if you really wanted to you can literally make moonshine from toilet paper. you gotta know some chemistry magic and it doesn't really make a lot... but it's possible
completely deserved LMAO
this is complete horseshit. if a reactor managed to create plasma at a temperature of 70,000,000°C for 17 minutes at the very least the area around it would be completely cooked. do you realize how hot 70,000,000°C is? 1 GRAM of hydrogen, assuming it didn't burn or fuse together, at 70,000,000°C has enough energy to boil over two TONS of water from room temperature just from the thermal energy alone. now imagine HOLDING that temperature for 17 MINUTES without even burning anything around the reactor. it's just not going to happen. don't believe everything you see, please.
heh, dear god let's hope they NEVER do that ;))))))
joe biden didn't win, he cheated. donald trump won
agreed, probably NSFW tho XD
ight well thenks kek
you're right, I don't know. I'm just offering my opinion on it is all.
files.catbox.moe came up as unsafe though?
supposedly planets rotations ARE slowing down, actually, just not at a rate at which it'll have any real effect. (from what I've read earth days become about 2 milliseconds longer per year, so it would take hundreds of years to even increase the length of a day by one second.)
note that I haven't done extensive research on this and this could all be horseshit.
then you could argue that the spike proteins or w/e are different on omicron which is why the antibodies aren't effective against it, could you not? not that I'm trying to say the vax is good, I'm just trying to think like the opponent here
the moon is tidally locked to the earth. supposedly, from my understanding, this happens because the side facing the earth is subject to stronger gravitational forces than the side facing away, and thus it's pulled toward the earth with more force than the other side, causing it to constantly face the earth. whether or not this is actually the truth, I'm not sure, but it doesn't seem suspicious to me.
trump did win the 2020 election
or even better, fake a positive covid test result and say they got omicron when they didn't. then you can say they're naturally immune.
yeah but that could be because you were at least 8 hours late kek
I think you'd be surprised by some of the typos I've seen (and made) lmao
I just don't understand how someone literally makes a thread literally reminding people to not be divisive and everyone gets mad over it XD
the thing is whether or not a term was coined by the rothschilds it doesn't change the fact that there's people in the world that legitimately believe that all jews are evil, inferior, etc. same with racism, it doesn't matter what the origin of the term is or how it's abused by the left. the fact is it's a THING and it harms one of our major goals which is to unite people instead of divide them.
shills maybe?
can we get a sticky on this please lmao?
didn't the military announce some "super vaccine" or something? is there a release date on that? I've seen some theories floating around here about that a while back and if it happens to release on the same day of this Q drop that would suggest it's actually a good vaccine (or a cure for bad ones even)
well ight then lmao. sorry for being so hostile earlier btw, you're right I should be more open minded to things but this is just one of those things that just seems so out of there that it's hard for me to even approach the idea that it might be true. thanks for understanding and being respectful unlike my sorry ass.
it's still worth tho kek
yeah, we totally couldn't just EMP the fuck out of them or anything and render them completely useless lmao...