gwerin 3 points ago +3 / -0

I recommend you check out https://nutritiondetective.com for some more info on that! Great information from Dr Garrett Smith

gwerin 8 points ago +8 / -0

Washington state also has similar laws in place where I worked as a nurse for an 11-17yr old inpatient mental health facility. Parents can be cut completely out of the loop on their children's mental health care - but most are told about medications their kids are put on after their kid signs consent forms and ready to discharge home with new prescriptions (child abuse argument if parents don't fill them). As for the content of their therapy itself, I don't think that's gone over much with parents, if ever. There's nothing parents could do to fight it because it could be used as fuel to the fire of why their kid needs to stay longer away from their "controlling" parent(s). Meanwhile, kids learn new methods to manipulate their parents and the system to get what they think they want. It's absolutely atrocious.

gwerin 1 point ago +1 / -0

that's one way to pay your debt to society

gwerin 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is what I understood of what garbage was spewing from his mouth. I might be off in a few spots, but that's the gist:

I mention our names like ms Merkel uh even uh Vladimir putin and so on zey all have been young global leaders of world economic forum but um what we are really proud of now is ze young generation like uh prime minister Trudeau uhm president of brasi-uff wah argentina and so on so if we penetrate ze cabinets so yesterday I was at a, at a reception forum and I would know zat half of zes cabinet or even more half of uh half of zes cabinets are for our actually young global leaders of world economic forum

gwerin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think there would be a lot of exceptions. I don't want kids, but I have over 32 nieces and nephews and some are now married and having kids of their own. You don't have to be a parent to put a child's needs before your own. Just morality, ethics, empathy, and common sense. And it's not like others on the school boards would all be without children, so you'd still be getting differing perspectives and input.