Caaaaaarl! Shooting people kills them!
He's probably training with Space Force for the jump backwards to kill the people who try to kill Hitler so that an even worse future doesn't unfold
Danijela Trejo
Now I want lemonade
Exxon taking the red pill? I'll believe it when I see evidence of pattern. More likely that their bottom line was heavily impacted and they need MAGA money.
As I go howlin' merrily along
Her claim is that Florida is pushing the stripping of the tax status because they don't like what Disney has to say about their K-3 bill, which isn't completely wrong.
What she's neglecting to mention is that this is just the final straw in a series of really poor decisions by Disney.
I don't know about everyone else, but I smash handfuls of red pills daily and I've never felt more clear in my life!
Darn, I was hoping Trump would have some juicy meetings that SS wouldn't track on WH logs.
A plant to undermine Disney? Or a plant to undermine moral America?
Fucking time-deniers
Their giant V8s cause climate change, they were all defunded according to the 2030 agenda
Shh your parents might find out. You can't tell them or it's literally violence!
7 mil, 3 civ
No no we want to send commies to the sun, not to the moon!
The Founders are wise!
It's time to have an honest discussion about ending Communism
We've got the best chemicals, like bleach! Drink it now.
I thought it sounded a little commsy. All of a sudden this random Chinese person starts spitting hot fire? Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
Although I gotta admit, I am amused.
I find the best way to keep sane in the information war is to stay 40,000ft up.
I wish I had more than "you're watching a movie" but to postulate on the what-ifs is to invite circular logic into your ordered hall.
They always disappoint, BQ. They're just utterly predictable at it!
It kind of is, they both ignore the same laws and benefit the same small group of people.
This is how I pump myself up every morning before opening GAW