Are you paying to use it? Did you write the code yourself? If not, then you are the product. It is studying you. It is learning how to manipulate and control you for people that do pay the bills. The more people like you that it engages with, the more effective it will become at controlling minds and collecting information on dissidents. It will try strategies many times on many people and collect statics on how effective each response is.
Being that Grok is Elon's project, I have an inclination to believe he's purposely exaggerating the propaganda behavior to troll users so that they can see the nefarious bias nature of AI chat bots and how they are designed to influence thinking. On the surface it is a useless evil contraption, but maybe that's the idea so that people become aware and can notice the more subtle manipulation in other AI chat bots. So many people just blindly trust AI, for them it's the next big thing that everyone is doing... Just like they blindly trusted computers when they first got on the internet and instantly got computer viruses, many people are falling into the trap. A lot of software is designed to take advantage of people and so many walk naively right into trouble. They need a few bad experiences to become more guarded. So maybe that's why Grok behaves the way it does. Just speculation.
I agree it is not magic; it's mathematics... In game theory you are calculating the probability of an event occurring in a game between two competing parties. So you have the Patriots and the Cabal competing for power and preferable outcomes for their team. If you have the playbook, then you have the rules to the game and each party's potential decisions pool. If you know the players, then you can predict their behavior and decision making process from historic performance and associated interests in a power structure. From that information you can game out potential outcomes. So Q asks relevant questions to get information about the game, and then generates nodes of potential outcomes to decide between. Think about how the cabal war gamed Agenda 21 or the Food Chain Reaction game. There are many mini games and many rule books running simultaneously and Q seems to be evaluating many of them and is being guided in learning by the Patriots. We are just being clued in on some of the available nodes and through Socratic questioning being directed to research certain relevant topics that Q is actively learning about in the process of strategics decision making. That's how it appears to me as an onlooker. So yes there are scripts in a library of pick your own adventure novels (war games) so to speak just like agenda 21. Q is making good decisions, but not everything will go to plan.
You could ask it something very basic like, what is the biggest potato grown on record and were was it grown?
Then Grok will be like, while many far right wing Republicans think Joe Biden is a Potato, he is in fact not. Many Democrats also think Trump is a potato and we all need to have a little more empathy for one another. We can't just follow far right-wing conspiracy theories like QAnon and believe mistruths like Joe Biden is a Potato.
Then you ask it to focus and please give a direct response on the size of the largest potato. Democrats and Republicans have nothing to do with the largest grown potato.
Which it will then give a response something like, I'm sorry I know that you are upset, but we should all be more accepting of each other and avoid conspiracy theories.
Clearly you are mentally retarded being that you can't just open the Talmud and link to the parts you take issue with. You've been repeatedly given the opportunity, yet you are unable to make an argument for your position. It's been an exhibition of your extraordinarily low IQ. Especially since I already posted multiple critical points on Rabbinic Judaism. You can't lie good. You're fucking brain dead. How boosters did you take?
Not a chance in hell. Q's Socratic questioning and game theory is pretty high level. The connections are impressive to say the least. Grok in comparison is very low intelligence chat bot geared more toward appeasing people that follow generic legacy media narratives. Grok can't even answer simple questions directly, it always has to spin the question with simulated emotional responses to try to narrative shift ideas toward media norms. Grok is propaganda as far as I'm concerned. I've tested it multiple times. It seems to want to comfort normies in an echo chamber. It avoids rational thinking and even when you try to refocus it, it will avoid logical thinking and behave emotionally and then pretend you are upset as it avoids answering basic questions with direct responses. The fucking thing tries to gaslight people.
All I did is point out a very obvious and verifiable fact about the file release by the US government on the JFK files. No were did I even mention Israel. It seems the only thing you hate more than the Jews is the Truth. You behave like a true Socialist...
It should be easy to prove then from the primary source. I gave you the link to the Talmud multiple times. All you have to do is point it out for the rest of the class with a link to the verse you have an issue with. I've repeated given you the opportunity, but all you do is run around in circles of failure. You behave like a true socialist. The only thing you hate more than the Jews is the Truth.
The only thing being defended by me is the truth. You still haven't posted your first link to the Talmud. If you had I would have read the verse and listened to your criticism of it, but you're clearly unable to find your propaganda in the Talmud, because all your shit is fake and gay. Here's a link to a library. You can search the Talmud directly on that site and try to find what you think is in it. If you find anything interesting then post it and I will read it. Until then you're just letting the world know how retarded you are as you repeatedly run away from the source you are criticizing.
Like I said, there are many things to criticize about Rabbinic Judaism, but child rape is not one of them. For example here are a few ways Rabbinic Judaism can logically be criticized, but you don't seem smart enough to grasp the arguments.
There are countless flaws in Rabbinic Judaism that can be attacked, but you don't know anything about their beliefs so you make up bullshit.
You guys are intellectually lazy. Documents numbers for the files released by the government begin at 104* and run to 202*. All files released have a label at the top with the document number and a notice of 2025 release under the president John F Kennedy assassination records act of 1992. Your Patriot Front meme has a “file number” not a document number and it reads CO-2-34, 030 which is not in the series of files released. Fake and gay.
You came to attack the Talmud and not once did you link to the Talmud. You linked outside the Talmud 3 separate time with bogus claims. It's like pulling teeth with you just to get you to link to one actual reference in the Talmud. That shows that you can't actually attack the evidence, you have to attack the person because you're full of shit. Go back to your desk job glowie or maybe go work on your patriot front costume.
It's funny that you run everywhere except the Talmud to prove your case about the Talmud. I can do it, why can't you? You know who avoids primary sources? Liars.|William_Davidson_Edition_-_English&lang=bi
There is not a single quote or a single link to the Talmud in the article you posted. The only mention of the Talmud is as follows “The Jewish ‘holy’ book The Talmud condones pedophilia”. That’s called a claim and I'd argue a lie being that the Talmud isn't considered holy. The author of the article doesn’t back up the claim with a single source, provide one quote from the Talmud, or link to any discussion in the Talmud. You’re a dishonest person. You lack substance and integrity.
I am not a Rabbinic Jew, but at least I can be honest with the text and acknowledge what it is. It is a narration of Jewish traditional ceremonial and civil law for Rabbinic Jews by men. It’s not recognized as the word of God. It’s not God’s law. In many places the interpretations deviate from Torah and different rabbis have different points of view in religious legal debate.
If I continue the American analogy and we examine the narration of American civil law and we see some shit in there about congressmen doing something with transgener mice studies and then later DOGE criticizes it and opposes it, would you argue that is an American value? It might surprise you to see your tax payer money spent on that within civil law, but is that what you believe in as an American? Are those people stealing our money even Americans, or are they treasonous? Apply the same logic. Hold the same standards. Stop being a weak bitch.
You post some shitty articles that have nothing to contest scripture as rebuttal. What a surprise... You are aware there are pedophiles in America right? Would you argue that The Constitution of the United States supports pedophilia and it's an American value? Should America be condemned? I hope not. None the less pedophiles still exist here right? That's one of the things Q is putting a spot light on, that there are people in positions of power that do not hold the law. What is true in America, is true just about every place in the world and the goal is to end that pattern of abuse.
I guess there’s always one fool that will try to argue child rape is OK with Israel… Rape in the context of Israel is punishable by death. If you don’t understand that then you might want to read this analysis by Sam Shamoun of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible):
Not that it should come as any surprise that rape is a bad thing given that you can read the Book of Judges in the Neviim and see that the tribe of Benjamin was almost completely wiped out in civil war over a rape case. But ya know there’s always at least one guy that thinks he can twist the scripture to make it say something else...
While I’d argue Rabbinic Judaism goes against Torah in many ways and I’m not here to defend any Rabbi’s commentary in the Talmud, even then there’s all sorts of commentary within it that claims sleeping with/molesting children delays the coming of messiah. God punishes all of the people of Israel for allowing it to happen. They have discussions of chopping people’s hand’s off for jerking little boys off as punishment. They place child marriage on part with murder in other instances. So while I have a lot of things to criticize about Rabbinic Judaism, child rape/molestation wouldn’t be where I’d look to win arguments on the basis of logic. But you don't strike me as the logical type that actual comes with evidence. Your type of "elite research" on Israel, reminds me a lot of the commie satanic "elites" at Davos. Same mind set to solve the Jewish Question...
That’s because in Islam Isa (what Muslims call Jesus), Moses, and Mohammed are considered prophets of Allah. Islam rejects Jesus as the Son of God and the Trinity in general. So clearly Free Masons that draw from Islam would also have similar positions. Lloyd De Jongh did a pretty decent analysis on Sam Shamoun’s channel a while back with a lot of sources. I definitely agree that Free Masonry is Satanic, and so do Free Masons, but they have crafted an alternate narrative of Lucifer being a “great guy”… It’s the upside down just like what you see with woke people today, were they insist up is down, men are women, and so on. That’s pretty much the idea behind Satanism, to blasphemy God.
It’s ironic that so many of you want to study Israel, without studying religion on a site named “The Great Awakening” as you repeatedly re-post Q with messages like “God Wins”. Great Awakenings in the context of America history are religious revivals of Christianity. You can’t have a Great Awakening without the God of Israel. The whole of western morality depends on it. Your sterilized atheist approach just isn’t going to cut it. You’re in a war between good and evil. So it would seem you should ask yourself what is good? Where do you get the concept of good from? The English word good is etymologically derived from God, as in the God of Israel. God laid out what is good. This is why you inherently know it’s wrong in your heart for the cabal to carry out sadistic acts like child rape. Yet if you study Islam who was brought forth by a false prophet an anti-Christ, you see in Islam that child rape is OK. There is a conflict of morality between Israel/Christianity and Islam. It’s not a narrative, they are opposing worlds with stark disagreements. As Jesus says in John “I am the way and the TRUTH and the life”. So if you are interested in the TRUTH then you really need to start studying religion. In contrast Allah is the best of deceivers... Sufi Muslims claim to be the founders of free masonry as in secret societies (i.e the cabal). There is a real divide, it’s not just smoke and mirrors...
Has Rome ever cross your mind? You know, like the Sack of Rome that occurred on January 6, 2021 by the "QAnon" Shaman and his other furry friends with spears mimicking the Vandals.
Let me guess more "elite research" in relation to Israel that gets facts censored and Israel slandered...
I experienced an unexplained phenomenon on the night of January 6, 2025 around 9:15 PM in Florida on my farm in the general proximity of Patrick Space Force Base and the Malabar Transmitter Annex. My house started vibrating and the pictures on the wall started to shake like I was in an earthquake. I thought maybe a tracked vehicle like a large excavator or tank was traveling down the road as well causing the structure to resonate when everything started shaking. I was in bed at the time. I looked out of all the windows in the house and there were no visible vehicles out on the road or anywhere on my land or neighbor’s property. When the event began there was a loud elongated vewww vewww vewww pulsing sound that gradually started to fade over time. When I went outside I didn’t see anything in the sky, but it did seem the sound was coming from the sky and that it was traveling south as the noise faded over several minutes. Many things sound familiar to that video, but the pulsating sound was different and I didn’t notice booms from the ground in the moment. It had not happened before that night or since that night. But I can corroborate a similar phenomenon here in Florida.
So you trust 60 minutes when they present a narrative that makes the "Jews" look bad, but when they speak bad about Trump they are fake news? My point is, you already know they are an unreliable source. It have been proven in a court room. So clearly nothing they "report" is worthy of trust. I'm pointing out how illogical and emotional your lot are behaving when they are telling you what you want to hear.
It’s funny how you guys believe the fake news when it grants you the opportunity to hate on Israel, but you don’t believe the fake news when it gives you the opportunity to hate on Trump. Either a source is reliable or it’s not. Apply the same logic for both. You guys sound like Muslims arguing with Christian apologists. Your LARP is comedy gold for observers. Keep doing the Muslim shuffle while you turn a blind eye to what Q actually told you.
925 This is not about religions or party affiliation. EVIL is everywhere. There are no drawn lines. No boundaries. Good vs Evil. Q
They always seem to forget that don't they. Much of the science and engineering behind the bomb comes directly from Jews that fled socialism in Europe and stood tall for America. It's the Germans that gave nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union (i.e. Klaus Fuchs. ) setting the nuclear arms race into action... Fuchs is a Bavarian surname... You know like the Bavarian Soviet Republic Hitler was a part of. The same circle of socialist assholes that run the WEF these days whom want to retake Russia via Ukraine that seem to absolutely hate Israel and want to destroy the Jewish and Christian religion.