My first instinct was to see them as an infant in the arms of their mother. To think of the suffering of their mother. I didn't want to think of them this way. I wanted to hate them. Deep down, I was separating the evil behavior from the person they were.
Please write more about the "using 440 Hz instead of the 432 Hz" when you have the time. I believe the change in frequencies has to do with the change in our world. We need to get back to pure frequencies to unlock our true potential. Remove the noise.
Hey, it's the used car salesman Doug Townson's Asian brother.
Catholic church was behind resettling Europeans during the civil war. As the men got off the boat, they were sent to a line to sign up for the union side. For the price of 500.00 they could pay another man to take their place. At least that's the story my family told when they immigrated from Germany. If found with a Protestant bible the family was excommunicated. I hope to inherit that bible one day.
If you need that much protection, you must be doing something wrong.