same it sucks
your limb is safe
I updooted for your optimism however I don't think the 5'3" 300 lbs are ready for their awakening yet and sadly that s a huge part of the country.
my balls are precious purple
fucking hell. I might just follow you into battle with this war chant... Echoes of Patton, pede
I thought we all shared this idea already
ba dum bish
prodigious contributing 'pede
start ((here)) then roll up all of their sycophants to present day
your jib, I like the cut of
I like you but let's not rush their suffering. Let's take our time......... in minecraft
1st instinct as well
fuck they're stupid
im jonesing for some drawn and quartered action. it needs to be demonic level punishment to discourage this for the next 1000 generations
hopeful ep 10 ties it all together... tv definitely a waste of time but I cannot lie, I love dystopian narratives. I feel that it is preparing us for the inevitable
being closed minded is also not helpful. One of Q's fundamental tenets is to think for yourself
Jordan Maxwell was a big part of my awakening
his indomitable will to preserve and advance his peoples quality of life: hats off to a true motherfucker............... beloved GEOTUS DJT has the exact same mentality........... I love a true OG
it's gonna be a weird civil w@r, ain't it?
adams echoing every American born citizen.... funny how that works when faced with the horrifying reality of the communists actions
im sick of this sadducee monkey