ghostclown 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah, I think he might have not been in danger which would explain why he never acted like he was in danger.

ghostclown 0 points ago +1 / -1

My whole premise is that it WAS an inside job. But also that Trump was never in danger. I think you probably missed my point. That's fine. Who has time to read these days?

ghostclown 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not smart enough to know, but to my eye it often looks like the Left is being worked liked a puppet to look absolutely ridiculous.

ghostclown 0 points ago +1 / -1

You could believe that narrative but to use it to explain the situation, you would have to believe this: In the moment before he was shot, Trump and the SS in his vicinity believed the venue was safe. Then, upon being shot, Trump and the SS in his vicinity quickly come to realize the venue is very unsafe. In the minute that Trump was taking cover behind the podium he and the SS around him received information that there was definitely only one shooter and the shooter was dead and the venue is now 100% safe. They would all have to absolutely trust that information even though their trust had just been betrayed by the same sources in the last 60 seconds. Then they would all feel comfortable casually exposing Trump's head to further attacks as he stops for two photo ops on his way to the vehicle.

Whatever happened that day was a rare and unlikely event. Maybe the above is true.

ghostclown 2 points ago +2 / -0

In order for my theory to be true (which it may not be), I don't think Trump's ear took a bullet (at least not at the rally). Furthermore, it would be impossible that any rally attendees would have been hit with bullets intended for Trump. Believing that these elements were somehow faked or misunderstood is not impossible but I fully acknowledge it is going to be a stretch. For example, Trump could have his ear damaged or shot under controlled circumstances after the rally--after all, at some point we are going to see the damaged ear with the bandages off. And as for the rally goers who were shot it's possible they were crisis actors and it's possible they were DS actors who were neutralized by Patriots. (I'm aware this is very sensitive due to the loss of life at the rally and I don't mean any disrespect to real victims and their families.)

But even though it would be a stretch to explain away these apparent gunshot wounds the alternative if the necessity to explain away how nonchalant Trump and the SS around him were behaving immediately after the shooting. They all behaved as if there was no danger or that they were 100% confident the danger had passed. Any explanations of this are going to be a stretch as well.

Maybe it was divine intervention. Maybe it was magic. Maybe Trump had a high-tech secret technology force field. I'll acknowledge these are possibilities but using them to explain the events is also a stretch.

ghostclown 10 points ago +10 / -0

This is a Trump ad. Makes me want to vote for Trump.

ghostclown 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you rule out bumbling incompetence on the part of the SS and FBI then you must look for a second shooter (or multiple shooters). If elements within the SS and FBI (and local law enforcement) conspired to allow this kid to take the shot then that is already treason. If you have the resources of the SS and FBI and you're already conspiring to commit treason then you're not going to risk leaving the whole point of the crime in the hands of an unstable, untrained kid. You wouldn't put the kid there to take the shot; he would only be there to take the blame. Meanwhile you would have to know that a trained professional was there to take the shot. Otherwise you wouldn't be willing to take on the liability of being exposed for treason.

ghostclown 3 points ago +3 / -0

But there's no way to tell for sure if he supports Trump.

ghostclown 4 points ago +4 / -0

Could be that the DS is surprised that JB isn't stepping down. They are just now finding that he was never under their control. Could be.

ghostclown 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not everyone remembers this but, just as there were "conspiracy theorist" rumors during his 2020 campaign that Biden was showing early signs of dementia, there were the same rumors during 2016 that Hillary was showing early signs of dementia. The word "dementia" came up during both campaigns. Isn't that funny that the Dems would run two in a row with dementia. Anyway, I guess Hillary got better.

ghostclown 35 points ago +35 / -0

Come on. This is way too ridiculous. Trump is running this show.

ghostclown 8 points ago +8 / -0

Who is to say what is "income" for that matter.

ghostclown 2 points ago +2 / -0

It would be funny if DJT didn't get the GOP nomination and he had to be written in as well. It has a appealing symmetry.

ghostclown 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed. I haven't seen anything more dramatic than usual yet.

I'm reminded of the baby formula shortage from a couple of years ago. You couldn't get it for a while, very short supply. But now it's back to normal I believe.

ghostclown 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, I'm not going to try to pretend I know what's going on. But I think if ever there a move to provide us with a healthy food supply, we might see also at some point the destruction of the old food supply.

ghostclown 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sounds like you want to start a fight with vegans.

ghostclown 6 points ago +7 / -1

There is a long running narrative amongst "conspiracy theorists" that the food supply has been corrupted by bad actors.

If I take this as true it becomes unclear to me if apparent attacks on the food supply are supposed to be bad or good.

I mean, obviously we need to eat. But is it "food" that's being destroyed or is it "poison"?

ghostclown 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hey, a lot of people faced a terrible choice between getting vaxed or losing their job while Trump was POTUS last time.

edit: actually I guess that was after Trump.

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