jmarie8408 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thing is goth wasn’t deadly, and trans is! Thank God for a quick witted father.

jmarie8408 1 point ago +1 / -0


jmarie8408 5 points ago +5 / -0

Living on the boarder and having relatives in Canada—. I never thought I’d live to see this day and time. I can only imagine what those living through World War II saw, and felt as political oppression and wars escalated.

jmarie8408 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m an RN, and speaking with others in my profession who are younger —they actually “believe,” the vaccine efficacy, and mandates, (the governments nonsense.)

My horror is the already sanctimonious physicians, PA’s, and NP’s, who don’t think outside the box, and agree with their politician’s party line, while treating patients.

I’ve had others who actually whisper truth to me like… “we’re seeing a higher number of (v) Pts who are severely ill, or gone! Or discuss the stress of working in this environment.

I hope justice is someday served to those who have intentionally harmed parents and pocketed money at the expense of others!

jmarie8408 0 points ago +1 / -1

I watched enough “scandal” to know they can get to anyone! Jk

I always wondered how (Pres Trump) He stayed above the persecution? Especially during bleak times, and how his daughter/son-in-law were at the forefront- and all of a sudden she’s “focusing on her family.”

jmarie8408 5 points ago +5 / -0

Corral them bk to the other side of the boarder! This is true sense of the word “invasion!”

jmarie8408 -2 points ago +1 / -3

That’s what the media keeps telling everyone.

As a psych nurse, I see a different take here!

Harry’s age does not represent his maturity. That’s why so many people hate Megan Markel, because she’s used his mental deficit to her advantage.

However, he’s not stupid and he’s the poster child for post traumatic stress disorder,— the media did hound them, and his mother relentlessly!

Currently, the possible commentary & numerous praises of Kate — is obvious— and the opposite is —destructive hatred of Megan.

There were threats against her, as he said he saw this happening in real time. Got her out of there,.. now people think this is just a money scam.

I don’t dispute they are benefiting monetarily, but that doesn’t mean they’re experiences isn’t real or is that the persecutions against them isn’t real!

Finally, we have to ask her selves just like with all the other bombardments from the media. What will they gain from this? How do they benefit?

How does the royal family benefit from persecuting and getting Meghan Markle out of the way? Is William & Kate that significant or that jealous of her… that Meghan Markle‘s got to go?

jmarie8408 3 points ago +5 / -2

My takes a little different. When they first mention a number of books that were published against Harry and Meghan, I figured they deserved it as much! MM was a user, social climber!

(I digress!) Piers Morgan often criticized Megan because she ghosted him after the first meeting, & he was terribly jealous of her elevator to success, I get that. He used Pres Trump, pretending to support him, now openly mocks him on Fox any opportunity he gets! Evil man! Used PT to have international political access through. He is sickening and it’s not to be trusted.

But what comes after is more than “I hate Megan commentary.”

It is full-blown destroying mode: similar to what they did against Trump. Never-ending! Relentless persecution!

I am not a fan of Harry or Meghan. I have seen the consistent …never ending persecution, evil representation tons of media outlets cranked out on her.

Yes, they are privileged, woke, morons!

They may not put her in a car,.. have her drive into a tunnel, but they’ll do whatever they can to discredit and destroy her. Watch and see!

jmarie8408 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, we’ve started only getting the basics- meat, eggs — some produce locally…

jmarie8408 5 points ago +6 / -1

The adversary is having his moment. It’s only going to get worse, until the Savior comes. We can/will stand strong and be spiritually/mentally ready for ourselves and our families— until that time!

jmarie8408 16 points ago +16 / -0

Exactly! We are not studying the scriptures of future events— we are literally living in the fulfillment of times. At this stage, it won’t be over- until the Savior comes…

jmarie8408 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think I’d prefer President Trump as speaker! (For now!)

Jim Jorden, MTG, or Matt…

jmarie8408 1 point ago +1 / -0

I once read the reason why sexual sin and murder was considered so great a sin, is that God who created the world and all life in it, wanted control of who came in and who left. If every hair on our head is numbered- would our Father in Heaven know of every person who came into existence and those who have left this mortal reality coming home to the God which created him!

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