The side that preaches "love and tolerance" also regularly uses dehumanizing language. How interesting.
This is a casualty of a post truth world. Normies live in a very large bubble of media consensus cracking. Sources are deboonked and dismissed. It is easy to get discouraged. As another here said, normies don't want the truth. They will cling to and defend their comfortable lies.
It's an interesting tech. Omni directional turbines can shave about fifteen percent of the fuel on a trip. No way wind is replacing combustion engines, but it can assist.
The other 2% are lying.
Canadian truckers that didn't get the jab.
Not everyone uses twitter. Joe might have had 50 million actual votes, but not even supporters, just TDS retards and Democrat loyalists.
He would still let himself be pounded by men if his prostate was intact. He's still a fag.
Hate follows are a thing. So would be less votes than that.
His writers check this sight.
Autism is an adaptation for hunting. They can hyper focus to stalk prey, they work well alone. It's normal. It is society that is abnormal.