that it was lucrative.

Anyway I am not saying they shouldn't clean up once released, I just found it surprising they were done processing so quickly after, like the next morning almost

dominickmilford 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think he mentions in the video, Mike Adams was working on this immediately afterward and he is speculating that there were 3 different shooters + the counter sniper shot, but we can't be 100% certain of that number yet... but we CAN say with almost 100% confidence that there were AT LEAST two shooters...

I heard it just like you did, but I'm hesitant to commit to more than two as the number at least until we get feedback from a more advanced audio lab on all this... for example, could two of the seemingly different signatures have come from the same weapon if say, the shooter was moving or changed his position between shots. I don't know enough either.

It would make complete sense that they had several different baddies with their guns trained on the target to give themselves the best chance. As for a JFK 2nd floor window shooter i just never heard that one before I suppose.

But three shooters, wow, talk about having the armor of God on. It seems unreal that nothing managed to land if thats true.

The video part where he shows the ricochet was pretty powerful as evidence also. This is going to be tough for them to bury

dominickmilford 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just also want to add, between:

  • images of the F🐝👁 pressure washing the roof (you know, a fucking crime scene or whatevs) just one day later
  • Senator Hawley statements today that the scene looks like a warzone and the glowies literally threw him out when he showed up to check it out today
  • Black SUVs, white vans full of ordinance, shooter flying drones but NOT the USSS, eyewitness testimony of sheer madness long before the incident, zip lines, water towers, foreign encrypted accounts, and... well shit, YOU NAME IT....

I am feeling a very deep, dark rabbit hole has been exposed here and they are scrambling to pull it all back behind the curtain... the time crunch seems to be the constraint they struggle with the worst, because of the sheer speed of internet sleuthing, conspiracy debunking etc due to tech and "the 'Net" in modern day....

I am wondering if some sort of karma justice is playing out, and depending on where this leads us, if it will soothe some troubled ghosts[JFK, RFK and their other "victims"] .... and theb connections with Jr, Trump, Q and more....

Certainly we can already say that [DS] "troubled past" is now coming back to haunt them, they are already having a bitch of a time trying to lead ANYONE, even the most casual of normies, anywhere off the mark so as to satisfy the public's curiosity (because the reputation and the mistrust is just TOO DEEP when it comes to this type of event in particular)

Hope that makes some sense... but sheesh,

What a time to be alive, man.

dominickmilford 4 points ago +4 / -0

I know saw someone drop a link to this in comments elsewhere on here earlier but I didn't manage to watch it myself, but now that I have I felt it was way way too important not to share....

Hopefully I'm ahead and not behind on this one...

Link to a shorter version of the video, I can edit in CNN article link if anyone is interested also.

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

Joy Reid, further proving her deep knowledge of the African-American experience.

Hey mom, I don't feel good and I got sniffles, can I stay home and watch cartoons?

"OK Jamal"

Hey mom, a bullet from a drive-by came through the window and it took the top of my ear lobe off, could I stay home today?

"Now, now Jamal you can't play hooky every day. Get your backpack"


Just un-fucking-real.

dominickmilford 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, no. If you look closely they are scissoring. Cuz DEI

dominickmilford 7 points ago +7 / -0

Trump, on Monday: hits 20 foot putt

"That's the difference between me and the shooter!" 🤣🤣🔥🔥🔥

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

These people are ____ .

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a PERFECT shindig/bar encounter joke, you can alter it slightly to "a guy went to the mall and walks into a bookstore... the guy replies..," if you don't want to offend someone's delicate leftist sensibilities 😯

But overall it will get a laugh and a curious eyebrow raised (toward that vein of truth running directly through it) from ANY political alignment or "status" (exceptions to that minuscule group of cultists on the "radical" "fringe" left [whichever your preferred term] that are simply too Marxist [and thus nihilistic, power obsessed to sociopathic levels] to have developed or acknowledge something approaching a sense of humor) 🤣🙄

dominickmilford 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks. No one gave two shits besides us LOL

Maybe that says something about my socioeconomic status, or the well known wealth inequality among users on here. Or poverty gapping where now as many as 80% of Pepes could not survive the next 10GB emergency

dominickmilford 3 points ago +3 / -0

::sigh:: It doesn't come as a surprise whatsoever, but I do appreciate the background info on him. I had a bad feeling that he was going to be a deranged leftard of significant magnitude, but even that couldn't have prepared me for the human shit-spouting geyser that is Scott Galloway.

I just saw footage of a gigantic pro-Palestine mingle-sesh at NYU, and knowing Stern Business School it makes perfect sense.

Nonetheless it really is amazing when these oily shit stains trying to pass as qualified human beings manage to forget themselves for a moment and fork over a large dose of honesty with regards to the conditions in our country. The solutions they prescribe to solve said crises are completely wrong and likely to perpetuate more of the same, even still. Kind of makes you wonder if they really have any compassion for the plight of others, or if its just more pearl clutching.

I know what my vote is at least. 🤣

Thanks again

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