Eat grass fed beef and broccoli (ir any brassica) together, pump up your glutathione
Thank you for the clarification. I can see how the DS is provoking for UN forces. Some are already here, as I understand. And in Aus well?
Congratulations and God Bless. 😍🌷
I question that too. Why would countries agree to this law that a foreign occupier can do whatever for a year??
Agreed. Why the hell would countries adopt these laws? I mean in 1 year, there may not be a country left.
The long periods if delay I struggle with as well. Going by one extreme mandate after another, it's as though they are pushing for us to take action, like, what's it gonna take, patriots?? I watch with horror as the military and riot police take down Australian citizens and morn for them having given up their guns but we here are armed but are like sitting ducks they can pick off with various mandates.
I just watched this, Time Travel one. 👀👀👀 this was amazing. So where does it stand now? When is it going to happen in this timeline?
Yup. And I have scoured the net and old bookstores for any with the old spelling. My bf remembers it with an E too. We're grew up in different parts of the ciuntry so it's not a regional thing either. This was kind of the thing that planted the seed in ny head that things are weird and nothing is as it appears. Btw, I'm a millennial so it's not like it was that old either.
This was mine too. And I KNOW it was BerenstEin!
That's a bad thing? These "scientists" knowingly did this to people. I don't feel sorry for them and they should be in danger of getting hanged for murdering innocent people.
Thank you for link. My heart breaks for France too. 😥
Yes, the wives. Cruz's wife is cfr
and he's freaking canadian!!!
Then get all fed res banks out of TX
Fr Lin Wood telegram:
Simple truths are simple TRUTH.
Simple Truth: “No good deed goes unpunished.”
Deep State shills are once again making false accusations about my efforts on behalf of #FightBack Foundation suggesting that I “profited” off the Rittenhouse family.
#FightBack voluntarily sought to help Kyle Rittenhouse with his criminal defense costs and fees as part of its mission to advocate for the Bill of Rights which includes the right of self-defense and the right to bear arms.
#FightBack ceased its efforts for Kyle at the end of November 2020 at the request of attorney John Pierce who was representing Kyle. This request from Pierce came shortly after #FightBack posted the $2M cash bail for Kyle from donations made to the foundation.
I am not a criminal lawyer and I did not represent Kyle in connection with the criminal charges against him. NO fees were paid to me for my efforts to help Kyle on behalf of #FightBack. Attorney fees were paid to other lawyers engaged by the Rittenhouse family for Kyle’s defense.
As you can see from the spreadsheet below, #FightBack paid out more for Kyle than donations received for Kyle.
Facts are stubborn things.
Deep State shills never let the TRUTH get in their way as they are paid to smear with lies.
#FightBack complies with ALL laws, rules, & regulations applicable to 501(c)(4) non-profit foundations. The foundation’s 2020 financials have been independently audited and its tax filings are public record.
The public has the right to choose whether to believe the documented facts or the unsupported lies.
Choose wisely.
The msms, never let a spurious factoid go to waste
We need GAW team for national quiz bowl
Damn whoever woke him. I need to know the ending!!!
No. Not a hero. A fork-tongued snake.
never even heard of it
If rhis is serious, I will donate paralegal work.
Maybe Italians will wake up to the chinese subtle invasion of their cluntry too. Did it mention the chinese origin?
If people are getting medical advice from daily mail, it might be too late for them.
Who cares. We've got to get ourselves out of the UN.
There is so much in this post I want to dig into, so thank you for posting.