Wow friend. This takes me back. Did you know that Cheryl’s songs all sucked so her producer set her up with the the Tuesday Night Music Club ostensibly lead by Kevin Gilbert. If you listen to his other songs, it’s absolutely certain that he wrote leaving Las Vegas and the rest of the album. Of course she took full credit and he got a few handies at least but it spiritually wrecked him
A few years later he died of autoerotic asphyxiation. You know how it goes in entertainment town. When the other members of that “suicide” set are brought up it makes me think of him.
Oh also this all happened in the early 90s. Knowing it was that long ago check out his song “waiting”:
You should watch it now! I watched it a about 5 years after it came out because so many people I knew were in love with it. Totally unexpected and nothing like the (ip stealing, litigious) Disney of old. It was crazy inappropriate for young people.
Totally adult in theme. Princes were wolves in sheeps clothing pretending to be sweet to gain very young naive princesses trust. It went on and on. The princess who was abdicating the throne tried to murder many people out of anger (with impunity of course).
And the song “Let it go,” is totally not about what it sounds like. It is a song about being purely selfish no matter who gets hurt.
That’s cool. Just know this. DHS is technically the Right then - guardians of the king and his fiefdoms. And we are the Left and have done nothing wrong except questioned the establishments corruption! Ahahahahaha!
Edit: I see my point was missed. The word salad that comes out of the communist's mouths must not be copied. What I'm saying is that "defending the power structure" is the original meaning of The Right and that is what these people are doing. And speaking against the power structure is The Left, and it's awesome to watch Snoopenem and Pedowood defend The Democrats at all costs. I'm not surprised at all that droves of 60s and 70s "liberals" are really just little tyrants waiting for their turn at power. Not even slightly freedom loving.
Holding them to their own rules, this crime is worse than any other! Worse than treason. Worse than sexual harassment. This is worth the scorn of a thousand short haired lesbians daily and for years. Then he should be jailed and impeached while in jail.
ok. from the .win domains, the stories I hear are that a pharmacy will block your prescriptions even if a doctor prescribes them, doctors are afraid to prescribe them as they aren't "proven effective for fighting covid 19" so you can lose your doc "privileges" (not to be confused with license), and now Tractor Supply is closing down access to horse dewormer. So...
I have reason to believe I couldn't get it if I tried.
This picture is almost da Vinci worthy. The composition. What people seem to be thinking. Marvelous