"The eminent computer scientist A.M. Turing considers the question that the only discernible difference between a human being and a computer may be that the latter cannot experience psi" (pg. 15, McKelvy, "Psychic Warfare") https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00789R001001420001-3.pdf
"If you think this ship was hacked, and the bridge was taken out intentionally… then this attack was horribly executed and didn’t accomplish much." Or the blockage of the port could be keeping out a Sum of All Fears container.
Unfortunately Google translate is invalid here. “Nic” is not a latin word. “Ni” might be construed as a negative particle. There are two words that begin with K in Cassel’s Latin dict: Karthago and kalendae. “Kelo” could be a phonetic misspelling of”celo” (I hide) but is more likely connected to the “c” in “Nick-“. Plus that “-ck-“ feels Anglo-Saxon. If “Deo” refers here to “god” (unlikely since it seems to be part of the ending “-Deon”) it would be ablative or dative. In summary, before getting a Latin tattoo, consult a Latinist.
They repeat on page nine this intention and tie it to the **modelling **research: "The modelling research will include the initial efforts required for the exploration of the feasibility of the large-scale weather modifications." 1968
That pesky Bill of Rights.