dumbasschann 1 point ago +1 / -0

why cant i point out his weird fucking face lol... im just saying it looks weird... it might be nothing and he's just ugly but i don't dwell on these things. but it doesnt make anyone insane if they decide its weird to them.. you two are too quick to judge me on one paragraph. I think the truth is in the little details. and i dont have to play by the polite rules. if its "leftists" behavior to point out shit i deem is strange idk what to say.. i guess im a leftist now lol trump 2020 >_>

by BQnita
dumbasschann 3 points ago +3 / -0

wheres the bootleg "proof" and why arent we hustling them lol

dumbasschann 1 point ago +1 / -0

the picking and choosing which phrases we're allowed to parrot is concerning to me. I understand this isn't a religious forum but the replies in this thread are eye opening.. You can't have both.. not every post is going to be good enough to every admin. But there has to be a way to address OP's concerns without belittling them. EVEN IF he did it first. It's like they love to use scripture against each other but don't want to use to bring us all together. Obviously not everyone can follow the rules all the time.. but prayer requests and chains should be allowed, welcomed, and easy to find. As we are all in this together, and the feelings of ONE should matter to us all at least in some capacity. Now if OP was banned or removed that would be the sign that it would be time to leave. but if someone feels lead to share scripture they should do it in the appropriate place; like a religious thread stickied to the top of HOT page. Maybe the words OP was lead to share would be exactly what one of our struggling comrades needed to see.

dumbasschann 1 point ago +1 / -0

for 1 just because Jesus is watching doesn't change that humans cuss and call people names. Its our nature when we feel passionate about something. I didn't mind your rebuttal and thought if its in the policy their must be good reason but now that i read your reply it makes less sense to me.. Saying "oh shoot u dumb Christian u said moron how Christian are you? Jesus is watching remember?" is sus. I think you should change your policy to allow a daily thread and thats it. I understand that you don't want HOT page overrun with prayer requests and posts about praying. This isn't a religious site after all. But i somewhat understand that you may find these "low effort" posts annoying or clogging comms. So it would be best to work with your people and find a medium that lets the religious posters feel heard and explain to them to use the thread stickied, but being demeaning and sounding like 'its not very Christian of u to be upset about something that upsets u'... idk i just have to think there's a medium.. and those copy pasted low effort posts can be relevant and may be exactly what someone needs to see that day.. idk

dumbasschann 2 points ago +3 / -1

i hadn't seen a prayer post in a while but there is one on the HOT page now.. I dont think they should be deleted.. as long as its a daily thread and not 1000 individual posts

dumbasschann 2 points ago +2 / -0

i bet he's getting blamed for it like the kiddie fuckers and scumfucks always do... plame it on the police. the right. the not left enough leeft. etc rinse and repeat. it was about time for a flase flaG

dumbasschann 1 point ago +1 / -0

i highly doubt it will happen this year.. i mean china has been tirelessly working on infiltration of our highest forms of government for a decade if not more.. if we only caught on in 2018 we still have a while untill we catch up. but eventually we will win. but it probably wont be before shit hits the fan.. after public outrage is normal for leftists against leftists.. but then again they are stupid enough to believe when they blame someone else every time. They'll just have to circle back

dumbasschann 14 points ago +14 / -0

You can't give up! Our patriotic teachers are so outnumbered its scary. The liberal teachers are not only pushing their values onto the children but in some states are holding the children's education hostage, because they hate Trump. We need amazing people like you to be there to make sure our kids are safe and that the school isn't pushing their agenda onto the kids. You're a good person, thank you so much for all you do for those kids. I cant tell how much you love them. I couldn't even imagine being a teacher in these times.. The reward for all your hard work was the smiles you saw when a child finally understood, got a good grade, won student of the month, etc. I think its criminal to force the kids to cover their face. I'm so sorry that this is what teaching has become. But if you give up it will be one less patriot teaching our kids, and the trust of our education system is declining. You matter.

dumbasschann 2 points ago +2 / -0

dude wtf his nose looks fucking backwards and fucked up... there is nothing wrong with pointing that out.. you are the one making assumptions. Something looks off in that video, did you watch it? Others saw it too and i've seen people talk about it since airing. Your judgment is gross and your comment is futile. We should be questioning EVERY single thing that looks, smells, or tastes off. Even if you think this point is stupid. That doesn't make it insignificant.

dumbasschann 2 points ago +2 / -0

interesting this is your company? i'm going to purchase a month. idk much about vpn or whatever but i'd like to support company's or projects owned by patriots

dumbasschann 3 points ago +4 / -1

i do not understand why people like you even exist lmao

dumbasschann 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hope that the new campus will have amazing success and be a popular attraction

for elite pedophiles around the worlds

by Raken
dumbasschann 1 point ago +1 / -0

We need a new link this vid got wiped

dumbasschann 3 points ago +3 / -0

well said dude.. i couldn't give up no matter how much doom i feel at times.